
September 26, 2014

Potluck Sat, Sep 27th at Valjean Park?

Due to the lack of RSVP's and a grill master there will be no official potluck tonight.  Hope to see some people out enjoying the beautiful weather.

Guys Golf Night

Neighborhood guys golf night will be held on Thursday, Oct 2 at Tanner Brook (north on Hwy 61 near Forest Lake).  Tee-times will begin at 4:30.  Please call or text Steve at 651-262-7813 for more info or to RSVP.

September 22, 2014

Lawn Care - $50 Sprinkler Winterization - Sat. Oct. 18

Shawn Herman, of Classic Lawnscape Inc., is again offering discounted services for Victor Gardens residents. Shawn offers a VG resident discount to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of individual sprinkler systems. Shawn's offered this service for the last few years.

His price for blowing-out sprinklers is again $50.00 per home, payable on that day. He plans on performing the work on Saturday, October 18 and possibly Sunday, October 19.

Shawn wrote me last week about this, 

"I know that as usual, this is MEA weekend and does not work for everyone.  Separate appointments are available but the Saturday special will not be valid for those that choose this type of service.

The route would also be the same starting at Poets Green at 8:00 AM and proceeding south along Garden Way to Jardin.  Then up along Arbre to Garden Way and around the corner to Cossette Way, Victor Hugo Blvd., Garden Way, and Cossette Lane.
Then down Val Jean to Everton and finally around Provence Way.

As far as estimated timing for the three areas,  In the past the Garden Way – Arbre area was 8:00 til about noon.  Cossette – Garden Way area was noon til about 4:00 pm with Everton  - Provence Way area after 4:00pm.  Of course this will totally depend on the number of people interested. "

If you'd like to sign-up for this service, please contact Shawn Herman directly at (612) 366-6088 or