
June 23, 2011

Man Spotted Taking Pictures of Kids

I received the following information tonight from one of our residents.  Remember, if you see suspicious activity call 911 right away.

Hi everyone! I just got this message from a friend in the Clearwater Creek neighborhood. I wanted to pass it on for everyone to keep a look out. Hopefully it won't happen again - unfortunately, these guys seem to know when they've been spotted and move on. I've also sent this to some of you guys in nearby neighborhoods. He might be making the rounds in the whole area... Anyway, keep your eyes open and call 911 if you see anything matching this description. Thanks!

Hi Neighbors –
As I understand it, there is a red/maroon 4-door sedan (a bit older) with a middle-aged man (smoker) driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of the kids. This vehicle was spotted today [6/22/10] several times (guessing between 10-2) and drives very slow down the street…I saw the vehicle twice from my office window while on conference calls today but didn’t realize until later that he was taking pictures (not of the for-sale homes).

Several of the kids and a few of the nannies have spotted the car/man. 

I did call the Lino Lakes police dept. at 6pm to try and report it but they said we have to call 911 at the time we see the vehicle/suspect.

Please pass this along and inform your kids what they should watch for. I don’t mean to cause alarm but wanted you to be aware. I’m sorry I don’t have more information to share at this time.