
March 6, 2013

Overview of Last Night's SFV Annual Meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended Victor Gardens Single Family Village's Annual Meeting last night, or turned in their Proxies.  

There was a lot of good news to share.  The Board described some of what's been happening over the last year, our association's excellent financial condition, and some ideas for the next year.  Volunteers continue to make the Victor Gardens a great community to live in.  Here are a few of the evenings highlights:
  • Julie kicked off the meeting as our President. She thanked everyone in attendance and those who sent their Proxies.  
  • Social Events: Kelly and Lisa reported on last year's successful programs.  They and the Social Events volunteers are planning to build on that success and expand into some interesting activities this coming year.  Some have just been added to the calendar. Residents are encouraged to help out if they can. Joining the Committee is not required, any help is appreciated. Contact Lisa and Kelly.
  • Long Range Planning Committee: Mark described what the volunteers have been working on, and encouraged everyone to complete their surveys soon.
  • New Home Building: Terry, Josh and Mark described what's been happening with new home construction in the SFV over the last year and projections for next year.  The Master ARC has been very active reviewing new home application recently and expects more soon.  Residents are always welcome to attend Master ARC meetings.  Check the calendar for dates.
  • Financials: John described our association's good financial situation, next year's budget, and the Board's efforts to keep costs down and dues level. 
  • Dues: John described the best way to ensure dues were paid on-time:  Automatic-electronic payments.  Contact Kari Miller to sign up.
  • ARC: A new Architectural & Landscape Change Application form was recently developed to improve the review process. As an integral companion to the new form, the SFV ARC page received a major overhaul in the last two weeks.  It now describes exactly what the ARC requires for many popular alterations/improvement proposals.  If  residents follow the requirements on that page and submit via email, the ARC should be able to respond quickly.  Mailed submissions will take significantly longer.  Residents are encouraged to plan ahead, especially with compliated projects like decks, landscape changes, etc. Our Community Manager will return submissions that are incomplete or don't follow the submission guidelines found on the SFV ARC page.
  • Other news:
    • Josh & Mark briefly described the differences between our sub-association and the master association, and the differences between the Master ARC and the SFV ARC.
    • Julie talked about the pool, activity center, and the improvements made to both.  The Master Board will revoke pool privileges for those who allow others to enter with their keys.  (This happened a few times last year).  Enjoy the pool with common sense. Report unauthorized pool access to Washington County Sheriff's non- emergency number: (651) 439-9381.
    • Mark described a few of the potential new landscaping projects that the Master Board may begin this summer, the landscaping that volunteers installed at Val Jean Park last summer, and the various improvements made to our parks and common areas.
    • Mark described his effort with Connexus to provide power to Grantaire Green. Hopefully it will be completed before next holiday lighting season.
    • Julie announced that all questions regarding dues, maintenance issues, broken sprinklers, etc., should be reported to our Community Manager Kari Miller.
    • Roger described the efforts of an ice rink exploratory committee.  They're working towards bringing a community spirit back to our parks that's often lacking in winter. A number of residents have been working towards finding aesthetically attractive, low profile solutions that fit within our communities' standards. Everyone who expressed opinions online or via email were invited to the committee's meetings, including those who expressed concerns, or were against the idea. The committee's work continues and they hope to have a rink approved and in place next winter.
    • Terry described his role in the remaining homesites within the SFV.  He's working with Colfax Companies in their effort to build new custom homes, including the new home near the tennis court.  This home will be Colfax's first model home in Hugo.  Terry's lots are also available to other builders, including The Nest , Homes by James, and others.
  • Resident Forum: Q&A:  There were a few questions that residents asked about.  Here's a brief summary/response:
    • Flickering and dead street lights should be reported to Connexus Energy via this link.
    • Snow plowing issues should be reported to our Community Manager, Kari Miller
    • Beavers and Beaver damage should be reported to Kari Miller.
    • Residents may request Kari Miller arrange a meeting or a phone call with the SFV ARC.  Prior to that though, residents should familiarize themselves with the relevant submission requirements, found on the SFV ARC page and the new Application Form.
  • Elections:
    • John and Mark were the only residents nominated and were unanimously re-elected. 
    • The SFV's Board Positions are 
      • Julie, President
      • Josh, Vice President
      • John, Treasurer
      • Mark, Secretary
      • Terry, Member-at-Large
    • The Board has selected Josh and Mark as its two representatives on the Master Board.