
December 15, 2020

Keep Kids Out of Construction Sites

Parents, please ask your kids to stay away from new home construction sites. Kids may think that homesites are fun, with interesting equipment, dirt piles, dumpster treasures, loose materials, and new places to climb and explore. Unfortunately, these are extremely dangerous places to play. You may not realize it, but anyone who's lived next to one of these new homesites will attest, it's no place for children. If your kids play outside at all, we hope you'll ask them to please stay away from these sites and encourage their friends to do the same. Thanks!

November 2, 2020

Snow Removal Services

Birch is offering residential snow blowing for a select area of Hugo again this season.

Click on the link below for more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Dan Steuernagel | Vice President

P: 651.481.9180
3100 Spruce Street
St. Paul, MN 55117

October 15, 2020

Irrigation - Preliminary Schedule

Below is the preliminary schedule for irrigation winterization by Shawn Herman from Classic Landscape.  Contact Shawn with questions or to signup.  $50/ Lawn good for weekend of Oct 17 and 18.  Cash or check.
Call/ test: 612-366-6088

Sat, Oct. 17th

9:00 AM

Downey - Victor Hugo Blvd

Becher - Poets Green

Primeau -Poets Green

9:00 AM – 10:00AM Garden Way South to Jardin

Pinault - Garden Way

Sears - 14282 Garden Way

Schwab - Garden Way

Anderson - Garden Way

* Sears - 14176 Garden Way - Sunday

10:00 – 11:30 Jardin 

Johnson - Jardin

Wier - Jardin

Hermann -Jardin

Groneberg - Jardin Ave.

Wentz - Jardin

Brad -Jardin

11:30 – 1:30 Garden Way / Arbre

Bosch - Garden Way

Mittleburn -Garden Way

Stein - Arbre Lane

White - Arbre Lane

Mader - Arbre Lane

Gloege -Arbre Lane

Tauralt -Arbre Lane

Goodchild -Arbre Lane

1:30 – 2:00 Garden Way North from Arbre toVictor Hugo Blvd.

Carlson - Garden Way

2:00 – 3:00 Cossette Way

14356 Cosette Way

Coleman - Cosette Way

Berger - Cosette Way

3:00 – 3:30

Viker - Garden Way

Kluska - Cosette Lane

3:00 – 4:00

Ferderer - Grantaire Lane

Betts - Grantaire Lane

Auxier -Val Jean

Olson -Val Jean

4:00 – 5:00

Burr  -Cosette Lane 

Rogers  - Cosette Lane

Carlson - Cosette Lane

Bosch - Victor Hugo Blvd.

Ecklin - Victor Hugo Blvd.

Sunday Oct. 18th 

12:00 PM 

Stanek - Val Jean

12:30 PM  

Savard - Everton

Starr - Everton

1:00 PM 

Buetow - Provence Way

Halverson – Boyd - Provence Way


Houchins - Val Jean


Anderson - Cosette

September 22, 2020

Irrigation Winterization

Fall is in the air and it's again time to winterize your irrigation system.  Shawn Herman with Classic Lawnscape has been offering our neighborhood a group rate of $50/ lawn (cash or check payable to Shawn Herman).  The group rate will be valid the weekend of October 17 and 18THIS PRICE IS ONLY GOOD ON THIS WEEKEND. 
Other times can be scheduled if this does not work for you but regular season rates will apply.
This is the tentative route he would use for the weekend based on last year numbers to help give residents a rough estimate of where they would be on the schedule.

On Sat. the 17th the route starts at about 8 AM on Poets Green then to Garden Way West side of street heading south.  Around Jardin to Garden Way (usually mid morning), up Arbre, and around to catch the east side of Garden Way(usually early afternoon).  Then head east around to Cosette Way and take Victor Hugo down to Garden Way.  Go around the Park and back up the east side of Cosette Lane (mid to late afternoon) around to Victor Hugo.  From there I will head east down Val Jean to the Bridge.  Depending on response I will probably stop here due to darkness.
On the 18th the start time will depend on number of participants.  It probably would not be before 11 am.  I would begin again on Val Jean from the bridge heading east to Everton.  North on Everton, east side of street, to Provence.  Around Provence back down west side of Everton to Val Jean.  Then west down Val Jean to the Bridge.
As usual timing/scheduling will be totally dependent on the number participating and if there are any unforeseen problems encountered during the day. 

Please contact Shawn directly with questions or to signup.
Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.
Cell/text – 612-366-6088.

