
August 27, 2015

Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service

Jeff Ambrose has offered his lawn aeration services to Victor Gardens residents for a number of years and does a very professional job. He's offering a Victor Gardens discount rate of $40/per lawn (slightly higher for larger lawns). That's less than what most others charge for this service. For do-it-yourselfers, this is a pretty good deal considering the cost of renting the machine, time and effort involved, plus the cost of gas. Jeff did a great job on our lawn over the last seven years, and I would recommend his service.
Core Aeration Promotes Healthy Grass

Call Jeff Ambrose directly at (651) 274-1535. He's currently coordinating a schedule of Victor Gardens appointments.

If you're unfamiliar with core aeration, the U of M Extension Service describes it pretty well, "Core aeration is the best method of dealing with the problem of compaction in the lawn. Aeration promotes moisture and air penetration into soils, resulting in deeper and healthier root systems on the grass plants. ... The best time of year to aerate the lawn is late August to early October. Aeration can be done in the spring but will lead to additional weed seeds being brought to the surface where they may germinate. In fall, weed seeds will also be brought to the surface, but they will not sprout."


SFV Board Meeting set for September 23

Here's a reminder for Single Family Village residents. The next Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association's board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7pm. The meeting location has been changed to Hugo City Hall.

In addition to it's regular duties, the SFV Board will discuss stepped-up enforcement of applicable Rules, Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements. The Board will also discuss options for a new, professionally managed community website and other communication tools.

Any SFV owner wishing to speak to the Board will be welcomed and encouraged to participate.

Digital copies of the Master Association and the SFV Rules, and CC&R's are available at

Update 9/9/15 & 9/22/15: Location changed to Hugo City Hall. Added agenda item.