
June 22, 2020

Pool Update - 6/22/20

Victor Gardens Community Association’s Board of Directors has been working diligently on a pool reopening plan. In accordance with the State of Minnesota rules, the board is implementing a required plan that should allow for a July 8 opening, hopefully, sooner. The costs of compliance with the state guidelines will be substantial. The board has been taking the time to ensure that our expenses are minimized and well spent.

Our management company, Associa MN, will be hiring pool attendants, aged 18+, as part of this plan. More info on Associa employment will be available soon.

The details of Victor Gardens 2020 pool opening plan will be announced within the next week or so. Residents should expect significant changes to the pool rules, hours of operation, and environment.

- Public health safety is the driving factor of the pool opening plan.
- Victor Gardens residents only. No guests. ID required.
- All resident children must be accompanied by a resident adult aged 18+.
- The pool will be open in 2-hour time blocks Wednesday through Friday 12:00 PM to 8:00PM and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM through 8:00 PM. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
- Each day’s schedule will be broken up into 2-hour time block cycles. After each 2-hour block the pool, pool deck, and building will close for 30-minute cleaning. Everyone must leave after their scheduled block is over. Another 2-hour block starts after a 30-minutes cleaning. This cycle continues throughout the day.
- Residents will reserve their 2-hour time blocks via website signup.
- To enable as many residents as possible to have access to our pool, residents may only sign up for one block each day.
- Resident “walk-ups” will be allowed, but online reservations will receive first priority.
- Associa’s pool attendants and Semper Fi Security will ensure that the new rules, scheduling, distancing, cleaning plan will be followed.
- Capacity will be limited to roughly 40 including the pool, pool deck, and building.
- Signed waiver required for each time block.
- Social distancing will be expected and enforced. Face coverings while not in the pool are strongly recommended.
- Pool toys strongly discouraged.
- Bring your own portable chair. All of Victor Gardens’ chairs, lounges, tables, and umbrellas will be removed to storage.