
March 12, 2011

Friends of the Parks

Recent constructive comments and discussion about Arbre Park's trees inspired me to think a little more about the possibilities.  Surely our neighborhood isn't the only one who has faced questions about parks funding.  As it turns out there are many, many other communities who have faced similar issues.

Across the country, resident-based organizations have taken steps to preserve and improve their local parks.   In fact this is such a popular idea that it has a recognized name that goes along with the effort.  Spending a few minutes Googling the phrase "Friends of the Parks" will yield volumes of information and inspiration. Through tree planting initiatives, volunteerism and business sponsorships these Friends of the Parks groups have made real differences in their communities.  High quality parks are in everyone's best interest and add value to all our homes. Maybe a Friends of the Parks initiative could work in Victor Gardens?

Although it'll be sad to see so many mature trees cut down in Arbre Park, this situation does create a unique opportunity for our future. Arbre Park wouldn't be the only one to benefit from additional community interest.  Val Jean or Victor Square Park are also City-owned parks that might also benefit. 

Would you consider forming or serving with a Friends of the Parks group?  Who knows... these "Friends" could work together with the City of Hugo and nearby residents to plan and implement a new potential park landscape.   If you're interested, please email me or reply to this post with a comment.  Be a friend of your park!

Hugo Dog Ordinance Changed - Licenses No Longer Required

City of Hugo makes major changes to its dog/animal ordinance.  License requirements have been dropped.  Read more here.

March 11, 2011

Pratt Homes to Build Another Single Family Home

Last night Victor Gardens Master ARC reviewed, discussed and approved plans for a new single family home near Arbre Park at 14295 Garden Way.  Pratt Homes submitted the plans and will build the home. The new home is not a model home.  It will be customized for its new owner and is expected to be completed within 3-4 months.

Potential Master Rules Change - Trash Container Storage

Last night the Master Board discussed potential changes to the Master Rules concerning storage of trash, garbage, and recycling containers on days other than pick-up days. Currently, there is no uniformly enforced policy.  Each sub-association has enforced rules differently.

A proposal to set one, uniform Master Rule covering all sub-associations was made.  The proposed new Master Rule would apply to all sub-associations/ all residents and require that trash and recycling containers be stored inside garages on all days other than pick-up day.  The exact proposed language was:
Trash, garbage, and other waste shall be kept only in covered sanitary containers, and shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.  Containers are to be kept in the garage at all times except on pick-up day.  Containers are to be returned to the garage as soon as possible after being emptied.

Arguments were made for and against the rule change by Board members and residents in attendance. The Board tabled a vote on the issue and will take up the matter again at it's next Master Board meeting.

Parade of Homes in Hugo

There are a two Victor Gardens homes on this year's Parade of Homes.  

Pratt Homes

Pratt Homes is featuring this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom rambler in the Creek Side Villas.

Rottlund Homes is featuring this multi-level, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condominium.

Rottlund Homes