December 15, 2020
Keep Kids Out of Construction Sites
Parents, please ask your kids to stay away from new home construction sites. Kids may think that homesites are fun, with interesting equipment, dirt piles, dumpster treasures, loose materials, and new places to climb and explore. Unfortunately, these are extremely dangerous places to play. You may not realize it, but anyone who's lived next to one of these new homesites will attest, it's no place for children. If your kids play outside at all, we hope you'll ask them to please stay away from these sites and encourage their friends to do the same. Thanks!
November 2, 2020
Snow Removal Services
Click on the link below for more information.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
October 15, 2020
Irrigation - Preliminary Schedule
Sat, Oct. 17th
9:00 AM
Downey - Victor Hugo Blvd
Becher - Poets Green
Primeau -Poets Green
9:00 AM – 10:00AM Garden Way South to Jardin
Pinault - Garden Way
Sears - 14282 Garden Way
Schwab - Garden Way
Anderson - Garden Way
* Sears - 14176 Garden Way - Sunday
10:00 – 11:30 Jardin
Johnson - Jardin
Wier - Jardin
Hermann -Jardin
Groneberg - Jardin Ave.
Wentz - Jardin
Brad -Jardin
11:30 – 1:30 Garden Way / Arbre
Bosch - Garden Way
Mittleburn -Garden Way
Stein - Arbre Lane
White - Arbre Lane
Mader - Arbre Lane
Gloege -Arbre Lane
Tauralt -Arbre Lane
Goodchild -Arbre Lane
1:30 – 2:00 Garden Way North from Arbre toVictor Hugo Blvd.
Carlson - Garden Way
2:00 – 3:00 Cossette Way
14356 Cosette Way
Coleman - Cosette Way
Berger - Cosette Way
3:00 – 3:30
Viker - Garden Way
Kluska - Cosette Lane
3:00 – 4:00
Ferderer - Grantaire Lane
Betts - Grantaire Lane
Auxier -Val Jean
Olson -Val Jean
4:00 – 5:00
Burr -Cosette Lane
Rogers - Cosette Lane
Carlson - Cosette Lane
Bosch - Victor Hugo Blvd.
Ecklin - Victor Hugo Blvd.
Sunday Oct. 18th
12:00 PM
Stanek - Val Jean
12:30 PM
Savard - Everton
Starr - Everton
1:00 PM
Buetow - Provence Way
Halverson – Boyd - Provence Way
Houchins - Val Jean
Anderson - Cosette
September 22, 2020
Irrigation Winterization
August 14, 2020
Political Signs

- no more than two signs allowed
- each sign size must be not more than 8 sq. feet per sign
- allowed within 8 weeks of election date (Sept. 8, 2020 - Nov. 3, 2020)
- must be unlighted
7.18 Signs. No sign or comparable device of any kind shall be placed, erected or maintained on the Property except (i) one customary unlighted "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per Residential Unit or CIC Unit (except corner Units shall be permitted one such sign per side of the Unit that fronts on a street) of not more than eight square feet advertising the Unit for sale or rent, (ii) not more than two (2) unlighted "For Rent" signs per Apartment Village Unit of size and location approved by the A.R.C., (iii) within eight (8) weeks prior to an election date, two unlighted political signs of not more than eight square feet per sign, (iv) not more than twice per year, and limited to five days each time, not more than two signs per Residential Unit or CIC Unit, each of not more than eight square feet, advertising a yard sale, (v) signs placed by the Master Developer, a Village Declarant, a Village Developer or a builder to advertise the Property, Units or Dwellings during the construction and sales period, and (vi) the permanent entrance signs and monuments erected by the Master Developer, Apartment Village Owner, Village Developer, or Village Declarant to identify the Property.
July 7, 2020
Rice Creek Watershed District's JD3 Project Has Begun
Homeowners and residents can contact Ashlee Ricci at the Rice Creek Watershed District Office at or 763-355-7619 for any questions or concerns.
