
January 16, 2017

Winter Coat Drive

Baby it's Cold Outside!! Tryg B., one of Victor Gardens' boys has a special request for you and your family. Tryg says, "I'm concerned about our homeless population in MN. They spend a significant time outdoors. I would like to ensure that they have warm outdoor gear to protect themselves from the weather." He's organizing a Winter Coat Drive, and is collecting new (or no longer needed) teen/adult sized coats, hats, mittens, and boots. 

Tryg will be collecting your donated items. He'll then bring them to the Dorothy Day Center for distribution. You're welcome to drop off donations to Tryg's front porch ( 14318 Cosette Way N., Hugo, MN 55038 ) anytime between now and 4pm January 27, 2017.
Please look through your closet, ask around, and let's all help Tryg in his effort. Thanks!