
September 27, 2007

CPDC Identifies SFV Areas Affected by Defaulted Loans

Homer Tompkins, CPDC’s President, has clarified which areas in Victor Gardens Single Family Village (SFV) that will be affected by CPDC’s defaulted loans.  Mr. Tompkins wrote me yesterday, “CPDC owns the remaining lots in Phase 1 (14 lots) that are not in default... we currently own the 29 lots in Victor Gardens East”  Those 29 are the lots that CPDC hasdefaulted on.

The terminology can be a little confusing, with map location identifiers like “Victor Gardens East”, and the various “Additions” and “Phases”.  I’ve put together a map that may help to generally identify the SFV areas Mr. Tompkins described.  

blue section = phase 1 (14 lots currently not in default)

orange section = phase 2 (29 lots currently in default)

yellow section = status unknown (by Mark V. at this time)

teal section = owned by Ryland Homes & Pratt (not affected)

green section = owned by Mr. Douglas Martinson, a Hugo resident with no current plans to sell to developers.