July 2, 2020
Pool Update - 7/2/20
Victor Gardens Community Association
June 22, 2020
Pool Update - 6/22/20
- Public health safety is the driving factor of the pool opening plan.
- Victor Gardens residents only. No guests. ID required.
- All resident children must be accompanied by a resident adult aged 18+.
- The pool will be open in 2-hour time blocks Wednesday through Friday 12:00 PM to 8:00PM and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM through 8:00 PM. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
- Each day’s schedule will be broken up into 2-hour time block cycles. After each 2-hour block the pool, pool deck, and building will close for 30-minute cleaning. Everyone must leave after their scheduled block is over. Another 2-hour block starts after a 30-minutes cleaning. This cycle continues throughout the day.
- Residents will reserve their 2-hour time blocks via website signup.
- To enable as many residents as possible to have access to our pool, residents may only sign up for one block each day.
- Resident “walk-ups” will be allowed, but online reservations will receive first priority.
- Associa’s pool attendants and Semper Fi Security will ensure that the new rules, scheduling, distancing, cleaning plan will be followed.
- Capacity will be limited to roughly 40 including the pool, pool deck, and building.
- Signed waiver required for each time block.
- Social distancing will be expected and enforced. Face coverings while not in the pool are strongly recommended.
- Pool toys strongly discouraged.
- Bring your own portable chair. All of Victor Gardens’ chairs, lounges, tables, and umbrellas will be removed to storage.
June 15, 2020
Pool Update - 6/15/20
VG Home Vandalized
June 8, 2020
Pool Update - 6/8/20
June 6, 2020
Food Drive Today
June 5, 2020
Grad Parade today at 6:30pm
At 6:30 PM there will be a parade of Victor Gardens graduating seniors will be parading through the neighborhood. Please feel free to wave and congratulate them on your porches or sidewalks as they pass by.
The parade will end at the park pavilion in the front of the neighborhood. Anyone who would like to wish these students well from a socially acceptable distance is welcome to stop by!
May 22, 2020
Keep Out of the Pool
May 21, 2020
Leave No Trace
May 11, 2020
Pool Closed Until Further Notice
May 6, 2020
Poet's Green Planter Vandalized
May 3, 2020
Digging holes in a path
April 20, 2020
Pool Opening Update
April 13, 2020
New pool key fobs mailed
![]() |
The new key fob replaces your old one |
Dear Homeowner,
Enclosed you will find a new key fob for the Victor Gardens Community Activity Center. The Activity Center will be outfitted with a new key fob system beginning this pool season and homeowners should use the new key fob moving forward to access the pool and activity center at 14575 Victor Hugo Blvd. Homeowners are allowed 1 key fob per household.
The new key fob is tied to your address and should not be shared with anyone outside of your household. Homeowners found to be permitting access to anyone other than members of their household may have their access privileges revoked and may incur fines from the Master Association.
If you would like to utilize the upstairs gathering room for meetings, parties, gatherings, etc. a reservation is required. To check availability and acquire the reservation form, you may contact Associa Minnesota Customer Service. Once your reservation is confirmed, your key will be activated on the day of your reservation.
The Victor Gardens Master Board of Directors encourages everyone to familiarize themselves with the Activity Center and Pool rules and regulations. Anyone found to be in violation of the rules and regulations may have their key access revoked and may incur fines to their homeowner account.
Homeowners who are delinquent on their assessments will have their new fob deactivated until the delinquency is cured. If you are having trouble accessing the Activity Center, please check with our office to ensure your account is current.
Let me know if this looks good, and I will get these printed and sent.
Phillip McDougle, CMCA AMS
Community Manager
Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Main: 763-225-6400
Customer Service: 763-746-1188
After Hours Emergency Answering Service 763-225-6400 ext. 9
April 9, 2020
Birch resumes work
Good Morning,