
March 29, 2008

Sump Pump Issue to be Discussed at Annual Meeting

Victor Gardens Groundwater Study Complete.

Residents affected by groundwater, flooding, and sump-pump problems are urged to attend the upcoming April 16 Annual Meeting. 

Hugo’s Development Director Bryan Bear, informed me yesterday that the City had completed it’s groundwater survey in Victor Gardens.  Mr. Bear offered to discuss the results of the survey, and respond to resident questions at the beginning of the Single Family Village’s 6:00PM Annual Meeting on April 16.

The meeting will be held at:

Hugo’s Rice Lake Centre

6900 - 137th St. North  

click here for map & directions

6:00 PM

Board Advisory Group Met with City Staff

Yesterday, members of Victor Gardens’ Board Advisory Group met at City Hall to discuss the proposed turnover of the Victor Gardens Community Association (the master HOA) and the Single Family Village Association.  

The group met to discuss legal and financial issues as homeowners consider assuming control of the two associations.  A punchlist of unfinished developer projects, city projects, and items the Association is responsible for were also discussed.

More specific information will likely be available in the next week or so.

March 28, 2008

Another New Builder?

Here’s an item that someone brought to my attention regarding unsold Victor Gardens Single Family Lots.  It appears that a company, North Country Builders, is offering Victor Gardens lots for sale.   Among their many listings from a variety of neighborhoods is a price list itemizing the remaining unsold lots in the Victor Gardens Single Family Village.  (This doesn’t include Ryland Homes or Pratt’s Creekside Villa areas).  

North Country is not the first company to offer these lots for sale. Last year, CPDC’s alley-loading lots along Victor Hugo Blvd & Cossette Lane were MLS listings found on Edina Realty’s website including illustrations of Hartman Homes.  At this time, it’s unclear whether the North Country Builders website listings are outdated or whether they have a new relationship with CPDC and the Beard Group.    

I have not been informed by CPDC or The Beard Group of any recent news about lot sales efforts or marketing plans. 

To view the North Country listings, click here:

March 24, 2008

Master Association Transition Meeting, April 16 at 7PM

The Victor Gardens Community Association (the master association) will be transitioned at the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Wednesday April, 16 at 7:00 PM

City of Hugo - Rice Lake Centre

6900 - 137th Street North (click for Map)

It is very important that everyone attend this meeting or return your signed proxy so that a quorum can be reached and Members can proceed with the meeting.  Proxies should be mailed in advance of the meeting.

According to the notice,

“The main purpose of this meeting will be to transition the Association from Developer control to Homeowner control and to announce the Directors of the Board of Directors.

The Master Board of Directors will be comprised of one appointed Director from each of the Village Associations.  Other matters concerning the affairs of the Association will also be discussed.

If you have not received your ballots or notices for this meeting, please contact Gina Lampe at (763)225-6438.

Single Family Village Association Transition Meeting April 16, at 6PM

Residents of Victor Gardens Single Family Village Association should have already received notice of the upcoming Transition Meeting.  

Wednesday April, 16 at 6:00 PM

City of Hugo - Rice Lake Centre

6900 - 137th Street North  (click for Map)

According to the notice,

“The main purpose of this meeting will be to transition the Association from Developer control to Homeowner control and to elect directors to serve on the Board of Directors for the Association.”

With the proposed transition, homeowners have the opportunity to make positive changes in our community. There are five Board Positions available to Single Family Residents.   You may nominate yourself or another individual.  If you are nominating another individual, please verify their interest in serving on the Board of Directors prior to filling in their name on the ballot.

The master association’s Transition Meeting will follow at 7:00PM after the Single Family Village Association meeting is completed.

If you have not received your ballots or notices for this meeting, please contact Gina Lampe at (763)225-6438.

Subscribe to Victor Gardens Email Announcements

Feel like you’re not getting enough information on what’s happening in Victor Gardens?  

We’re trying to solve this problem by creating an email subscription system to keep everyone informed.  We ask that ALL residents register and sign up to receive email updates that are important to you.  Visit to register your email address.


    Why have my dues increased?

    Will the Pool open this Summer?

    Why don’t I ever hear about social events?

By registering, you’ll find the answers to these questions and more.

SUBSCRIBE TO THE LISTS THAT INTEREST YOU:     1. Announcements List             Everyone who subscribes to this list will receive:                 Important meeting notices                 Parties & events invitations                 Committee news                 Occasional updates meant for ALL Victor Gardens residents.     2. Town Homes List             Subscribers to this list will receive information relevant to Town Home residents     3. Single Family Homes List             Subscribers to this list will receive information relevant to Single Family Home residents

STAY CONNECTED: Once you’ve registered, your neighborhood representatives will use the subscription lists to keep you informed.  They’ll phase out their old email lists and use email addresses collected by the new system. Of course, your information will be kept private.  It will not be sold or shared.  If you choose not to register, you won’t receive email announcements.

TECHNICAL NOTE: Please keep in mind that this is an all new system.  It does not share information with the old Victor Gardens Intranet Site.  Residents will have to subscribe and set up a new account. Your old Victor Gardens Intranet Site’s user name and passwords will not be recognized by this new database.  Even if you currently receive neighborhood emails, you’ll still need to register with the new site to receive future announcements. 

Thanks to Jason Lanpher, a Victor Gardens homeowner and President of Stealth Networking, Inc. who designed and hosts this new website. 

Please take a few minutes to complete the simple registration process. Soon after you register, your account will be activated. The subscription site's address is: