
September 15, 2022

Sprinkler Winterization

Fall is here and it's time to winterize your irrigation system. Shawn Herman with Classic Lawnscape has been offering our neighborhood a group rate for several years. After 10 years he had to raise prices this year to $60/ lawn (cash or check to Shawn Herman). This group rate is available the weekend of Oct 15 and 16 only. Other times can be scheduled but regular season rates apply.

Tentative route based on numbers from previous years:
Sat morning Poets Green south along Garden way, around Jardin and back up to Arbre. Garden way north around Cossette to finish out Saturday. Valjean, Everton and Provence are typically Sunday afternoon.

Please contact Shawn directly with questions or to sign-up.
Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape
Call/ text 612-366-6088