October 16, 2009
SFV ARC/Board Meeting Minutes Posted
Minutes for the most recent SFV Board & ARC meetings are now available on our Single Family Village page.
Master ARC Meeting - October 22
The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Community (Master) Association Architectural Review Committee will be held at 6:00pm on Thursday, Oct. 22 at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center.
There currently are no pending applications for the ARC to review. The meeting is expected to be a workshop between Board/ARC members, and a time for the ARC to further develop an architecture and landscape checklist based on the Covenants, Landscape Requirements, and Architectural Design Guidelines.
At this point, it is unclear whether the Board/ARC will open the meeting to homeowners.
SFV Volunteers Needed for Resident Welcome Packet
The Single Family Village Board is looking for talented volunteers to help with a "Welcome Packet" for new (and existing) residents. Years ago, CPDC gave welcoming packets to new residents, and the Board was hoping to revive a good idea, and update it with new information.
Do you have writing, marketing, or publishing talent? Do you have ideas that would be helpful for residents old and new? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mark to volunteer. Thanks!
Mark Youngdahl's Opinion of Centex's Home Plans
For those who have asked to see it, I have shared my copy of the Centex plans for new homes in Victor Gardens' Single Family Village. A few weeks ago, after seeing my copy of Centex's second ARC submission, Josh Berger asked Mark Youngdahl to provide his opinion of the plans. Mr. Youngdahl's firm, Senn & Youngdahl, is one of the founding builders in Victor Gardens' Single Family Village.
During last night's SFV Board/ARC meeting, Josh provided copies of Mr. Youngdahl's written opinion report to the Board/ARC members. The document was placed into the meeting record.
You can view/download copies of the opinion letter by following this link: Youngdahl opinion letter
October 15, 2009
Goetz Landscape Contracted for Snow Removal
The master Board has agreed to hire Goetz Landscape of Centerville for snow removal this winter. The contract includes Victor Gardens sidewalks, postal stations, and bus stops.