
January 28, 2009

New Board Members Elected

Following the announced application process and subsequent discussion - the Single Family Village Board elected Julie Bixby to fill the vacancy following Dan Sjoquist's resignation.  Julie continues to be an active volunteer in our neighborhood.  She has Chaired the Social Committee for the last two years, and is very knowledgeable on the issues that the SFV Board and the Master Board are currently working on.  The Board welcomes Julie and looks forward to working with her.

The Single Family Village Board also elected Michael Warner as its representative to the Master Board.  According to the Bylaws, the SFV is entitled to two representatives.  Mark Vlker also currently represents the SFV on the Master Board.  Michael's transition to the Master Board should be very smooth, since he's knowledgeable of  many of the Master Board's issues already.  He's been a very active volunteer in our the SFV and currently serves as our Association's President.  Master Board members have welcomed Michael, and look forward to including him in Board discussions and Master ARC decisions.

More SFV business was discussed at last night's Board meeting.  Full minutes will be posted on our SFV Association's page in a few days when they become available.