
October 20, 2012

Last Chance for Discounted Sprinkler Blow-out - $50

$50 Sprinkler Blow-Out
Today and tomorrow, Shawn Herman, of Classic Lawnscape Inc., offering discounted services for VG residents.  Each year, Shawn offers a Victor Gardens resident discount to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of individual sprinkler systems. He always does a thorough and professional job.

Shawn's price for blowing-out sprinklers today (Saturday, October 20) and tomorrow (Sunday, October 21) is $50.00 per home.

Please contact Shawn Herman directly at (612) 366-6088 or


October 18, 2012

Fall Inspection Guide & Checklist - From This Old House

Giving your house a yearly checkup is one way to keep big repairs at bay. Here's a 5-step plan for inspecting your home, from the pros at This Old House.

Here's a printable yearly home inspection checklist.

October 17, 2012

Former Land Office Site - Update

For years, the small parcel adjacent to Victor Gardens' Activity Center & Pool parking lot has been a source of frustration for many of our residents.  Many of us remember the Victor Gardens Land Office that once stood there. It's trees, roses, pond and fountain were a nice addition to the neighborhood and in a prime location.  

Even before the Developer turned over the master and sub-associations to the owners, there was talk about the great potential of that site.  I remember meetings in which a number of interesting ideas were floated.  They included, a formal french-style ornamental garden, a vegetable garden, a small park, a playground, etc.  There were a number of combinations of possibilities for that spot.  

Former land office site is part of a larger parcel
 owned by Victor Gardens' Master Assn.
Recently, one of our residents asked the Board a question about an auction that she had seen listed in the newspaper.  She, and I believed it was an auction for that former land office site.  In hindsight, we now know that the auction was for a different parcel in a different location.  With the Board's interest peaked on the land office site, Gary Sykes (of the North Village) and Josh Berger (who represents the SFV) did some more checking.  Ultimately, the City of Hugo informed Josh that the site was never subdivided.  We all were under the impression that the small property was owned by a bank.  As it turns out though, the site was owned by Victor Gardens Community Association (the Master Assn) all along.   It was part of the same parcel that contains the Activity Center, pool and pond.

Now that the question of ownership is finally settled, Victor Gardens' Long Term Planning Committee will be taking a closer look at the possibilities for this property.

VG's Long Term Planning Committee Begins

A few months ago, Victor Gardens Community Association (The Master Association) formed a Long Term Planning Committee (LTPC) to assist with a number of ideas. These now include: 
  • Installing irrigation and sod on the boulevards between the Ryland-built homes in the Single Family Village and the Creek Side Village. 
  • Developing and installing a landscaping plan for the Everton Ave. Bridge that connects the Single Family Village and the Creek Side Village.
  • Re-visiting the idea of installing Victor Gardens monument signage at our neighborhood's entrances.
  • Developing concepts towards developing the former land office site into a neighborhood amenity.  (Not a new residential or commercial building).
The LTPC is just starting out, and they have a number of interesting projects to consider.  If you're interested in volunteering for this committee and shaping the future of Victor Gardens, please contact Victor Gardens LTPC Chair Dawn LaFontsee at .

New Model Home Approved

Colfax Companies and Architect Tim Whitten have received the ARC's approval to build a new Arts & Crafts style home at 14254 Val Jean Blvd. This lot is across from Val Jean Park's tennis court.  Colfax is eager to get started right away.  The home is intended to be a model home for Colfax.