
August 5, 2011

New Pool Furniture Arrived

New furniture arrived at the pool today. Enjoy!

August 3, 2011

Thanks Volunteers!

Thanks to the Events Committee and all the volunteers who organized, planned, set up, and carried off a great National Night Out Event last night!  It was great to see so many familiar faces and welcome new friends to our neighborhood.  Thanks also to the Washington County Sheriff's Department, Hugo's Fire Department, EMS, Hugo's Mayor and City Council for joining us!

Neighborhood volunteers are the reason for the success of this and all the other activities that the Events Committee plans.  The Committee always welcomes help and new ideas.  To join this active group please directly contact Events Committee Chair, Julie Bixby via email:

August 2, 2011

Hans Hagen Homes Submits New Plans for ARC Review

At tonight's National Night Out event a number of neighbors asked me about all the survey stakes on most of the open lots within VG's Single Family Village.

Here's a bit of history before the explanation of the survey stakes: Around the time of CPDC's (VG's initial developer) foreclosure, these lots were sold to a company named Victor Gardens Mainstreet Holdings, LLC (VGMH).  A division of The Beard Group, named Neighborhood Development Partners, paid dues on, marketed, controlled and sold a few of VGMH's lots.  Prior to our Single Family Village Annual Meeting this spring, VGMH's lots were sold. Terry Forbord of Mountain Asset Management took over responsibility for the lots.

VGMH's open lots - to be built by Hans Hagen Homes

For a number of months and years other builders including Hartman Homes, Colfax Companies, and Homes by James placed signs on some of VGMH's lots in the hopes of attracting customers. At various times, the signs raised speculation that new building efforts were underway. In the end, Colfax Companies and Homes by James never submitted any proposals to the Master Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and no homes were built by them. A year or so ago Centex Homes abandoned their effort to build on those same lots. 

Getting back to the surveyor's stakes: In recent weeks the boundaries of these VGMH lots were staked out and identified by surveyors. Currently the VGMH's lots are in the process of being sold to a builder new to Victor Gardens. After requesting a copy of Victor Gardens building Requirements and Guidelines Hans Hagen Homes submitted, for the Master ARC's consideration, four new home plans.  Hans Hagen Homes carefully followed the ARC's adopted submission procedures. Their submitted plans are now being reviewed individually by the ARC's members. The Committee will discuss these plans (as a committee) with each other and together with Hans Hagen Homes at its next meeting, August 8.  The Master ARC's eight-person membership is made up of the same members of the Master Board.  Each of Victor Gardens sub-associations has one representative on the Master Board & ARC- except the SFV, which has two representatives due to its large size.

Upon successful approval of plans, Hans Hagen Homes is expected to pull permits and start building.  After the initial few homes are built they hope to continue building on the remaining VGMH lots.

In addition to the VGMH lots described above there are other, open SFV lots owned mostly by Alliance Bank and a few by Pratt Homes.  These are mostly located near Cosette Lane, Victor Hugo Blvd. and a few along Garden Way between Poet's Green and Arbre Park.  The last remaining SFV lot east of Clearwater Creek is nearing completion with its builder, Capstone Homes (formerly Minks Custom Homes).

Master ARC Meeting Change - Monday Aug. 8, 6:30PM at Hugo City Hall

Due to a scheduling conflict at VG's Activity Center- the next Master ARC meeting will be held at Hugo City Hall, Monday, August 8, 6:30PM.  These meetings are open to residents, however, a resident forum is not provided.

The next resident forum will be held during the next Master Board Meeting scheduled for Sept. 29.

Join Us Tonight for National Night Out!

The weather's looking great for National Night Out tonight!  Fun starts at 6pm.  
Light dinner and desert will be served along with non-alcoholic beverages. Meet with new neighbors and old friends in Arbre Park. 

The Events Committee has planned a great time with visits from the Hugo Fire Department and the Washington County Sheriff.  For the kids, there will be games and a jump castle!

See you tonight!

Maintenance Update - Fountains

A few problems with neighborhood fountains were reported this week to Community Manager Kari Miller.  Dulcet Fountains cleaned out the Jardin fountain last week, but as of this afternoon, it wasn't operating.  As always, if you see that something isn't working- please contact our Community Manager.

The Master Board is considering replacement options for the currently broken Poet's Green Fountain.  Dulect Fountains investigated last week and found that this site has a working electrical connection and available water source.  (We weren't sure) 

Michael Warner has volunteered to help me find a few replacement options for the Master Board to consider. 

August 1, 2011

We Need Your Help Tonight!

We really need your help to make National Night Out a success!   The Events Committee is short on volunteers for our neighborhood's biggest event. 
Tonight, August 2 in Arbre Park. 
Help serve food, set up, or clean up. 30 minutes of your time is all we need to help make this event a success again this year! Please email Julie ( if you can lend a hand!