
June 6, 2020

Food Drive Today

The Hugo Boy Scout Troop 151 is holding a FOOD DRIVE TODAY, Saturday, June 6th from 9 am - 3 pm.

No-contact drive-through DROP OFF on June 6th at the St. John's the Baptist Church parking lot, 14363 Forest Blvd N in Hugo.

We are collecting monetary donations and non-perishable food items. All money donated will be used to purchase food for the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf!

PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD. We want to FILL THE FOOD SHELVES to help our neighbors! Support the efforts of your local Boy Scouts Troop! Thank you in advance!

June 5, 2020

Grad Parade today at 6:30pm

Today the White Bear Lake 2020 seniors are graduating!

At 6:30 PM there will be a parade of Victor Gardens graduating seniors will be parading through the neighborhood. Please feel free to wave and congratulate them on your porches or sidewalks as they pass by.

The parade will end at the park pavilion in the front of the neighborhood. Anyone who would like to wish these students well from a socially acceptable distance is welcome to stop by!