
May 11, 2010

Covenants to be the Subject of a Special SFV Board Meeting set for Monday, May 24, 7pm

Victor Gardens' Single Family Village Board is meeting on Monday, May 24th, 7:00PM at Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center. The Board will focus this meeting on compliance with the Covenants. The Board continues to hear from residents requesting the Board address issues including parking, garages, play equipment, dead/diseased boulevard trees, project completion timeframes, storage of building materials, dumping grass clippings, and more. Some of these complaints are addressed by Covenants. Others are not.
All Single Family Village residents are welcome and are encouraged to speak with the Board during the meeting's resident forum. For those residents who have specific concerns: Please prepare for the meeting by researching the specific Covenant or Rule that concerns you. A complete, keyword searchable PDF, list of Covenants, Bylaws & Rules is available on the Master Association page and the Single Family Association page. Reminder: Both the Master Association's Covenants, Bylaws & Rules apply in Victor Gardens Single Family Village.