
February 22, 2008

Master Association Dues Likely to Increase 25%

Victor Gardens Board of Directors and Community Development, Inc. are working on a final 2009 budget for the Victor Gardens Community Association (the master association).  Earlier this week, two proposals were examined by the Board.  It was determined that more was required in the reserve fund to maintain the growing number of VGCA’s amenities.   Dave Hempel listed a few of those amenities and their expected maintenance schedules:  

1.  2- Gazebos ( Provence and Flora Way)                            $15,000             2008             25 yrs

2.  2- Gazebos painting ( Provence and Flora Way)                  $3,000            2008               7 yrs

3.  2- Gazebos roofing ( Provence and Flora Way)                    $4,000             2008             25yrs

4.  VG North Clock Tower (Roundabout at Rosemary Way)      $20,000            2006             25yrs

5.  Replace clock                                                                  $2,700             2006             10 yrs

6.  VG North Clock Tower painting                                           $3,000             2006             7 yrs

7.  VG North Clock Tower roofing                                            $6,000             2006             25 yrs

8   Add 2 more irrigation systems - Provence and Flora Way

  1. * Future Grantaire Lane irrigation and postal stations also figure into reserve fund calculations.  Maintenance of the proposed foot bridge across Clearwater Creek will be the responsibility of the City of Hugo.

A final 2009 Single Family Village budget has been approved.  It reflects a 25% increase in the amount that the SFV pays to the VGCA.   Therefore, it’s very likely that the Board will approve a 25% increase in VGCA dues for all of the sub-associations.  

In the near future the Board will likely release a final 2009 VGCA Budget.  When it is finalized, it will be posted with the others on the Financials page.

Single Family Village Assn. Turnover Also Planned

The turnover threshold has apparently been met in the Single Family Village with the recent purchase by The Beard Group of 26 lots in VG East. According to Chuck Schneider, of Community Development, Inc. (our master association and Single Family Village association’s management company), the Single Family Village will be turned over to SFV residents at the upcoming Annual meeting.   

He wrote: 

Regarding the single family association it would be our intent to turn that association over the same night.  Mostly likely after the Master turnover meeting.  The single family turnover should be very simple as that Association has very little responsibility.”  - Chuck Schneider

February 20, 2008

Proposed Budget for 2008-2009

Our master association’s management company, Community Development, Inc. has drafted two proposed budgets for the current Board of Directors to consider.

Gina Lampe, our Community Manager with Community Development, Inc. sent me a copy of each of the proposed budgets.  The two budgets project next year’s expenses, revenues, reserves, etc. for our master association, the Victor Gardens Community Association.  Each also addresses unpaid vendor invoices from previous years.

The Board of Directors will consider these proposed budgets, and likely make some modifications before a final 2008-2009 budget is set.   Please keep in mind that these are not final budgets, but proposals for the Board of Directors to consider. 

Each of the proposals call for an increase in annual dues to the master association.  The proposed increases are substantial, and vary depending on the level of homeowner involvement in a few key areas.  Please see Mrs. Lampe’s comments on the proposed budgets below:

“Attached are version 1 & version 2 of the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year.  Version 1 has an increase of 15% for annual assessments and is based on the association members providing for some of the responsibilities such as minor maintenance of common elements, activity center reservations, management of vendors, etc.

Version 2 is based on a 25% increase, which is the maximum increase with out a vote of the members.  Each budget has an excess of revenue over expenses to start paying off the aged payables”.   - Gina Lampe

Master Association Turnover Moves Forward

As mentioned before in the VGCA Board Meeting Notes,  the turnover of the master association (the Victor Gardens Community Association) was discussed at the last Board meeting.  Dave Hempel has now confirmed that Homer Tompkins has approved the transfer of the VGCA to residents.  Members of the Board Advisory Group have been aware of this proposal, and are currently investigating the details.  Mr. Hempel’s email also confirmed that the Architectural Review Committee would still remain under the control of the developer, CPDC - POA-Sherer.  An excerpt of Mr. Hempel’s email:

“... follow up on the question of turnover of the Victor Gardens Master HOA to residents, Homer has approved of the transfership of Master HOA to the residents. Please prepare the appropriate paperwork to achieve this as well as schedule meeting.  The developer, (CPDC - POA-Scherer) however, would still retain ARC control in VG.”  - Dave Hempel

Maintenance Update: Snow Removal

Over the last few weeks I received questions about lack of snow removal services in some parts of the neighborhood.  I passed those questions along to Gina Lampe, and she was able to follow up. She’s also forwarded the relevant details of the contract which you can see listed below. A map of the service area can be found on the Maps page.

To simplify the process of checking AC Land’s work, I’ve volunteered to help verify that the work is being completed as contracted.  If residents see something isn’t done according to the contract (below), please email me, and I’ll follow up.  

- Mark

“I have attached the map that we sent to AC Land in regards to the areas to be serviced.  The board chose to not have the sidewalks around the parks cleared to save on cost.  I've attached the portion of the agreement/contract that states the service areas:”



Snow shall be removed from the following locations:


All sidewalks

Community Center

Bus stops


Mailboxes (to the satisfaction of the Post Master)

Fire hydrants (within 24 hours)

City sidewalk (within 24 hours)


(the foregoing areas are referred to herein collectively as the “Service Area”).


Snow will not be removed from the following locations:


Driveways and driveway aprons

Homeowners’ steps

Any locations on the side or rear of a home (exception being fire closets)

Side yard sidewalks

Side yard garage door entrances