
April 9, 2020

Birch resumes work

A message from our master association's landscaping maintenance contractor.

Good Morning, 

We are very grateful and pleased to share that our services are exempt as of today from the “Stay-at-home” order. (State of MN Executive Order 20-33

Although this is a great win, we are still amid a war as our company, families, neighbors, clients, business partners, state, country and world continue to battle COVID_19.

Our staff is returning to the field to continue the spring operations in preparing your landscape for the growing season. Although, mother-nature seems to be taking a step back, with colder temps in the next coming weeks, we will continue our spring landscape operations, while also keeping an eye out for a possible April snow event.

As mentioned before, we will continue to follow the new ‘rules’ in effort to protect the health of our staff and clients while maintaining your landscape in hopes you are able to enjoy our beautiful Minnesota spring and summer. 

You might see some of our staff with “buffs” over their face; don’t be alarmed, this is in effort to do our part to limit the spread of COVID_19. We will also be sending notifications to our clients letting them know when we will be onsite. These along with several other rules we have in place we are able to work in a safe and healthy manner.

From all of us to all of you, we wish you well and looking forward to seeing you outside (from 6 feet away).

Stay Safe. 

Please contact me with any comments, questions or concerns.

Kris Birch | President