August 14, 2020

Political Signs

As campaign season heats up, residents are reminded of Victor Gardens Community Association's policies on political lawn signs, found in Victor Gardens' Master Covenants, Section 7.18

- no more than two signs allowed
- each sign size must be not more than 8 sq. feet per sign
- allowed within 8 weeks of election date (Sept. 8, 2020 - Nov. 3, 2020)
- must be unlighted

7.18 Signs. No sign or comparable device of any kind shall be placed, erected or maintained on the Property except (i) one customary unlighted "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per Residential Unit or CIC Unit (except corner Units shall be permitted one such sign per side of the Unit that fronts on a street) of not more than eight square feet advertising the Unit for sale or rent, (ii) not more than two (2) unlighted "For Rent" signs per Apartment Village Unit of size and location approved by the A.R.C., (iii) within eight (8) weeks prior to an election date, two unlighted political signs of not more than eight square feet per sign, (iv) not more than twice per year, and limited to five days each time, not more than two signs per Residential Unit or CIC Unit, each of not more than eight square feet, advertising a yard sale, (v) signs placed by the Master Developer, a Village Declarant, a Village Developer or a builder to advertise the Property, Units or Dwellings during the construction and sales period, and (vi) the permanent entrance signs and monuments erected by the Master Developer, Apartment Village Owner, Village Developer, or Village Declarant to identify the Property.

July 7, 2020

Rice Creek Watershed District's JD3 Project Has Begun

The Rice Creek Watershed District has begun their work on the Judicial Ditch 3 this week to improve public drainage along the Clearwater Creek. The scope of this work is extensive and details can be acquired through the Rice Creek Watershed District, but most of the project involves the removal of trees and sediment along the creek.

Homeowners and residents can contact Ashlee Ricci at the Rice Creek Watershed District Office at or 763-355-7619 for any questions or concerns.

July 2, 2020

Pool Update - 7/2/20

The Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to keep the pool closed for the remainder of the season.

This was a difficult decision - we would rather have the pool open without any restrictions.

However, to comply with the State’s mandated requirements, the association would have to incur tens of thousands of dollars of additional expense, create an on-site pool staff, adhere to the strict schedule and sign-ups with closing the pool at regular intervals for deep cleaning, and remove the furniture on the pool deck. Along with the other requirements, this will not provide the pleasant experience we’re all used to.

Even though the pool hasn't hosted swimmers this year, its maintenance costs haven't been significantly reduced. To prevent expensive repairs the pool must be maintained throughout the season.

Keeping the pool closed saves the association and its owners from incurring additional expenses for what we believe would not have been a satisfying pool experience given the restrictions. If the State’s requirements are removed, we would want to reopen the pool. If the requirements change, we’ll examine our decision and reevaluate opening the pool.

The Board of Directors is also discussing how this season's pool expenses factor into our 2021 budget, long-range reserve budget, and next year's dues.

We know this decision is not what many want. And we understand that many also expect us to make safe fiduciary decisions. With the few weeks left in the season - after establishing the State’s requirements - there isn’t enough time to justify the additional cost.

The Board of Directors
Victor Gardens Community Association

June 22, 2020

Pool Update - 6/22/20

Victor Gardens Community Association’s Board of Directors has been working diligently on a pool reopening plan. In accordance with the State of Minnesota rules, the board is implementing a required plan that should allow for a July 8 opening, hopefully, sooner. The costs of compliance with the state guidelines will be substantial. The board has been taking the time to ensure that our expenses are minimized and well spent.

Our management company, Associa MN, will be hiring pool attendants, aged 18+, as part of this plan. More info on Associa employment will be available soon.

The details of Victor Gardens 2020 pool opening plan will be announced within the next week or so. Residents should expect significant changes to the pool rules, hours of operation, and environment.

- Public health safety is the driving factor of the pool opening plan.
- Victor Gardens residents only. No guests. ID required.
- All resident children must be accompanied by a resident adult aged 18+.
- The pool will be open in 2-hour time blocks Wednesday through Friday 12:00 PM to 8:00PM and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM through 8:00 PM. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
- Each day’s schedule will be broken up into 2-hour time block cycles. After each 2-hour block the pool, pool deck, and building will close for 30-minute cleaning. Everyone must leave after their scheduled block is over. Another 2-hour block starts after a 30-minutes cleaning. This cycle continues throughout the day.
- Residents will reserve their 2-hour time blocks via website signup.
- To enable as many residents as possible to have access to our pool, residents may only sign up for one block each day.
- Resident “walk-ups” will be allowed, but online reservations will receive first priority.
- Associa’s pool attendants and Semper Fi Security will ensure that the new rules, scheduling, distancing, cleaning plan will be followed.
- Capacity will be limited to roughly 40 including the pool, pool deck, and building.
- Signed waiver required for each time block.
- Social distancing will be expected and enforced. Face coverings while not in the pool are strongly recommended.
- Pool toys strongly discouraged.
- Bring your own portable chair. All of Victor Gardens’ chairs, lounges, tables, and umbrellas will be removed to storage.

