
April 24, 2007

Other News and Questions from the Annual Meeting

During the Annual Meeting, Homer Tompkins updated residents on misc. V.G. news:

Retail Construction: 

  1. New retail building currently under construction on the South side of Frenchman Road, East of Victor Hugo Blvd.

  2. A new bank is also planned for the area on the South side of Frenchman Road, West of Victor Hugo Blvd.

Click here for a (very rough) retail construction map.

Residential Construction:

  1. In Victor Gardens East, 31 Ryland Single Family Homes are planned in addition to 29 Pratt Villas which are slated to be built on the Southern portion of the site.

  2. David Bernard will be building townhomes on the current site of the Land Office.  The Land Office is in the process of being removed and the site will be leveled to prepare for the new building.  The Garden area will remain in place.


Responsibility for Park maintenance within Victor Gardens will be turned over to the City of Hugo.  The City has requested that the Homeowner’s Associations provide mowing for 1 additional year during the transition. 

Click here for Park Turnover Notes PDF.

Spring Neighborhood Walk-Through:

Mr. Tompkins suggested a walk through should be scheduled to address various issues.

During the Annual Meeting, many good questions were raised by residents.  In the weeks ahead I’ll update this site on the resolution of some of these issues.  I’ll begin working with Gina Higgins, our Community Manager with Community Development, Inc., Dave Hempel, from Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC) and others.


Here’s a brief list of some of the issues discussed at the meeting, and others that emerged afterward:

  1. Replacement of damaged tables stored at the Activity Center

  2. Need to update website with current info.

  3. Need to update V.G. Community Intranet site with current info.

  4. Landscaping/mowing schedule on unsold lots & outlots.

  5. Tennis Court windscreen needs to be re-attached/repaired

  6. Suggestion of a Tennis Court sign prohibiting rollerblades, skateboards, and bicycles.  These items cause damage to the court’s surface.

  7. Repair needed for Tennis Court door latch.

  8. Suggestion of permanent “Children at Play”, and/or speed limit signs on a few key streets.  

  9. Adding a drinking fountain to Arbre Green Park.

  10. Repairing drinking fountain in Val Jean Park.

  11. Replacing Community Director with newly formed Activities Committee.  Committee Chairperson must be approved by Board of Directors to use budgeted funds.

  12. Review of snow removal methods & procedures

  13. Removal of tree-protecting tape and orange (snowplow guide) sticks.

  14. Review of holiday lighting contracts.