
April 13, 2015

A reminder...

The Board wishes to remind property owners of the restrictive covenants and rules applicable to all Victor Gardens properties. The covenants were adopted for the purpose of protecting our property values and ensuring that Victor Gardens remains a pleasant and desirable community, so it is in the interest of all of us to make certain that the covenants are honored.

Now that Spring is here, Community Development Inc (our Community Managers), are active in enforcement of the covenants and rules for the common benefit of all property owners of Victor Gardens.  Residents are reminded that any changes to the exterior of their homes or landscaping requires written Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval.

Victor Gardens Community Association's ARC ensures that any new home built in Victor Gardens is appropriate to the neighborhood and maintains our existing owners expectations.  For those who are already living here, those high standards also apply.
  • Single Family Village Homeowners Association owners should refer to the SFV ARC page before planning any outside project. That includes replacing garage doors, adding new screen doors or decks, modifying landscaping or paint colors and many more. A complete list of potential projects (and their requirements) is available on the SFV ARC page, along with helpful advice and the Single Family Village Architectural & Landscape Change Application.
  • Victor Gardens Creek Side Villas owners should contact their sub-association board for details, as there are some new changes Creek Side residents should be aware of. 
  • All other Victor Gardens Condo owners should follow instructions on the VG Condo ARC page.

Annual Meeting - Single Family Village Homeowner's Association

Dear Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners,

It's that time of year again for the Victor Gardens Single Family Village (SFV) annual Homeowners Association meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2015, 7:00-8:30 PM at The Rice Lake Center at Public Works, 6900 137th Street North Hugo, MN. It is our goal to keep the meeting informative and brief as possible.

In order for your Homeowner’s Association to operate, residents must attend the Annual Meetings or send in their proxies. Your cooperation is very appreciated.

Especially important is the Election. This year there will be no new elections to the SFV Board as each Director’s terms are 3 years and 2 members were elected in 2013 and three in 2014. These Directors represent your interests in our neighborhood. SFV Directors will be appointed to represent our Association on the Master Board and Master Architectural Review Committee.

SFV owners were mailed a packet, in which you will find the following documents:
This year the Board of Directors will update Homeowners on neighborhood news as it relates both to the Single Family Village and the Master Associations. We truly believe that providing Homeowners with this information during the meeting is beneficial to everyone. You can look forward to hearing updates on new Social Committee initiatives, landscape renovation projects in our parks and Common Areas, new homebuilder news, remaining Single Family lot updates and more. We will also leave ample time at the end of the meeting for new business and a Homeowner Forum. This will give you an opportunity to talk about issues that are important to you. We want to hear from you and welcome this type of involvement from our community.

Please check the day before the meeting in case of a time/location change or for any important announcements. In the interim, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact any of your Single Family Village Board members.

We hope everyone can attend the meeting. See you on April 30th! Sincerely,

Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Thinking about having a Garage Sale?

It's time to start thinking about garage sales! The last couple of years we've done the Victor Gardens Neighborhood sale the same weekend at the Clearwater Creek Sale/ Hugo Good Neighbor Days. This is June 4, 5, and 6.

Is there interest in doing a neighborhood sale (this weekend or another)? If so, we need someone to coordinate. At absolute minimum the person coordinating needs to submit advertising to the Citizen and Craig's list. Ideally the coordinator would also collect a list of addresses and times that we could put on the website as well as make some signs about a neighborhood sale (each sale also would be encouraged to have their own signs).

Please e-mail Lisa at if you are interested in having a sale or are willing to coordinate.

Quality Window Cleaning - Flat Rate Offer for Residents

Quality Window Cleaning is offering a special $175 flat-rate for Victor Gardens Single Family Village residents. This price includes cleaning all windows, screens and doors inside and outside. This is the same company Tony Schwab has recommended for a number of years, and reports of their work were very positive. Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519.

Similar flat-rate discounts were offered last year for Condo residents.  Last year's $100 Condo price included cleaning all windows, screens, and doors inside and outside.   This offer extended to the Villas, Gables, North & South Village, etc...  

Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519 for more info.

$40 Spring De-Thatching/Raking Service

Bud Schneider is offering discounted machine de-thatching/raking services again this spring.  Tony Schwab has negotiated group rate pricing with Bud.  The cost is the same this year as in previous years: $40 per yard. 

Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for the last few years and he's done a great job.  Sure beats raking by hand!
Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 429-6896.

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