
December 17, 2016

Snow Removal Update

Snow removal services in Victor Gardens is handled by a few different contracting companies and the City of Hugo. Public streets are cleared by the City of Hugo.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your sub-association's Community Manager.  You can look them up on our Snow Removal page.  The page includes a map if you're not sure which sub-association you live in.

Most of Victor Gardens' sub-associations and our master association is served by Birch, Inc.  They do an excellent job of communicating with our Community Manager and Board Members. Here's a letter Birch sent yesterday:

Winter is here and in a way, we haven’t seen in a couple years; below average temps and above average snow falls; which is going to make for a white Christmas. 

With this being the start to our winter season we would like to send out some friendly reminders.

·         Stay off the Snow Piles: Please stay off the snow piles to prevent them from spilling back into the street. This is also a safety concern for all.

·         Walkways Free From Obstacles: Please remove all pet tethers, extension cords, or anything else that maybe hidden under the snow, to prevent it getting damaged, causing damage to our equipment or possible injuring someone.

·         ‘Open-up’ Services: ‘Open ups’ happen on events with more than 4” of snow has accumulated prior to am/pm rush hour.  The priority with open-ups is to allow emergency vehicles access to the homes.  Second goal is to allow homeowner to get in and out of their garages.  Plowing to the edge of the streets and driveways will not happen during an open up, neither will any shoveling.  The full plow and shovel services will take place at cessation of the snow event.

·         ‘Full-plow’ services: ‘Full-plow’ of drives, private streets, and parking areas for most properties is to be completed within 12 hours after the cessation of a ‘snow event’ of 8” or less. For snow events of 8” to 12”, ‘full-plow’ of drives and parking areas to be completed within 16 hours.  In heavy snow conditions reasonable extensions will be granted.
·         Shoveling Services: Shoveling of sidewalks, garage aprons and entryways for most properties is to be completed within 12 hours after the cessation of snowfalls exceeding trigger depth and under 8”. Snowfalls over 8” will be completed within 24 hours. In heavy snow conditions reasonable extensions will be granted.
·         Parked Vehicles: Driveways and or other areas with vehicles parked in them during snow removal services will be skipped.  If BIRCH is asked to return to plow these areas the Association will be charged for this service.

·         Communication: Please have all communication, concerns, and questions go through the proper channels. The crews in the field are instructed to only take direction from their BIRCH, Inc. supervisor.
Accidents, miscues, and missed areas unfortunately do happen, but following the above guidelines will help execute the winter services in a timely manner. 

Dan Steuernagel, Vice President