

QI'm interested in building a new home in the neighborhood.  Where do I start?
A: The ARC page is a great starting point for all the info you'll need to buy or build a home in Victor Gardens.

QI'm a new resident. Who do I talk to about trash pickup and a mailbox key?
A: Each of Victor Gardens' seven sub-associations hire a management company and a Community Manager. They help residents with basic questions, billing, maintenance, and other association-specific info. If your new home is within Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association, you'll find answers to many commonly asked questions in our New Resident Guide. New residents in Victor Gardens Condo associations can find helpful contact information within the Association Info page links found on the front page of this website.

QHow do I replace a lost pool key?
A: Each household was given one access key fob to enter the Neighborhood Activity Center & Pool. If your key fob was lost or stolen a replacement key may be re-issued for a fee of $40.00. Contact the Master Association's Community Manager for replacement keys. (Master Assn. Contacts page)

Q: How do I report Pool rules violations or trespassers?

A: Report pool rules violations to our Community Manager.  Serious violations can be investigated with our security system.  Trespassers should reported to the Washington County Sheriff.  In an emergency dial 911. The non-emergency dispatch line is (651) 439-9381. New rules were adopted to coincide with the 2010 introduction of the key fob access system (Pool Rules)

QHow do I make Neighborhood Activity Center reservations?
A: Check availability and make reservations with our Community Manager. (Master Assn. Contacts page)

QHow do I subscribe to email updates and announcements?
A: Our Victor Gardens News email subscription system is available to all residents (sign up here).  You can also receive website updates via RSS (Look for the buttons/links on the home page.), and/or follow Victor Gardens News on Facebook.

QWho is responsible for snow removal?
A: The Master Association is responsible for snow removal in the Master Association's common streets, alleyways, fire hydrants, sidewalks, postal kiosks, and school bus stops. The Master Board has hired Goetz Landscape of Centerville for this service. Areas are generally cleared in order of priority. Top of this list are streets, alleyways, and fire hydrants. Postal Stations, sidewalks, and other common areas are generally cleared after that.  Large storms and City of Hugo plowing schedules complicate snow removal.
The Master Association does not remove snow on individual driveways, homeowner's steps, or sidewalks from front doors to public sidewalks.  Each sub-association handles these areas differently.  Condo/Townhome sub-associations may also hire contractors for these services.  The Single Family Village Association requires individual owners to perform this service themselves or contract it separately at their own expense. Residents with Master Association related snow-removal questions should contact our Community Manager. (
Master Assn. Contacts page)

QTo whom do I report a problem?
A: Master Association related issues can be reported to our Victor Gardens Community Manager (Master Assn. Contacts page). Other issues may be reported to your own sub-association's Community Manager. Find your Sub-Association Info page links on the site's front page:

QHow do I bring a question, suggestion, or complaint directly to the Board?
A: The most direct and effective approach is for residents to speak up during board meeting "homeowner forums". These are usually scheduled at the beginning of each scheduled board meeting. Check the calendar for the next scheduled meeting or contact your Community Manager for more information.

QHow can I become more involved in my neighborhood?
A: There are plenty of opportunities for residents. A few volunteer committees are available, such as a Social Events Committee, a Pool Committee, a Landscape Committee, etc. Other ideas and volunteers are always welcomed by the sub-associations and master associations. Check out our Volunteer page for more info.

QWhom do I contact for dues and billing questions?
A: Each of Victor Gardens' seven sub-associations hires a management company and a Community Manager who help residents with billing, maintenance, and other association-specific questions. Find your sub-association's contact information within the Association Info Page links found on the front page of this website.

QHow many homeowners associations are there within Victor Gardens?
A: There is one Master Association and seven sub-associations within Victor Gardens neighborhoods. Each of the sub-associations pay dues to the Master association. In turn, the sub-associations are represented by one or more Directors on the Master Board.  Their residents enjoy amenities provided by the Master Association.

QDo my dues pay for this website and email announcement system? Does a developer, builder, real estate agent or advertiser pay or influence its content?
A: No. This website is written by and for residents. It is not a formal form of communication from the Board of Directors, the master or sub-associations. Developers, builders, realtors, or other non-residents do not contribute financially to the site or the email subscription system. They are paid for by the residents who host them. The goal of this site is to provide information to residents from a resident point of view.