
April 22, 2011

Gold Plate Dinner for Oneka/Hugo PTA, April 29, 5pm-10pm

Dear Victor Gardens Residents,

I am writing on behalf of the current and future students of Hugo Elementary.  The Hugo and Oneka Elementary PTA is hosting one of our most important Fund Raisers on Friday, April 29th with our Gold Plate Dinner at the Hugo Legion Post 620.  This Adults Only evening includes Drinks, Dinner, a Raffle, Silent Auction and Games of Chance. A Social Reception with the Silent Auction goes from 5-7 with Dinner following at 7pm.

Proceeds from the evening are dedicated to benefit the Technology Fund for the Hugo and Oneka PTA. Specifically, we are looking to purchase "Smart Boards" for the 7 remaining classrooms at Hugo Elementary School in time for the 1st Grade Class to take advantage of them next fall. Smart Boards are interactive, multi-media tools that our teachers use to better engage with students and enhance their lesson plans.  Ask any older elementary student and they will tell you that smart boards make learning fun and rewarding. Each classroom at Oneka Elementary has a smart board installed and they are used  on a daily basis.

Last year, with the re-opening of Hugo Elementary for Kindergarten, the PTA was able to raise the funds to install Smart Boards in those 7 classrooms.  Next year, those students will remain at Hugo Elementary for 1st Grade and we want to make sure that they can continue to use these great tools.  We are on the final stretch run to finish both schools in our community and we don't want to fail our students.

I would especially like to implore parents of pre-school aged children to help us make the investment in your child's future by joining our effort. We have a very strong and active PTA and it's never too early to get involved in making our local elementary schools as strong and vibrant as they can be for the sake of our children.

Please join us next Friday, April 29th.  Call up Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles to watch the kids.  Come out for a fun evening with members of your community and neighbors for a great cause.  Tickets can be purchased for $100/couple and include 1 of 100 available raffle tickets worth up to $1000!  If you prefer to make a gift donation for our effort, please drop off a check made out to Oneka PTA at either school's office.  We will mail you a receipt for tax purposes if desired.

To Register for or event, please email with your choice of Chicken or Pork entree and your top 3 lucky numbers from 1 to 100 for the raffle .

Thank you for your support.

The Hugo and Oneka PTA

Annual Gold Plate Dinner
Friday, April 29 
Social Reception at 5:00 
Dinner begins at 7:00

American Legion Post 620
5383 140th Street North
Hugo, MN

April 19, 2011

Single Family Village Annual Meeting set for April 28, 7pm at Hugo City Hall

Please join us next Thursday for Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association's Annual Meeting, April 28 - 7:00pm at Hugo City Hall.  Your presence at this meeting is very important.

Those attending the meeting will learn about:
  • New construction in our neighborhood
  • New Pool & Activity Center policies
  • The upcoming season's social events schedule
  • Arbre Park tree updates
  • Important association financial information
  • Clarification of the dues collection policy. (late notices, attorney letters, & lien filings)
  • Master Association news
  • Groundwater remediation update

Two Director positions open:
This year's election will be a little different than in years past.
  • One Director's position term is expiring on the SFV Board.  Julie Bixby is currently serving out the term in this position and has expressed interest in serving another term on the Board.
  • Ron Mehl, of Neighborhood Development Partners has informed the Board that he will resign his Director's position, leaving his 3-year term 1-year early.  When a vacancy occurs, as in Ron's case, the Board selects a replacement to fill out the term left by the vacancy.  In this case, the Board has agreed to fill Ron's vacancy with the candidate with the elections' second most votes.
  • Owners are encouraged to nominate other potential candidates for these positions. Please ensure whomever you nominate will accept the nomination. Owners can nominate themselves if they wish.  Another Neighborhood Development Partners representative has expressed interest in running for the Board.   
Everyone should've received their official mailings already for this meeting.  If you can't make it Thursday night, it would be very helpful if you could send Kari Miller your proxy form.

Thanks Carol and the Events Committee!

Thanks to everyone who made Sunday's Easter Egg Hunt a big success!  Carol donated nearly 2000 eggs and the Events Committee filled and "hid" them in Arbre Park.  The kids really enjoyed collecting the eggs and the special prizes.

The turnout was fantastic, especially for an event that had to be rescheduled due to weather.  Thanks again to everyone who continues to make this neighborhood a such great place!