
September 1, 2012

Projector needed for Movie Night

Does anyone have access to a projector that we could borrow for movie night (Fri, Sep 7th)?  Our contact for the projector recently switched jobs and no longer has access.  We need a projector that we can hook up to a laptop or dvd player with a sound system.  If anyone has access and is willing to help please contact Lisa at or Mark at  

August 30, 2012

Volunteers Needed!

Do you enjoy spending time with your neighbors?  Do you like the events put on the by neighborhood?  We need your help!!!

A special thanks to our awesome neighbors (Kallie, Melinda, Amy, and Emily) who have stepped up!  We have the grill for movie night and 3 of the 4 signs covered.

We would still like one more volunteer to adopt a sign.  This person would be in charge of storing, lettering and moving a sign for neighborhood events.  A week or two before the event we would e-mail you with what needs to be placed on the sign and give you target dates for getting the sign up and down from your assigned place in the neighborhood.  Please consider volunteering to be one of our "sign people"!

If you can help please contact Lisa at or 651-646-2658.  

Upcoming events:
Friday, Sept 7th: Potluck grill night.  Around 6pm until 7:30 or so.  Bring your own meat and a dish to share.  Plates, forks, napkins, and condiments will be provided.
Friday, Sept 7th: Movie night at Valjean Park.  Movie TBA.  Will begin at dark (8pm or a bit later).
Thursday, Sept 27th (tentative): Evening golf outing at Tanner's Brook.  Detail TBD.
Friday, Oct 5th (tentative): Wine tasting in Pratt cul-de-sac.  Details TBD.

Local Business Profile - Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness

Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness Martial Arts Academy:
Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness specializes in helping people like you develop healthier minds and bodies, and to feel more secure through quality and comprehensive professional karate instruction. Our staff of highly trained Black Belts have the ability to effectively communicate their knowledge and understanding to students of all ages. Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness programs are designed with you in mind. We pride ourselves in the complete personal development of each student in addition to improving your personal defense skills. Knowing how to recognize potential danger and learning how to avoid and eliminate threats to yourself and loved ones should be a priority for everyone. Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness is the ideal place to develop personal defense that works in a fun and safe environment.

UMA Children's Karate Programs Encourage:
  • Self-Esteem to Truly Believe They Can Become Anything They Set Their Mind To.
  • Internal Confidence to do what they know is right when they are Undoubtedly Put To the Test.
  • Mental Toughness To Know How to Stand up to Bullying Behavior Without Violence.
  • Physical Fitness That Will Help Them Feel Good About Their Body and Participate In Any Sports Activity That They Want To Play.
  • Concentration Skills Maintain Excellent Grades At School.
Also, we offer classes 6 days a week for all ages and ability levels. Our schedule is designed to keep today's busy family in mind - there are many class options at different times, and students have the flexibility to attend class when it its convenient for them, and may attend as often as they like. In addition, we offer a variety of classes to meet our students' needs; including Sparring, Forms, Weapons, Flips, and Family classes. Classes are beginning every week for students age 3 and above.

Call Kevin Howard, Owner/Director for more information (651) 464-7051
You can also follow them via UMA Hugo's Facebook 

The Nest Invites Residents to its Upcoming Events

As The Nest completes their new model home at 14327 Victor Hugo Blvd. (near Cosette Way)  they've invited Victor Gardens residents to a number of their upcoming events.

Model Home on
Victor Hugo Blvd & Cosette Way
Fall Parade of Homes
Starts Saturday/Sunday Sept 8-9, 12-6pm
And Thursday-Sunday for the rest of September

Get Started on the Green Path
Saturday, September 15, 12-6pm
Learn all about the Minnesota Green Path program and tour our Green Path certified home at the Nest in Victor Gardens.

Ladies Night at the Nest
Tuesday, September 18, 7-9pm
Join us for wine, desert and the latest fashions from CAbi at the Nest in Victor Gardens and tour our modern version of an English Arts and Crafts cottage.

Fall Family Fun
Saturday, September 29, 12-6pm
Bring the kids along for apple bobbing and decorating at the Nest in Victor Gardens and tour our Green Path certified home.

Email The Nest for more info.