
May 4, 2012

Lawn Mower Sharpening, Tune-Ups, and Small Engine Repairs

Bud Schneider is offering affordably priced small-engine repairs for VG residents (lawnmowers, gas trimmers, etc.).  Bud's been working in the neighborhood for a number of years, most recently doing de-thatching and raking services for residents this spring.  If your mower needs a tune-up or its blades sharpened, etc. - Bud's a good guy to call.

For more info, Contact Bud Schneider at (651) 429-6896. 

Val Jean Park Planting Event - Sat. May 12, 9am

There has been a lot of activity around Victor Gardens common areas and parks lately.  Residents, the City of Hugo's crews and Goetz Landscape have all been taking advantage of the good spring weather. 

Val Jean Park Planting Event
Saturday Morning, May 12, 2012 
9:00 am
Next Saturday morning, volunteers will renovate the landscaping around Val Jean Park's picnic pavilion/gazebo.  We'll remove the old plants, amend the soil, install new plants and mulch following a landscape design approved by VG's ARC and the City of Hugo.

If you're interested in volunteering for this Saturday event, there's still room for you.  Please email Mark for more info. Bring along some gloves, rakes, shovels, trowels.  

April 30, 2012

Scouts Collected More Than 1500 lbs of Food!

Despite Saturday morning's cold & rainy weather, Hugo's Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts collected over 1500 pounds of food, plus cash & check donations for Hugo's Good Neighbor Food Shelf.  This year's "Scouting for Food" exceeded last year's donations by more than 300 pounds.

Thank you everyone for serving your community with such generosity!