
August 5, 2022

Welcome Asher Staton, VG’s new Community Manager

Over the last few weeks, Asher Staton has moved into his new role as Victor Gardens’s Community Manager. He’s supported by a talented team at Associa Minnesota, our Victor Gardens management company. Asher’s many responsibilities include working with our various boards of directors, our architectural review committee, home builders, city officials, vendors, contractors, and homeowners. 

We appreciate our former Community Manager, Phillip McDougle, for his years of service to our neighborhood. We wish Phillip well as he moves on to his career’s next chapter. 

TownSq is Victor Gardens’ official website, managed by Associa. Owners receive important official info, reserve meeting room space, and pay dues on Associa’s TownSq website. Complete your TownSq profile for access to these features. 

Victor Gardens News and its Facebook page includes a lot of valuable and historic information. This site and Facebook is hosted and maintained by long-time VG residents. 

If you have any questions, contact Asher and Associa’s customer service team: or (763) 746-1188.

Asher Staton
Community Manager
Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N., Suite 300
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
(763) 225-6400 – Main
(763) 746-1188  – Customer Service