
March 15, 2013

Empowered Parenting

Empowered Parenting presented by Jamie Waldvogel, MS, BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Owner, Behave Your Best, LLC

Our most important role as parents is to teach our children all about the world around them.  Capitalizing on the power of positive reinforcements can help prevent behavioral challenges and can turn even the most challenging moments into teachable moments.  Come to this seminar to learn more about reinforcement and how to incorporate it into your interactions with your child to make your job of being a parent less stressful and more enjoyable, while maximizing teaching moments.  

Cost is $10 per person or $15 per family
Thursday, April 11th 6:15-7:45pm
KinderGardens, 14665 Mercantile Drive N Hugo, MN 55038
Sign-up Sheet located at KinderGardens Front Desk.

Disclosure Statement

Local Business Profile: LCS Lawn Service

LCS Lawn Service has been in business since 1994.  They have established themselves as one of the top rated lawn care and tree care services in the Twin Cities earning top recognition from Checkbook Magazine and multiple Angie's List awards.  They provide organic based fertilization programs, mowing service, tree and shrub care as well as snow removal.  You can learn more about them, or request an estimate on their website or by phone at (651) 731-5296.

- provided by Bill Sarafolean, LCS Lawn Service

Disclosure Statement

March 11, 2013

Kari Miller Resigns

Kari Miller, our long time Victor Gardens Community Manager has resigned.

Melinda Johnson, Director of Community Management from Community Development Inc. informed the Board today:
"...  We are very sad to announce that Kari Miller has given her notice and will be exploring a new career.  Kari’s last day with Community Development, Inc. will be this Friday, March 15th.  We are very happy for Kari in her new ventures but know that her talents and customer service will be missed! 
I am excited to announce that Jennifer Campbell, a current Senior Community Manager with CDI is excited to move into the role of Community  Manager with the entire Community of Victor Gardens.   Jennifer has been with Community Development, Inc. for 6 years and is a valuable team member and very knowledgeable in the field...."