
December 29, 2009

Snow Removal Update

Victor Gardens Community (Master) Association Board of Directors and management company, Community Development Inc. is aware of recent snow removal problems. The Master Association is responsible for snow removal within common areas and areas including Victor Gardens Single Family Village. Julie Bixby and I contacted Casey about these problems a few days ago. Presumably Casey Groff, our Community Manager with Community Development Inc., also received reports from homeowners in the last few days. Although her office was closed for a holiday break , Casey spoke with Goetz Landscape by phone. Julie Bixby and I also received emails, phone calls, and a few comments were posted on the website.
Since I hadn't heard any updates, I phoned my contact at Goetz this afternoon. The following was the latest info from Goetz (as of today 12/28/09): Snow removal started in some areas after the storm stopped, but crews ran into heavier than expected snow. When the City plow came through the snow on the streets ended up on the sidewalks and froze solid. 4-wheelers fitted with blade-plows was not enough to move the snow. A bobcat was then used, but other problems arose. Subsequent freezing worsened more difficult removal conditions. Crews were able to dig out around mailboxes and other high-priority areas. At this point, Goetz needs suplemental rental equipment to continue the work (a blower attachment fitted to a bobcat). One is expected to be available to Goetz starting around noon on Tuesday, December 28. This equipment will be used, and is expected to handle the snow without difficulty.
The Board and our management company are aware of the problems. Hopefully the situation will be corrected within the next few days. The Board and our Community Manager will likely discuss the contractor's performance in the upcoming days in the context of our contract. When more information is available I will post it on our resident website

December 27, 2009

Gables Association Info Page Updated

The info page for the Gables Association at Victor Gardens has been updated. Gables residents should be aware of a few changes on the Board and upcoming meeting info. The association's management company has changed names from ARG to Genesis. Rick Pribyl continues in his role of Property Manager.
Please see the Gables Info page for all the details.