
September 26, 2007

Ladies Night Out Begins October 4

This announcement from Jody Schwab:

For the month of October these are the details:

  1. Date: Thursday, October 4

  2. Meet: Washington Square , in downtown WBL

  3. Time:  6 pm (or come late)

  4. RSVP: e-mail  no later than Monday October 1.

A side note about LADIES NIGHT OUT…. All “chicks” from the Victor Gardens “hood” are invited.  We will meet the 1st Thursday of every month, unless otherwise noted.  Location and time will be determined at the previous month’s gathering.  We are flexible and open to doing “just” about “anything”!  Questions can always be directed to me.  Work# 651-266-9500, Cell # 651-246-9503.   CAUTION!!  We are not responsible for Chick’s behaving badly!  Just enjoying the EVENING!
