
September 27, 2007

CPDC Identifies SFV Areas Affected by Defaulted Loans

Homer Tompkins, CPDC’s President, has clarified which areas in Victor Gardens Single Family Village (SFV) that will be affected by CPDC’s defaulted loans.  Mr. Tompkins wrote me yesterday, “CPDC owns the remaining lots in Phase 1 (14 lots) that are not in default... we currently own the 29 lots in Victor Gardens East”  Those 29 are the lots that CPDC hasdefaulted on.

The terminology can be a little confusing, with map location identifiers like “Victor Gardens East”, and the various “Additions” and “Phases”.  I’ve put together a map that may help to generally identify the SFV areas Mr. Tompkins described.  

blue section = phase 1 (14 lots currently not in default)

orange section = phase 2 (29 lots currently in default)

yellow section = status unknown (by Mark V. at this time)

teal section = owned by Ryland Homes & Pratt (not affected)

green section = owned by Mr. Douglas Martinson, a Hugo resident with no current plans to sell to developers.

September 26, 2007

Ladies Night Out Begins October 4

This announcement from Jody Schwab:

For the month of October these are the details:

  1. Date: Thursday, October 4

  2. Meet: Washington Square , in downtown WBL

  3. Time:  6 pm (or come late)

  4. RSVP: e-mail  no later than Monday October 1.

A side note about LADIES NIGHT OUT…. All “chicks” from the Victor Gardens “hood” are invited.  We will meet the 1st Thursday of every month, unless otherwise noted.  Location and time will be determined at the previous month’s gathering.  We are flexible and open to doing “just” about “anything”!  Questions can always be directed to me.  Work# 651-266-9500, Cell # 651-246-9503.   CAUTION!!  We are not responsible for Chick’s behaving badly!  Just enjoying the EVENING!


September 25, 2007

Sump Pumps & Drainage Problems - Meeting Held

This morning, Hugo’s Mayor Fran Miron, Hugo’s Community Development Director Bryan Bear, and other City public works, engineering, and inspection officials met with Dave Hempel of CPDC, and a group of Victor Gardens homeowners.  Traci Tapani provided maps of the affected properties and passed along comments received from the surveys she collected.  

At the conclusion of the “walk-through” meeting Mayor Miron told the group that the City would work with other watershed officials and investigate the issues further.  He suggested that a few weeks from today, a neighborhood meeting would likely be held to discuss their findings.

Homeowners who have not yet completed their surveys are urged to do so soon.   Results from those surveys will be used to further illustrate the scope of the problem to those who can help.   Please contact us if you need a copy of the survey emailed to you.  Thanks again to Traci for her work on this issue.

Board Advisory Group - Recommendations to Board

Following the July 19, 2007 informal Neighbor’s Meeting - a group of homeowners volunteered to address our Victor Gardens Community Association’s (VGCA) financial challenges, and make recommendations to the VGCA Board of Directors.  Following the last VGCA Board Meeting, the homeowner’s group (Board Advisory Group) met to discuss the additional challenges facing the Association.

The Board Advisory Group has made a list of action items and recommendations to the Board.  Here are three of the items:

1. Recommend to the Victor Gardens Community Association 's Board of Directors that the VGCA fund the retaining of legal counsel to inform and

advise VGCA's homeowners. 

2. Recommend to the Victor Gardens Community Association 's Board of Directors that they work with our management company, Community Development,Inc. to revise the VGCA's budget. The issue of old debts must be addressed, contracts may need to be reviewed, and cost cutting measures must also be considered.

3. Contact City of Hugo officials to collaborate with homeowners, finding

ways of upholding high architectural and landscape standards for future

homebuilding in Victor Gardens - regardless of who owns properties or builds

homes. If CPDC is no longer involved - A suggestion has been made to appoint current homeowners as representatives of an Architectural Review Committee. As it currently stands now, City of Hugo building permits in the VG neighborhood are approved only if also previously approved by the VGCA's ARC.

September 24, 2007

Victor Gardens Bowl Returns Sunday, Sept. 30

It’s that time of year again…


The leaves are turning colors.  The temperatures are turning brisk (in theory).  And the Vikings are already playing themselves out of the playoffs.  Which can only mean one thing…it’s time for the annual Victor Gardens Bowl.


For those new to the ‘hood, every Fall on the Sunday of the Packers/Vikings showdown, we gather for a friendly, neighborhood touch football game.  It’s co-ed, but adults only (although all are welcome to cheer on the gridiron warriors.)  We had a handful of potential gamebreakers out of the lineup last year due to doctor’s orders (some medical mumbo-jumbo about jarring hits being dangerous in the third trimester) so we’re looking forward to a big turnout this year.


So stretch out those hammies, fill up the water bottle, and start talking some smack. We’ll see you at Arbre Park (by the basketball court) at 10 am this Sunday (Sept 30).  

September 23, 2007

Rachel Berger’s Chilli Judged the Best

Congratulations to this year’s Chili Champ, Rachel Berger, for her winning entry (#5) in the Victor Gardens 2007 Chili Cook-Off.  The Champ was awarded a handmade Chili-themed apron and “victory laurels” made by Squeeky Connors.  

Thanks to everyone who planned and participated in the event.  It was fun for everyone!