
September 12, 2012

September 10, 2012

Guys Golf Night

Guys- come join some neighbors for golf and beer.  Golf Night is Thursday, Sept 27th with tee times starting around 5:00 (nine holes only... gets dark too early!).  Please RSVP to Dave at: no later than Sept 20th to reserve a spot!

Join Cub Scouts - Tues. Sept. 18 - (K-5th Grade)

For over 80 years, Cub Scouts have been having the time of their lives making new friends and learning new things in an environment designed to help them succeed. From building his own pinewood derby car to learning how to roast the perfect marshmallow with his best friends at a family campout, your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout. So if he's in Kindergarten through fifth grades, or 5 to 10 years old, then it's time for him to have some fun … with the Cub Scouts.

Hugo Cub Scouts Pack 151 is hosting a New Scout Orientation Event on Tuesday, Sept. 18 6:00pm-8:00pm at Hugo Elementary School

Families interested joining Cub Scouts should plan to attend.  Kindergarteners (known as Lion Cubs) should arrive at 6:00pm.  Older boys (1st-5th Grade) should arrive at 6:30pm.  Pack 151 has a number of great activities planned this year.  To learn more about Scouting, visit Hugo Pack 151's website or

September 9, 2012

Victor Gardens Welcomes Parade of Homes Visitors

Starting today, Victor Gardens features three new homes in the 2012 Fall Showcase Parade of Homes.  It's the most Parade homes in recent memory.  The three new custom homes built by Pratt Homes, The Nest, and Homes by James:

Victor Gardens has a variety of single family lots available through The Nest and Terry Forbord.