June 15, 2020

Pool Update - 6/15/20

Today, Victor Gardens' Master Board met with our Community Manager to discuss the new Minnesota Department of Health public pool opening requirements. We're in the process of evaluating and understanding the long list of state guidance. Compliance requires increased costs and protocols. We're still waiting for some vendor's cost estimates, which we expect to have soon. The Master Board plans to meet next Monday to review the information.

VG Home Vandalized

Over the past several months, someone has repeatedly defaced the interior of a new single-family home under construction in our neighborhood. It's happened at least four times. Inside the home, they've left dumpster debris and extensive damage. They've scrawled disturbing graffiti and symbols, sending terrible messages to owners building their dream home. This activity has no place in our neighborhood or any other. The Washington County Sherrif's office is investigating. 

No-one should enter any home under construction that does not belong there, including young people or adults. No-one should be digging through or playing around construction dumpsters. 

Victor Gardens is a welcoming neighborhood. We love, respect, and look out for each other. We encourage the success of the small business owners and contractors who build homes here. 

As good neighbors, we ask for your help to protect our neighborhood from this unacceptable behavior. Be vigilant. If you see something suspicious, please call 911 immediately.

June 8, 2020

Pool Update - 6/8/20

The Victor Gardens Master Board is in the process of gathering updated information and will meet again on Monday, June 15 to discuss. There are a number of factors that will be part of the decision including recent State of Minnesota guidance, vendor information, monitoring and limiting the number of occupants, updated cleaning schedules, etc. 

June 6, 2020

Food Drive Today

The Hugo Boy Scout Troop 151 is holding a FOOD DRIVE TODAY, Saturday, June 6th from 9 am - 3 pm.

No-contact drive-through DROP OFF on June 6th at the St. John's the Baptist Church parking lot, 14363 Forest Blvd N in Hugo.

We are collecting monetary donations and non-perishable food items. All money donated will be used to purchase food for the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf!

PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD. We want to FILL THE FOOD SHELVES to help our neighbors! Support the efforts of your local Boy Scouts Troop! Thank you in advance!

June 5, 2020

Grad Parade today at 6:30pm

Today the White Bear Lake 2020 seniors are graduating!

At 6:30 PM there will be a parade of Victor Gardens graduating seniors will be parading through the neighborhood. Please feel free to wave and congratulate them on your porches or sidewalks as they pass by.

The parade will end at the park pavilion in the front of the neighborhood. Anyone who would like to wish these students well from a socially acceptable distance is welcome to stop by!

May 22, 2020

Keep Out of the Pool

Victor Gardens pool's winter cover has been removed to perform maintenance and repairs.  Although our pool appears inviting, the water is unheated and contains strong chemicals.  Nobody should be swimming in it. 

There have already been reports of groups of middle school and high school age kids attempting to climb the pool's fence.  Please talk to your children about the importance of keeping out of the pool and staying safe.

The pool remains closed until further notice.  For the safety of all and protection of association property, Semper Fi Security has been hired again this summer to monitor the area.  Last winter, video recording technology was updated. 

Any unauthorized person entering the pool area will be considered as trespassers and will be referred to the Washington County Sheriff. Homeowners in violation of the pool rules risk losing pool privileges when the Board makes the decision to re-open.

May 21, 2020

Leave No Trace

Parents, please have a chat with your teenage kids. We should all leave our parks cleaner than we find them. Leave no trace! 

Last weekend I received a note from one of our neighbors living near Arbre Park. "Thought I’d send you a note regarding the basketball court. We’ve noticed large groups of teens leaving plastic bottles and other trash behind. You can see the bottles and McDonald’s bag complete with leftover French fries in the picture below. We’re not sure if it’s people from the neighborhood or not, but would it be possible to post something to Victor Garden News asking people to make sure they keep our parks clean?"

May 11, 2020

Pool Closed Until Further Notice

Dear Victor Gardens residents,

Victor Gardens' neighborhood community center and pool will be CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE in order to reduce the opportunity for exposure of the coronavirus (COVID-19) exposure.

With the rapidly evolving situation, Victor Gardens Community Association's Board of Directors is continuing to monitor developments along with the guidance of Minnesota's public health authorities, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Board will reconvene June 15 to review any updated information. 

It's been difficult to watch the things we care about - community, gathering, and shared recreational experiences - be restricted or canceled, although we know that is the right and necessary thing to do. Please continue to practice social distancing and safe personal hygiene habits to help keep our community healthy and safe!

May 6, 2020

Poet's Green Planter Vandalized

The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors are seeking your assistance. Last week, Wednesday April 29 the Board along with management completed a Spring Walk. The Poets Green Park was visited at around 10:30am. Sometime between then and 6:00pm the fountain/planter was vandalized and it appears that the top portion was broken.

We are asking the owners around the Poets Green Park if they have any information or surveillance of the park within those times that could assist the Board in identifying the individuals responsible for the vandalism.

