
October 11, 2008

Single Family Village - Oct. 21 Board Meeting Agenda Available

The Agenda for the October 21 Single Family Village Homeowners Association Board Meeting is now available for download on our resident website's  Single Family Village page.    Information such as meeting minutes and financial documents were updated as recently as yesterday.  
In addition to other important topics on the Agenda, the Board will re-visit the Association's Pet Policy.  This issue has been discussed at the SFV and Master meetings for months.  It appears that a conclusion is likely at the meeting.  The Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board has asked the Single Family Village Association to consider changes to our Pet Policy, which will likely be adopted by the Master Association later.  Our Community Manager, Casey Groff, is in the process of drafting new rules, mainly dealing with the leash control of dogs. The rules are expected to align closely with the relatively new Hugo City Pet Ordinance (link here.) This item has been added to Oct. 21 meeting's agenda.  Residents with opinions about changes to our Pet Policy are asked to speak at the Oct. 21 Board Meeting.  The Board will consider the options, listen to residents, and will likely make a final determination at the meeting.

Meeting starts at 6:00PM, on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at Hugo City Hall.  All SFV residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

October 8, 2008

SFV Board Meeting Minutes & Financials Updated

Single Family Village Board Minutes from the September 4th meeting, and updated financial statements have been added to our Single Family Village page.  

Also, a new Meeting Agenda is being developed in preparation for the upcoming SFV Board Meeting on October 21 (6PM at Hugo City Hall).  The SFV Board hopes to publish the final Agenda in the next few days, to give residents enough notice prior to the meeting.

The agenda is expected to include further discussion of unfinished projects, the Architectural Review process, and discussion of the SFV Pet Policy.  (The Master Association recently encouraged the sub-associations to review their Pet Policies prior to any action taken by the Master Board.)

SFV Sprinkler Blow Out Service - $50 - Scheduled Saturday,Oct.25

This following message is from Tony Schwab, who has been coordinating irrigation winterization services for interested residents.  
"The Sprinkler Blow out is scheduled for Oct 25th Saturday. That will allow those people who have their system in their house or garage to be home, I have seven people so far, The cost is $50.00 even. Check is to be posted at your front door if not home and made out to Shawn Herman. If you are not on the list now you can be added to the list   Cut off will be Oct 22   Thanks, Tony "   
Shawn will also open these in the spring and set your heads if want that service , We will send a message in the early spring.
Thank You 
Tony (651) 429-2000

October 7, 2008

Xcel Plans Another Elevated Electrical Line through Victor Gardens

At the last Hugo City Council Meeting (Oct. 6, 2008) Hugo city staff discussed with Hugo's City Council a new Xcel Energy plan to build an additional electrical feeder distribution line through parts of Hugo.  Xcel plans a (35,000 volt) line to run through parts of Victor Gardens' commercial and town homes areas on 45' tall poles along side the existing elevated power line.  Xcel's existing line can be seen near Kindergardens Day Care Center, Sertino's, Victor Square, our Neighborhood Activity Center, and portions of the Gables Association.
Xcel currently has a utility right-of-way easement along the existing line and wants to construct an additional above-ground electrical line that would run parallel to the existing line.  The City Council was informed by city staff of Xcel's desire to install an above-ground line rather than a more costly buried line.  
The Council discussed Xcel's plan, and voted to direct City staff to immediately begin working on alternative options, such as burying the cables, and other options. This discussion was part of the City Council's Oct. 6 Agenda (New Business Item J-3.  Minutes for the meeting have not been posted to Hugo's website yet, but the discussion is currently able to be viewed on cable subscribers channel 16 (Govt. TV).  
The issue is scheduled to be taken up again at the next City Council meeting.  
UPDATE 10/7/08: 
This afternoon I emailed our Hugo City Council Member, Becky Petryk; City Administrator, Mike Ericson; and Community Development Director , Bryan Bear.  I offered to publish and email any updates to Victor Gardens residents about information updates regarding the progress of this issue.
Council Member Petryk responded quickly to my email and wrote back in part, "This electric line is a very important issue and we will do our best to minimize the impact to our residents. Mike will keep me updated on any meetings and or progress in working out an acceptable solution."    I expect that we will find out more information within the next few days.
- Mark V