
August 19, 2018

Summary of last SFV Board Meeting minutes

Summary of Victor Gardens Single Family Board Meeting Minutes 
May 24, 2018
7:00 pm
VG Activity Center

  1. Homeowner Forum:
    • A homeowner informed the board that there are beavers living in the pond behind his house. Josh to notify Master Board.
    • A homeowner shared several concerns: 
      1. Planting of new blvd trees, why are oak trees being planted when previous trees were maple? Some of the newly planted trees look dead. Master Board will be doing a walk through to check. 
      2. A fence hasn’t been stained on the inside, per the ARC requirement. This is in clear view of  other residences. Board to give homeowner more time to do this.
      3. Mowing of the vacant lots? There needs to be a schedule for the mowing. Jody noted that a fews years ago the Master Board had approved a schedule. Jaimeson to contact Colleen Brown. 
      4. Grantaire center circle area needs mulch and weeding. Jaimeson to contact Colleen Brown. 
      5. White ramp structure left on tennis court? Josh has had it removed. 
      6. Home color choices on Val Jean; several homes are painted blue, along with two
        white houses. Who approves these color choices? Josh shared that the recent new build didn’t get ARC approval for the white color choice. The Master board is working on this issue. 
      7. Concerns about weeds in city owned parks. Jaimeson to contact Scott Anderson from the city of Hugo for weed application. 
      8. Yards in the neighborhood looking unkempt, this is disturbing to see.
    • A resident shared concerns regarding the ownership and mowing of the outlot by his residence. This lot has gas pipelines from Koch.
  2. Old Business: 
    • Boulevard Trees (new planting)- Master Board to do a walk through. 
    • Replacement of blvd tree at Poets Green.
    • Vacant lot mowing and maintenance- Jaimeson to contact Colleen Brown 
    • Finalize welcome card for new residents- Jody to contact Colleen Brown to get
      the VG logo and possibility have cards printed. 
  3. New Business: 
    • Website post regarding contractor signs- Mark has posted on the website and on
      Facebook page. 
    • Park requests- Grill- Jaimeson will contact city to get repairs done. Basketball
      ball hoops- city of Hugo has been contacted, will do repairs. Gazebo in Arbre
      Park- this is a city owned park, homeowners need to contact City of Hugo. 
  4. Additional Business: 
    • Poets Green fountain, the structure is leaning in need of repairs. Suggestion was made to remove broken fountain and replace with a large flower pot.- Master Board issue. 
    • Also noted a fence needs to be painted according to ARC application- Board to give more time to complete. 
  5. Master Board will do a neighborhood walk through on June 1, at 7:30 am. 
  6. Next Meeting Date: Thursday August 23, 2018. 7:00 pm VG Activity Center.