
April 25, 2007

New Liaisons Elected

Last night, at the Victor Gardens Annual Meeting, I was selected as your new Victor Gardens Single Family Association Liaison to the Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors.  Michelle Doble previously held this Liaison position.  Charles Kirk was re-elected as as the V.G. Gables Association (Townhomes) Liaison.  As planned, the transition of developer control to our homeowner's associations continues.  As part of this transition, the two Liaisons will now be voting members of Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors.

I'd like to express thanks to Michelle Doble, our previous Liaison, for all of her work to promote and improve our vibrant and welcoming neighborhood.  She's been an advocate for us on issues large and small.  Thanks Michelle! 

As your new Liaison, I'll do my best to keep you updated on Victor Gardens news and work with you to answer questions about our neighborhood. In addition to group emailings, I will maintain this website which will contain news relevant to V.G. Single Family Village homeowners. This site doesn't replace the "Victor Gardens Community Intranet" site.  It's really meant to supplement the Intranet site with more frequent, relevant information.  

Homeowners at the Annual Meeting raised questions on important issues.  I'll work to address these concerns with CPDC, Community Development, Inc. and the Board of Directors.  If you have anything you'd like to add to my list, please let me know.  
