
May 31, 2019

A reminder...

The Board wishes to remind property owners of the restrictive covenants and rules applicable to all Victor Gardens properties. The covenants were adopted for the purpose of protecting our property values and ensuring that Victor Gardens remains a pleasant and desirable community, so it is in the interest of all of us to make certain that the covenants are honored.

Now that Summer is here, Associa MN (our community management company), are active in enforcement of the covenants and rules for the common benefit of all property owners of Victor Gardens.  Residents are reminded that any changes to the exterior of their homes or landscaping requires written Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval.

Victor Gardens Community Association's ARC ensures that any new home built in Victor Gardens is appropriate to the neighborhood and maintains our existing owners expectations.  For those who are already living here, those high standards also apply.
  • Single Family Village Homeowners Association owners should refer to the SFV ARC page before planning any outside project. That includes replacing garage doors, adding new screen doors or decks, modifying landscaping or paint colors and many more. A complete list of potential projects (and their requirements) is available on the SFV ARC page, along with helpful advice and the Single Family Village Architectural & Landscape Change Application.
  • Victor Gardens Creek Side Villas owners should contact their sub-association board for details.
  • All other Victor Gardens Condo owners should follow instructions on the VG Condo ARC page.