
February 3, 2016

Snow removal update 2-3-16

Below is an excerpt sent to board members whose sub associations have contracted Birch for their snow removal services. Keep in mind that not every sub association contracts with Birch. For a complete list of providers please check Victor Gardens News' Snow Removal page.


Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:44 AM
Subject: FW: 2.3.2016 Snow Event Update

Good Morning,

The plowing crews have been working throughout the night getting ‘open-ups’ completed. We anticipated transitioning into ‘full-plow’ overnight but due to the continued snowfall and sustained wind speed at 20 mph with gusts over 25mph our efforts have been futile. After every property is ‘opened’ and functioning we will cease snow plowing and will return this evening to touch up the properties and finish the ‘full-plow’; as winds and snowfall are forecasted to subside this evening.

As for snow shoveling, crews were dispatched in the early morning hours, but have had the same challanges of continued snowfall with high winds causing the once cleared sidewalk and/or walkway to be quickly drifted back in with snow. We have choosen to transition our snow shovling crews to focus on garage door fronts this morning. The crews will return this evening to clear walkways and sidewalks.

Thank you for your patience as work through this winter storm.


Kris Birch