
April 15, 2011

VG Easter Egg Hunt--RESCHEDULED!!!

The Easter Bunny is not a fan of the forecasted snow for Saturday so the Victor Gardens Easter Egg Hunt has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, April 17th at 3PM in Arbre Park. Please check our website on Sunday in case of additional news/weather delays!

April 12, 2011

Lawn Care - Irrigation Start-Up $60 - Local Business Profile

Shawn Herman from Classic Lawnscape is offering residents group rates for irrigation start-up services this spring.  

For $60 per yard, Shawn will:
  • Check your irrigation controller
  • Check all sprinkler zones
  • Adjust sprinklker heads as necessary
  • arrange for access to your irrigation controller to start-up the system.
If he finds any problems requiring repairs, Shawn will inform you.  He charges $65/hr for repair work plus the cost of materials.  Of course, he'll OK all potential fixes with you first. 

Shawn is well known in the neighborhood for the quality work he does blowing-out and winterizing many of our sprinkler systems.  It's not unusual for Sahwn to do this service for more than 30 of our neighbors.  He's top notch.  I've even called him in the dead of winter for advice- after a friend's sprinkler system filled with water and froze up.

Contact Shawn at (612) 366-6088 for details and scheduling.

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Lawn Care - De-Thatching/Raking Service $40-$50 - Local Business Profile

Bud Schneider is offering discounted machine de-thatching/raking services again this spring.  Tony Schwab has negotiated group rate pricing with Bud.  The cost is the same this year as in previous years: $40-$50 depending on the size, but no more than $50. 

Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for a the last few years and he's done a great job.  Sure beats raking by hand!
Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 429-6896.

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Discount Window Cleaning - $175 per SFV home / $100 per condo/townhome - Local Business Profile

Quality Window Cleaning - Grant Dahl
Tony Schwab has once again arranged discounted window washing this year for VG residents. Grant Dahl of Quality Window Cleaning is offering a few special flat-rates for Victor Gardens residents. The pricing includes cleaning all windows and doors inside and outside.
  • $175 - Single Family Village homes. 
  • $100 - Town home & condo homes. (Villas, Gables, North & South Village, etc... )
This is the same company Tony recommended over the last few years. Reports and comments about Grant's work were very positive. 

Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519.

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