
June 23, 2011

Man Spotted Taking Pictures of Kids

I received the following information tonight from one of our residents.  Remember, if you see suspicious activity call 911 right away.

Hi everyone! I just got this message from a friend in the Clearwater Creek neighborhood. I wanted to pass it on for everyone to keep a look out. Hopefully it won't happen again - unfortunately, these guys seem to know when they've been spotted and move on. I've also sent this to some of you guys in nearby neighborhoods. He might be making the rounds in the whole area... Anyway, keep your eyes open and call 911 if you see anything matching this description. Thanks!

Hi Neighbors –
As I understand it, there is a red/maroon 4-door sedan (a bit older) with a middle-aged man (smoker) driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of the kids. This vehicle was spotted today [6/22/10] several times (guessing between 10-2) and drives very slow down the street…I saw the vehicle twice from my office window while on conference calls today but didn’t realize until later that he was taking pictures (not of the for-sale homes).

Several of the kids and a few of the nannies have spotted the car/man. 

I did call the Lino Lakes police dept. at 6pm to try and report it but they said we have to call 911 at the time we see the vehicle/suspect.

Please pass this along and inform your kids what they should watch for. I don’t mean to cause alarm but wanted you to be aware. I’m sorry I don’t have more information to share at this time.

North Village Villas All Community Garage Sale set for July 8 and 9

Please join in the North Village Villas All Community Garage Sale
July 8 and 9, 2011!

Those who are interested simply need to organize their garage sale items in their garage or driveway during this time and your association’s Board of Directors will do the advertising for the sale.  The times will be as follows:

Friday, July 8:  9am-4pm
Saturday, July 9: 7am-2pm

Following the Saturday garage sale, please join your neighbors for a getting acquainted Block Party!  The party will be held on the street between the 4470 and 4474 block of homes starting at about 4pm.  Please bring your own beverages and something to grill or a dish to share if you wish…..this will be a great, very informal,  chance to see old friends and get to know all the new comers to our great community!

If you have questions, please call Paula at 528-7099

Security Vehicles in Victor Gardens

Semper Fi Security
A number of residents have asked questions about a new security service in the neighborhood. Semper Fi Security has been contracted to keep an eye on the Victor Gardens Pool and Neighborhood Activity Center.  They will secure the pool and building nightly at 9:00pm.  Semper Fi also may be seen driving in and around our neighborhood.

Ron Eddings, CEO of Semper Fi Security reports that they are also contracted in Hugo's Water's Edge neighborhood.  Their duties there included patrolling the area, looking for anything suspicious, look for maintenance problems (broken sprinklers, lights, etc.) throughout the neighborhood. 

June 22, 2011

Lost Bike

This nice bike was abandoned recently in the yard of a resident living near Val Jean Blvd. and Everton Ave. This resident has been very generous, and kept it safe in her garage. She even took a photo in hopes of finding its owner.  If you know of who it might belong to, please email me and let me know. Thanks!
A bike in need of its owner.

June 21, 2011

Opening the Pool /Activity Center Doors for Others

Victor Gardens pool key fob entry system is in use.  Residents should be aware of a few important points:
  • A computer system logs your unique fob's serial number in each time the door is opened by your key fob. 
  • Cameras record those who enter the doorway, pool and activity center.
  • Use your key fob to open the door for your family and guests only.
  • Do not open the door to strangers or others who've "forgotten their key at home". 
Don't risk losing your pool privileges.  Please use your key fob carefully.