
June 23, 2011

North Village Villas All Community Garage Sale set for July 8 and 9

Please join in the North Village Villas All Community Garage Sale
July 8 and 9, 2011!

Those who are interested simply need to organize their garage sale items in their garage or driveway during this time and your association’s Board of Directors will do the advertising for the sale.  The times will be as follows:

Friday, July 8:  9am-4pm
Saturday, July 9: 7am-2pm

Following the Saturday garage sale, please join your neighbors for a getting acquainted Block Party!  The party will be held on the street between the 4470 and 4474 block of homes starting at about 4pm.  Please bring your own beverages and something to grill or a dish to share if you wish…..this will be a great, very informal,  chance to see old friends and get to know all the new comers to our great community!

If you have questions, please call Paula at 528-7099