
April 19, 2014

Next Saturday - Scouts collect food donations

Your home will be visited next Saturday morning, April 26, by Hugo's Boys Scout Troop 151, Cub Scout Pack 151 or one of Hugo's Girl Scout Troops to collect non-perishable food items and cash donations for Hugo's Good Neighbors Food Shelf.  If you're not planning to be home, you can leave donations on your front porch for the Scouts to collect.
The current needs of the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf include: hearty soups (no tomato, please), canned pasta, canned meat (tuna and chicken), canned fruit, mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, pasta, coffee, pancake mix and syrup, beef stew, boxed potatoes, flour, sugar and baking supplies.  Financial donations area always welcome as they are able to purchase food at very discounted rates.

Over the last few years, Scouting for Food has become increasingly successful.  The Scouts hope that with their combined efforts this year, they'll beat last year's record of 1900 pounds of food donations.


April 18, 2014

Quality Window Cleaning - Flat Rate Offer for Residents

Quality Window Cleaning is offering a special $175 flat-rate for Victor Gardens Single Family Village residents. This price includes cleaning all windows, screens and doors inside and outside. This is the same company Tony Schwab has recommended for a number of years, and reports of their work were very positive. Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519.

Similar flat-rate discounts were offered last year for Condo residents.  Last year's $100 Condo price included cleaning all windows, screens, and doors inside and outside.   This offer extended to the Villas, Gables, North & South Village, etc...  

Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519 for more info.

$40 Spring De-Thatching/Raking Service

Bud Schneider is offering discounted machine de-thatching/raking services again this spring.  Tony Schwab has negotiated group rate pricing with Bud.  The cost is the same this year as in previous years: $40 per yard. 

Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for the last few years and he's done a great job.  Sure beats raking by hand!
Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 429-6896.

Disclosure Statement 

Poet’s Green Fountain to be converted into a planter

Following a few years of maintenance problems and vandalism the Master Board approved the conversion of the Poet’s Green Fountain.  In the coming season, Birch Lawn Maintenance will remove the old pump and broken parts, install new drip irrigation and plant annual flowers within the existing fountain bowls.  It’s appearance will be consistent with other annual plantings found at Victor Square and the Clock Tower.

Val Jean Bridge landscaping approved

Work will begin this spring to bring irrigation and new landscaping to the Master Association common areas surrounding the Val Jean Bridge that crossing Clearwater Creek.  The Board approved Birch Lawn Maintenance's plan this week.  

The area will feature the same types of plants, retaining walls and mulch seen elsewhere in the neighborhood, giving the area an integrated appearance.  It's overall design will closely resemble the Everton Ave. Bridge landscaping installed last summer.

April 16, 2014



A group of us talked about doing the Garage Sale earlier this year and have it May 8, 9 and 10th so it doesn't interfere with the last week of school. We need 10 residents to commit to hosting sales during this time. Please respond on this site if you're in for those dates. If we get 10 homes onboard, the neighborhood events budget will pay for advertising of the sales. If we don't get at least 10 signed up then everyone will be on their own for sale dates/times/expenses. 

Thanks everyone!

Update: Tree & Brush Removal from Pipeline Right-of-Way

UPDATE 4/16/14:
To All Concerned: 
The clearing in your neighborhood has been postponed for a few weeks.  We did get the Right of Way marked. I will send a new e-mail before work will be done and set up a time to meet with homeowners that have concerns before work is started.
Thank You.
Tim Flansburg
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
4501 103rd Ct NE Ste 180
Circle Pines MN 55014
763-785-2300 (Office)
612-719-8540 (Mobile)
UPDATE 4/8/14:

Victor Gardens Residents,
I just received the following email regarding clearing trees and brush within a pipeline right-of-way.  Please direct your questions to the person listed below:

To All Concerned:
The Asplundh Tree Expert Co. will start marking the right of way next Monday April 14th .  This work will be done for KOCH Pipeline . We will be clearing brush and trees in the ROW. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me or e-mail me at . This is done for safety reasons to keep ROW free of tree roots and obstructions. The tree work will be started the following week to give all time for any concerns to be addressed.

Thank You !!

Tim Flansburg
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
4501 103rd Ct NE Ste 180
Circle Pines MN 55014
763-785-2300 (Office)
612-719-8540 (Mobile)