
October 6, 2009

Upcoming Master Board/ARC Meetings

For those interested, especially those homeowners who advocated greater transparency at last night's meeting, I will continue to announce the dates and times of future Master Board meetings. I will also begin to announce dates and times of future Master ARC meetings. Neither has meetings scheduled at this time, but when information becomes available, announcements will be posted on this website.

SFV Board Meeting Oct. 15, 7PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center

The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association Board and (SFV) Architectural Review Committee will be held on Thursday, October 15 at 7:00pm.
Residents who wish to address the Board are encouraged to do so during the meeting's homeowner forum.
Update: The meeting agenda is available for viewing/downloading at this link:

Master Board Meeting Notes

Notes from last night's Master Board meeting (not official minutes):
Victor Square pond problems:
The Board was presented a proposal to repair Victor Square pond problems. The Board was interested in obtaining the original engineering documentation as a starting point. Based upon that information the Board will take a few steps towards repairing the problem.
Questions about Board and ARC member's votes, proxies, openness of meetings, etc.:
The Board took steps to ask Pat Brinkman's (the attorney who wrote our Bylaws and Covenants) opinion about four items related to Board members eligibility to vote for more than one association, Board proxy voting, ARC meeting openness, and ARC voting proxies.
Election of a President:
The Board tabled the election of Board President. The Board will meet again in the near future, likely just prior to the next ARC meeting to elect a president when (hopefully) all the Directors are in attendance.
Homeowner Forum:
A large number of homeowners attended the meeting. Residents raised a few subjects for the Board to consider. One resident proposed hanging baskets from the arbor at VG's front entrance. The remainder of the residents spoke about their concern for the ARC process related to new building in the Single Family Village. Each of the Board's Directors answered a question, and offered their own perspective on a recent letter addressed to Centex. The letter had caused confusion among the Board/ARC and the City of Hugo. Regardless of the letter's wording, the Board/ARC members agreed that Centex was expected to submit to ARC another round of more detailed submissions, including site surveys, CAD drawings, etc.
Financial Reports:
Financials were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Mark submitted notes from a meeting with Scott Anderson, Hugo's public works director related to tree replacement, turf grass condition, and other City and Association maintenance responsibilities. Discussion was postponed in the interest of time.
Pool Committee: Discussion was postponed in the interest of time.
ARC Committee:
The Board discussed shortcomings of the ARC process flowchart in the absence of a Committee Chair/President. Mark pointed out that the ARC's members had voted by majority to approve an application without group discussion and without following the Landscape Requirements. Mark agreed to clarify the difference, in the form of a checklist, between requirements and guidelines. The checklists will contain non-subjective requirements (Covenants, Landscape Requirements) and items within the Victor Gardens Architectural Guidelines that can be viewed subjectively. The Board/ARC will review the checklists, review and edit as necessary and use them in upcoming reviews of architecture and landscaping applications. The Board advocated a special ARC meeting in the near future where this would be discussed. The Board hoped that this could be accomplished before the next Centex submission was received.
Management Report:
Goetz Landscape was unanimously approved to provide snow plowing service this winter.

October 5, 2009

Website Updated

Victor Gardens News website's Master Association page, Single Family Village page, and Villas page have been updated with meeting minutes, updated financials, and contact info.

The Master Association page now also includes minutes from a recent ARC meeting. Going forward, Master ARC minutes will be posted to the page in the future.

Victor Square, Arbre, and Val Jean Parks Maintenance Update

In early September I met with the City of Hugo's Public Works Director Scott Anderson to discuss the maintenance of the three city-owned Parks. The Master Association and the City share maintenance responsibilities with our parks.

You can view/download the notes from the meeting, including itemization of responsibilities by following this link. More parks information can also be found at the bottom of this site's Master Association page.

October 4, 2009

Villas Condo Association Hires Community Development Inc.

The Villas at Victor Gardens Condominium Association has hired Community Development, Inc. as its management company. Casey Groff will serve as the Villas' Community Manager.

Community Development Inc. also serves as the Master Association's management company, in addition to other Victor Gardens sub-associations.