
June 15, 2020

VG Home Vandalized

Over the past several months, someone has repeatedly defaced the interior of a new single-family home under construction in our neighborhood. It's happened at least four times. Inside the home, they've left dumpster debris and extensive damage. They've scrawled disturbing graffiti and symbols, sending terrible messages to owners building their dream home. This activity has no place in our neighborhood or any other. The Washington County Sherrif's office is investigating. 

No-one should enter any home under construction that does not belong there, including young people or adults. No-one should be digging through or playing around construction dumpsters. 

Victor Gardens is a welcoming neighborhood. We love, respect, and look out for each other. We encourage the success of the small business owners and contractors who build homes here. 

As good neighbors, we ask for your help to protect our neighborhood from this unacceptable behavior. Be vigilant. If you see something suspicious, please call 911 immediately.