

Victor Gardens Community Association Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

Updated June 2023

About the ARC
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) plays a crucial role in maintaining property values, architectural character and the general appearance of our unique neighborhoods. Throughout the Twin Cities, there are many master planned neighborhoods and residential associations. One of the things separating Victor Gardens from so many other neighborhoods is our ARC’s adherence to Victor Gardens’ original promise. Long-time owners and prospective buyers alike are assured that high standards are maintained in Victor Gardens.

The ARC is responsible for reviewing proposals for all new homes, buildings and landscape designs within the boundaries of Victor Gardens including all our sub-associations. The ARC also reviews condo owner proposals modifying their home's exterior and landscaping.

Application Package for New Home Construction
- click links below to download the files - 

Thinking of building a new home in Victor Gardens?
Victor Gardens Community Association’s Architectural Review Committee (ARC) recently updated and published it’s Application Package for New Home Construction.  The ARC’s improved review process streamlines and clarifies the process for builders.
Builders wishing to speed the review process should familiarize themselves with the document and submit proposals that are complete and detailed. Here’s a summary of 3 steps each builder must follow to submit new home proposals for the ARC’s review.  
  • Step 1 / Preliminary Concept Phase 
    • This first step is the least formal and it’s designed to provide initial feedback. Sketches and draft ideas are encouraged. Your Step 1 submission should show proposed massing, style selection, the home’s proposed location, and other general concepts. It should take into consideration the design of neighboring homes and items listed in the Architectural Application form. You should allow for time to revise your Step 1 proposal after initial ARC feedback. The Community Manager will inform you if the ARC believes your submission is ready to move to Step 2. 
  • Step 2 / Preliminary Approval Phase
    • After the ARC provides feedback based upon your Step 1 submittal you can move towards the Step 2 / Preliminary Approval Phase. This allows you to submit schematic home and site plans with enough detail to be reviewed by the ARC and potentially receive ARC’s preliminary approval. 
  • Step 3 / Final Architectural, Color and Landscape Approval Phase 
    • After the ARC invites you to proceed to Step 3, you can move forward to complete and submit the construction drawings and Certificate of Survey to submit for Final Review. This phase assures that the approved Step 2 preliminary plans match the final construction documents. Your Color Application and Landscape Application must be submitted at the same time as the final Architectural Application. Incomplete applications will slow your proposed home’s review. Do not order or install any materials prior to written approval. Upon successful completion of Step 3 the ARC will provide written approval, which the City of Hugo requires for permitting. 

Victor Gardens ARC - Contact Person
The ARC asks that builders and prospective owners direct all correspondence and questions to our Community Manager, instead of contacting individual ARC members.  He's in the best position to provide accurate information and assistance.
  • Nicole Miller
    Community Manager
    Associa Minnesota
    7100 Northland Circle N., Suite 300
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

    763.225.6400 – Main
    763.746.1188 – Customer Service 
Victor Gardens street views: 
To help builders interested in properties west of Clearwater Creek, the Master ARC compiled a photographic collection of some homes within Victor Gardens Single Family Village.  It's not a complete set, but a basic visual sample reference:

Current condominium owners:
ARC related information for all condo sub-associations is now available on the Condo ARC page.

Current Single Family Village owners:

ARC related information for existing homes within VG's Single Family Village is available at the SFV ARC page.