Any information can be provided directly to me. We thank you for the assistance in this matter.


Phillip McDougle, CMCA AMS
Community Manager
Notary Public

Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Main: 763-225-6400
Customer Service: 763-746-1188

May 3, 2020

Digging holes in a path

Over the last few months, different neighbors have asked me about holes dug into the path near "Weaver's Pond", where Garden Way and Val Jean Blvd. will eventually connect.  It's likely that kids building some sweet jumps have been digging there.  It's become a little dangerous lately though.  Unfortunately, I've heard about a few people falling into the hole while walking or riding their bikes. Today, a neighbor stopped by to tell me that he started to fill it back in.  

Lots of people use that path to travel between Arbre Park and Val Jean Park. If your kids are interested in digging holes, please ask them not to dig into that path.  There are lots of other good places to build sweet jumps. 

April 20, 2020

Pool Opening Update

As Memorial Day weekend draws closer, Victor Gardens residents may be wondering about our community pool's opening status.  VG's Master Board of Directors is in the early stages of discussion and is collecting more information. The Board will discuss again mid-May with input from Governor Walz’s executive orders, the CDC, Minnesota Dept. of Public Health, our association's management company and pool maintenance contractors. The Board will likely make the decision mid-to-late May.

Unrelated to COVID-19, our pool’s structure, pumping, heating, and other equipment require a weeks-long process of routine pre-opening inspections, repairs, seasonal maintenance, and chemical applications. If you see contractors working there, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the Board has decided to open the pool. They’re making sure the pool will be ready when the Board decides to open it.

Did you receive your new pool key fob?  All old key fobs have been deactivated. As part of an ongoing effort to provide additional security to Victor Gardens Neighborhood Community Center and pool, new key fobs were mailed to owners last month.  Each is unique to each owner.  An entry swipe of a key fob is logged remotely and time-stamped. The use of upgraded video recording equipment coupled with key fob swipe data will assist our community manager and other authorities if necessary.

April 13, 2020

New pool key fobs mailed

The new key fob replaces your old one
Your new Victor Gardens pool key fob was recently mailed.  Below is the letter our Community Manager, Phillip McDougle sent to each owner.

March 31, 2020

Dear Homeowner,

Enclosed you will find a new key fob for the Victor Gardens Community Activity Center. The Activity Center will be outfitted with a new key fob system beginning this pool season and homeowners should use the new key fob moving forward to access the pool and activity center at 14575 Victor Hugo Blvd. Homeowners are allowed 1 key fob per household.

The new key fob is tied to your address and should not be shared with anyone outside of your household. Homeowners found to be permitting access to anyone other than members of their household may have their access privileges revoked and may incur fines from the Master Association.
If you would like to utilize the upstairs gathering room for meetings, parties, gatherings, etc. a reservation is required. To check availability and acquire the reservation form, you may contact Associa Minnesota Customer Service. Once your reservation is confirmed, your key will be activated on the day of your reservation.

The Victor Gardens Master Board of Directors encourages everyone to familiarize themselves with the Activity Center and Pool rules and regulations. Anyone found to be in violation of the rules and regulations may have their key access revoked and may incur fines to their homeowner account.

Homeowners who are delinquent on their assessments will have their new fob deactivated until the delinquency is cured. If you are having trouble accessing the Activity Center, please check with our office to ensure your account is current.

Let me know if this looks good, and I will get these printed and sent.


Phillip McDougle, CMCA AMS
Community Manager

Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Main: 763-225-6400
Customer Service: 763-746-1188
After Hours Emergency Answering Service 763-225-6400 ext. 9

April 9, 2020

Birch resumes work

A message from our master association's landscaping maintenance contractor.

Good Morning, 

We are very grateful and pleased to share that our services are exempt as of today from the “Stay-at-home” order. (State of MN Executive Order 20-33

Although this is a great win, we are still amid a war as our company, families, neighbors, clients, business partners, state, country and world continue to battle COVID_19.

Our staff is returning to the field to continue the spring operations in preparing your landscape for the growing season. Although, mother-nature seems to be taking a step back, with colder temps in the next coming weeks, we will continue our spring landscape operations, while also keeping an eye out for a possible April snow event.

As mentioned before, we will continue to follow the new ‘rules’ in effort to protect the health of our staff and clients while maintaining your landscape in hopes you are able to enjoy our beautiful Minnesota spring and summer. 

You might see some of our staff with “buffs” over their face; don’t be alarmed, this is in effort to do our part to limit the spread of COVID_19. We will also be sending notifications to our clients letting them know when we will be onsite. These along with several other rules we have in place we are able to work in a safe and healthy manner.

From all of us to all of you, we wish you well and looking forward to seeing you outside (from 6 feet away).

Stay Safe. 

Please contact me with any comments, questions or concerns.

Kris Birch | President