
February 2, 2016

Snow removal update 2-2-16

Below is an excerpt sent to board members whose sub associations have contracted Birch for their snow removal services.  Keep in mind that not every sub association contracts with Birch.  For a complete list of providers please check Victor Gardens News' Snow Removal page.


Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 3:08 PM
Subject:2/2/2016 Snow Event Update

Good Afternoon,

The much anticipated snow event is upon us. The afternoon rush hour timing, 1-2” per hour snowfall rates, combined with strong winds will make this snow event challenging. The good part is the forecasts have been discussing this event for almost a week, so we are ready.

Crews are being dispatched for ‘open-up’ plowing this afternoon ranging from 3 pm to 5pm, earlier times in the south, later times in the north; based on forecast snow accumulation of 4” around 6pm.

Heaviest snow fall rates from 4pm-8pm, tapering around midnight, with little accumulation snow in the early morning hours.

Full snow plowing and shoveling will commence once accumulation snow tapers.


Kris Birch