
January 2, 2009

Ryland Homes Requests Amendment to Previous ARC Approval

A few residents have asked Casey Groff and myself about one item in particular on the next master Board agenda.  "Ryland Homes Request for Amendment to Guidelines" I will try to offer a little more background info on this topic.

Ryland Homes requested the Master Architectural Review Committee (ARC) make an amendment to their "blanket architectural approval which limits Type A homes (garage forward) to a maximum of ten lots".  Ryland Homes has requested the amendment due to "current market conditions".  

The Master ARC has the authority to review, approve or reject plans for new buildings.  The blanket ARC approval that Ryland Homes refers to pre-dates our transitioned Master Association.  Victor Gardens developer, CPDC had granted this "blanket approval" in 2006 to specific styles of homes, (Caldwell, Rutherford, and Holmdel) and restricted the number of those homes to ten.

The Master Board, acting as Master ARC, will discuss Ryland Homes' request at the next Master Board meeting on Wednesday,  January 7, 2009.  Residents interested in related historical context can find more information available on the Single Family Village Association page on this website, including early concept drawings of the above-mentioned model homes.  Residents may share their opinions on this or any other issue during the "Resident Forum" held at the beginning of each Board meeting.  

For the full agenda, please follow this link: