
December 31, 2008

Master Board Meeting set for Jan.7

The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Master Board will be held on
Wednesday, Jan. 7, 6:00PM at Hugo City Hall
Some agenda items include:
FTTH Update 
Architectural Review Committee 
i) Process  ii) Pratt Homes Submission  iii) Ryland Homes Request for Amendment to Guidelines 
Fire Ring in Outlot Across from Val Jean Park 
Execution of Management Agreement  
Storm Damage Update 
Color of Gazebos in Ryland & Pratt Homes Cul-de-sacs 
Status of Maintenance Contracts 
Update from the Beard Group & Glen Bergman regarding lots 
A full agenda is available for download here:

December 28, 2008

SFV Board Vacancy - Requesting Candidates

As a result of Dan Sjoquist's resignation from the Single Family Village Board, and according to the Bylaws, the remaining Board Directors chose Mark Vlker as the new SFV representative to the Master Board.  The SFV Board also began the process of choosing another resident to fill the SFV Board vacancy.

Homeowners interested in serving on the Single Family Village Board are asked to submit a brief written statement for the current SFV Board to consider.  The Board will then discuss the candidates, and vote by secret ballot.

Please see below for candidate information including deadlines and related timeline:

  • December 29: Casey Groff, Victor Gardens’ Community Manager, begins accepting candidate statements.  These should include candidate’s qualifications, interests, and goals related to the Board position.
  • January 14:  Deadline for submitting candidate statements.
  • January 15:  Ms. Groff will provide the statements to the Board.
  • Week of Jan. 19: Board to discuss candidates.
  • Before Jan. 21:  Board members send secret vote to Ms. Groff.
  • Before Jan. 22: New Board Director will be announced.

Contact Casey Groff:

By email:

7100 Madison Avenue West,  Golden Valley, MN 55427

(763) 225-6400 Phone

December 23, 2008

Thanks to Dan Sjoquist!

This week Dan Sjoquist resigned as a Director on Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner Association’s Board. He decided to step down for personal reasons.
Dan has been a valuable partner in the leadership of two of our neighborhood associations.  During the last year, he helped steer our Single Family and Master Associations through a complex transition from Victor Garden's developer.  His volunteer commitment began long before he was elected to the Board last April. His continuing expertise helped build a stronger financial future for Victor Gardens. 
Thanks to Dan for his leadership and dedication. We wish him all the best, and thank him for his work on behalf of residents.

December 22, 2008

SFV Board Meeting Minutes Available

The minutes for the Single Family Village's December 16 Board Meeting are available for download.  This site's SFV Association page contains past meeting minutes, financials, and contact information.

December 17, 2008

Please Remove Your Contractor Signs

Six months have passed since May's tornado and hail storm. At its December 16 meeting, the Single Family Village Board agreed that it was the right time to ask homeowners to remove contractor signs.  The Board wishes to remind homeowners of Section 7 in the Victor Gardens Covenants. Please remove your signs advertising contractors, renovators, roofers, etc.  
The SFV Board also discussed the number of signs regularly seen throughout Victor Gardens, advertising other neighborhoods or non-affiliated builders outside of Victor Gardens. A homeowner also informed the Board of the aesthetic and safety issues with so many signs (large and small) at the entrances to Victor Gardens.  These signs are often placed close together blocking the view of oncoming traffic. 
The SFV Board will begin work towards Master Covenants compliance (related to signs) with SFV residents, the Master Board, and report (sign) safety concerns to the City of Hugo. 

Clarification of Items Requiring ARC Review

At its December 16 meeting, the Single Family Village Board clarified items requiring Architectural Change Applications (related to existing homes and landscapes).  These applications will continue to be reviewed by the SFV ARC.
The list of items requiring homeowner submitted Architectural Change Applications includes: Exterior paint color, siding materials, shingles, fencing, outdoor (non-holiday) lighting, landscaping, driveways, side walks, paths, retaining walls, home additions, outbuildings, garden structures, arbors, pergolas, trellises, gutters, decks, whirlpools, spas, hot tubs, permanent/ semi-permanent private pools*, permanent/ semi-permanent swing sets & play equipment*, permanent/ semi-permanent trampolines*, permanent/ semi-permanent basketball hoops* * for the purposes of this list “permanent/ semi-permanent” means in place for more than one day.  Certain play equipment may be used temporarily, meaning one day or less, but not left in place overnight.
Please contact Josh Berger, SFV ARC Chair with any questions about this list.  Downloadable PDF copies of the ARC Application is available via the following link:
Items specifically not reviewed by the SFV ARC are animals, parking (including RV's, boats, snowmobiles, and using garages for storage areas preventing parking inside, etc.), signs, satellite dishes, home-based businesses, timeshares, etc.  These items are regulated by the SFV’s and the Master Association’s governing documents.

December 16, 2008

NDP Will Complete Some Unfinished Developer Projects

Ron Mehl, Single Family Village Board Member and Neighborhood Development Partners Inc.'s representative has reported that NDP will install, at their expense, two remaining unbuilt postal stations and Grantaire Lane cul-de-sac outlot landscaping (grading, sprinklers, sod, trees). Construction will likely begin in Spring 2009.  According to Mr. Mehl, installing new boulevard trees will be the responsibility of builders.

December 2, 2008

VG Holiday Open House Event

The VG Events Committee is hosting a Holiday Open House for all Victor Gardens residents. We hope many of you will stop by for a little while between the hours of 6 and 8 PM on Thursday, December 11th. We will be providing free cocoa, cider and cookies for all. In addition, we will have a fun holiday craft for the kids. We are asking that residents bring an item (or items) that will be donated to our local Hugo Food Shelf. Currently the Food Shelf is in need of non-food items such as paper towels, Kleenex, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, laundry soap and toiletries. Food items in need are baking items such as flour, sugar, vanilla, etc... Sertino's has provided some coupons if anyone is interested in coming early for dinner. Coupons can be downloaded at A special thank you to Cheryl Vlker for her hard work organizing this event for our neighborhood as well as designing the holiday invite. No need to RSVP...we hope to see many of you there! Happy Holidays!

November 25, 2008

Single Family Village - Board Meeting set for Tuesday, Dec. 16

A Single Family Village Board Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 16 at Hugo's Public Works Building - Rice Lake Centre (6900 137th St.)  The last Board meeting's minutes are available on our SFV Association's web page, in addition to the tentative Dec. 16 Board meeting agenda, and recent financial statements.

Ice Skating

A resident has asked about ice skating rules related to the pond in Victor Square.   I asked our Community Manager, Casey Groff and she responded, saying that skating is not allowed, as it is a safety concern.  You can contact Casey with other questions you may have, at (763) 225-6498 or via email

Hartman Starts Construction of New Model Home

Hartman Homes has begun construction of a new single family model home west of the Val Jean Park tennis court.  Hartman plans to complete the home in time for the Spring '09 Parade of Homes.

November 18, 2008

I-35E / Anoka County Hwy 14 Construction Project

Plans to tame the busy interchange of I-35E and Anoka County Hwy. 14, are now available online. (Frenchman Road, a.k.a. Washington County Hwy. 8 becomes Anoka Hwy. 14 and Centerville's Main St. as it travels West into Lino Lakes and across I-35E into Centerville). A new interchange will move traffic faster across the Interstate, and provide room for a future 200-car "Park & Ride"across from Bobby & Steve's.  
According to Anoka County, 
"The project will be constructed starting in the Spring of 2009.  Construction is expected to be 

finished by the end of 2010. 

The project includes many improvements.  Key components of the project include the following: 

Adding lanes on Main Street. 

Constructing a center median along Main Street to reduce intersection conflict points. 

Replace and lengthen freeway entrance and exit ramps. 

Construct three traffic signals. 

Adding turn-lanes at public street intersections with Main Street. "

More details are available on Anoka County's highway website:

Click here for area map (large download)

Click here for Project flyer (including details)

November 12, 2008

Master Board Meeting set for Nov. 12 - reminder


Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, November 12


Oneka Room, Hugo City Hall

Agenda available for download

October 23, 2008

Maps Page Updated

A few new maps have been added to the Maps page.  The City of Hugo updated their "Address Maps" and have included more of the developing areas in Victor Gardens.

October 16, 2008

Beavers Causing Damage, Trapping Planned

Single-family homeowners living near the Jardin fountain should be aware that the City of Hugo has contacted a trapper to solve a beaver problem.  Beavers have been destroying trees near the pond behind homes near the south west corner of Victor Gardens (near the Lino Lakes border). An experienced trapper will place traps underwater (approved by the DNR).  Please be aware that these traps pose a potential hazard for people. Scott Anderson, City of Hugo's new Public Works Director advises residents (and any pets) to stay out of the water near these areas until the beaver is trapped.

Proposed Xcel Power Line Route Through Victor Gardens

LaVonne Fitzgerald, Master Board Member from the Villas Association has been gathering information about the proposed power line and has met with City of Hugo staff about the topic.  They have shared a few renderings that show Xcel's proposed route through Hugo and Victor Gardens.  It is believed that the City Council will discuss this at their November 3 City Council Meeting.  Interested residents should call City Hall as that date approaches, to verify if they will be discussing this at the meeting.
 UPDATE 10/16:  The following info was published in the most recent edition of The Citizen:  "Directed staff to review options for the construction of a new feeder distribution power line extending southwest from the Waters Edge neighborhood through Victor Gardens into Anoka County. Xcel Energy requested approval to construct the line in its right-of-way. More discussion will take place at the Oct. 20 council meeting." -written by Aaron Rupar
Download more images/documents:

October 11, 2008

Single Family Village - Oct. 21 Board Meeting Agenda Available

The Agenda for the October 21 Single Family Village Homeowners Association Board Meeting is now available for download on our resident website's  Single Family Village page.    Information such as meeting minutes and financial documents were updated as recently as yesterday.  
In addition to other important topics on the Agenda, the Board will re-visit the Association's Pet Policy.  This issue has been discussed at the SFV and Master meetings for months.  It appears that a conclusion is likely at the meeting.  The Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board has asked the Single Family Village Association to consider changes to our Pet Policy, which will likely be adopted by the Master Association later.  Our Community Manager, Casey Groff, is in the process of drafting new rules, mainly dealing with the leash control of dogs. The rules are expected to align closely with the relatively new Hugo City Pet Ordinance (link here.) This item has been added to Oct. 21 meeting's agenda.  Residents with opinions about changes to our Pet Policy are asked to speak at the Oct. 21 Board Meeting.  The Board will consider the options, listen to residents, and will likely make a final determination at the meeting.

Meeting starts at 6:00PM, on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at Hugo City Hall.  All SFV residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

October 8, 2008

SFV Board Meeting Minutes & Financials Updated

Single Family Village Board Minutes from the September 4th meeting, and updated financial statements have been added to our Single Family Village page.  

Also, a new Meeting Agenda is being developed in preparation for the upcoming SFV Board Meeting on October 21 (6PM at Hugo City Hall).  The SFV Board hopes to publish the final Agenda in the next few days, to give residents enough notice prior to the meeting.

The agenda is expected to include further discussion of unfinished projects, the Architectural Review process, and discussion of the SFV Pet Policy.  (The Master Association recently encouraged the sub-associations to review their Pet Policies prior to any action taken by the Master Board.)

SFV Sprinkler Blow Out Service - $50 - Scheduled Saturday,Oct.25

This following message is from Tony Schwab, who has been coordinating irrigation winterization services for interested residents.  
"The Sprinkler Blow out is scheduled for Oct 25th Saturday. That will allow those people who have their system in their house or garage to be home, I have seven people so far, The cost is $50.00 even. Check is to be posted at your front door if not home and made out to Shawn Herman. If you are not on the list now you can be added to the list   Cut off will be Oct 22   Thanks, Tony "   
Shawn will also open these in the spring and set your heads if want that service , We will send a message in the early spring.
Thank You 
Tony (651) 429-2000

October 7, 2008

Xcel Plans Another Elevated Electrical Line through Victor Gardens

At the last Hugo City Council Meeting (Oct. 6, 2008) Hugo city staff discussed with Hugo's City Council a new Xcel Energy plan to build an additional electrical feeder distribution line through parts of Hugo.  Xcel plans a (35,000 volt) line to run through parts of Victor Gardens' commercial and town homes areas on 45' tall poles along side the existing elevated power line.  Xcel's existing line can be seen near Kindergardens Day Care Center, Sertino's, Victor Square, our Neighborhood Activity Center, and portions of the Gables Association.
Xcel currently has a utility right-of-way easement along the existing line and wants to construct an additional above-ground electrical line that would run parallel to the existing line.  The City Council was informed by city staff of Xcel's desire to install an above-ground line rather than a more costly buried line.  
The Council discussed Xcel's plan, and voted to direct City staff to immediately begin working on alternative options, such as burying the cables, and other options. This discussion was part of the City Council's Oct. 6 Agenda (New Business Item J-3.  Minutes for the meeting have not been posted to Hugo's website yet, but the discussion is currently able to be viewed on cable subscribers channel 16 (Govt. TV).  
The issue is scheduled to be taken up again at the next City Council meeting.  
UPDATE 10/7/08: 
This afternoon I emailed our Hugo City Council Member, Becky Petryk; City Administrator, Mike Ericson; and Community Development Director , Bryan Bear.  I offered to publish and email any updates to Victor Gardens residents about information updates regarding the progress of this issue.
Council Member Petryk responded quickly to my email and wrote back in part, "This electric line is a very important issue and we will do our best to minimize the impact to our residents. Mike will keep me updated on any meetings and or progress in working out an acceptable solution."    I expect that we will find out more information within the next few days.
- Mark V

September 30, 2008

Master Board Meeting set for October 1 - agenda added

The next meeting of Victor Gardens Community Association's Master Board is scheduled for October 1, 6:00PM at Hugo City Hall in the Oneka room.  Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.  A resident forum will be available for residents to address any concerns with the Master Board.  The meeting's agenda will likely be available in the next few days.

The last Master Board Meeting's minutes and recent financials are posted to the Master Associations page.  All Master and Sub-Associations pages can be found by starting with Associations page. 

UPDATE 2/29: The meeting's agenda has just been released by the Board and uploaded to our resident website.  It can be found on our Master Association page.

Hartman plans to build new home

Hartman Homes' model on Poet's Green recently sold to our neighborhood's newest residents.  Hartman now plans to build another new home west of Val Jean Park's tennis court, in a less built-up section of VG's Single Family Village.   This is welcome news for residents as this builder has a reputation in Victor Gardens of building high-quality, attractive homes. 

September 25, 2008

Gables Association New Website

Charles Kirk was the webmaster for our Gables Association website. Due to his relocation to Utah, we no longer have access to update that website. The Gables Association Board of Directors feels there is still value in having a website for our association. We are in the process of establishing a new website. Please start using the new website for information regarding the Gables Association. We still have alot of work to do to get this completed and appreciate your patience during this period of transition. June Fulton President Board of Directors, Gables

Lawn Care - Sprinkler Winterization Services

Thanks to Tony Schwab for coordinating aeration services for many homeowners.  Tony has also been coordinating with another lawncare professional, Shawn from Classic Lawnscape. Shawn is offering to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of resident's individual sprinkler systems.  In the past, Shawn worked with Tony quite a lot in planting perennials earlier this season, and has also worked alot in Victor Gardens on our community sprinkler systems.
Shawn's price for blowing-out sprinklers will be $50.00 per home.  He plans on performing the work around Oct. 20 - 25th.  
If you want this service performed, just follow these steps:
  1.  Get on the list by Oct. 18 - Call or email Tony Schwab (email  (651) 429-2000 (home) or (651) 497-1447 (cell) or  to sign up. 
  2. Leave a check at your front door, made out to Classic Lawnscape on your day of service.

September 24, 2008

VG's Intranet Site deleted

The original Victor Gardens "Intranet" site and the Victor Gardens original marketing website were apparently both recently removed from the internet.
In recent years the Intranet site had not been updated much, except for the Activity Center's calendar. A few months ago, the Intranet site was essentially abandoned. At this point, it's unclear why the site was removed.

September 3, 2008

Pool Closed for the Season - Security Upgrades Planned

The Victor Gardens pool has now been closed for the season.  It is expected to open again in time for the next Memorial Day weekend.  Residents concerned about vandalism that occurred this past summer can look forward to future security upgrades to the pool area and Neighborhood Activity Center.  The Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board is considering options including upgraded and motion sensitive lighting, security cameras, and devices for after-hours monitoring of the area.

FTTH Agreement Reviewed by Master Board

Internet servers and related equipment owned by FTTH Communications is currently located within one of the buildings owned by the Victor Gardens Community Association (the Master Association).  Lightblast subscribers may be familiar with FTTH as their internet provider.  In the past the company was closely associated with Victor Gardens former Developer, CPDC, and Homer Tompkins.  Unfortunately, FTTH's equipment is currently stored and electrically powered at the Master Association's expense.  With the departure of CPDC and Homer Tompkins from Victor Gardens, questions are now being raised about the agreement between FTTH and the VGCA (Master Association) before it was transitioned to homeowner control.  
The current Master Board has contacted FTTH, and is investigating the arrangement. According to a report from the last Master Board Meeting, the arrangement was apparently verbally agreed to by FTTH and Homer Tompkins.  Furthermore, since the agreement was verbal the Board researched it's legality.  Also reported: According to Minnesota law, agreements such as this must be in writing.
While the Master Association was still under CPDC control, and while I was Single Family Village Liaison last year, I raised this question with Mr. Tompkins and the Board   At that time I was told there was an agreement in place to store FTTH's equipment within the building, and I was given the impression that the Association was being compensated for storage and reimbursed for the significant monthly electricity expense.  Now it appears that neither were true.
The Board will continue further discussions with FTTH, keeping in mind the ongoing internet service needs of Victor Gardens Lightblast subscribers, charging a fair rent to FTTH, and other terms as they relate to protecting and compensating the Master Association in the future.

Master Board Examines Master Pet Policy

At the last Master Board Meeting, the Board briefly considered changes to the Master Pet Policy. The Board did not vote on the issue at the time.  Board Members and our Community Manager, Casey Groff will re-examine some of the new policy's details.  It is very likely that a new Pet Policy will closely resemble the City of Hugo's recently adopted Animal Ordinance.  The Board is expected to discuss the issue again, and vote on the Pet Policy's final language at a future Board Meeting.

Neighborhood Activity Center Security

Casey Groff, Victor Gardens Community Manager, has been working to tighten security at the Neighborhood Activity Center.  The building's locks have been re-keyed, and keys will be more closely controlled in the future.  

Residents wishing to reserve the Neighborhood Activity Center should contact Casey.  Click here for the Master Association page (including contact info).

August 31, 2008

Gables Association New Board Member

I would like to announce the election of a new member to the VG Gables Association Board of Directors as of our August 20th meeting. Jason Lanpher is our newest member. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Jason to the Board and look forward to working with him. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Charles Kirk for his participation on the Board. He has resigned as of August 20th due to family relocating to Utah. June Fulton President, Gables Association Board of Directors

August 28, 2008

Board Meeting Agendas Available

Agendas for tonight's Master Board Meeting and next week's Single Family Village Board meeting (Thursday, Sept. 4, 7PM at the Neighborhood Activity Center) are both available to view and download.  Follow the link to the Associations page, then select the Master Association or the Single Family Village page.  Financials and other documents will be updated as they become available.

August 15, 2008

Website Improvements

As a result of suggestions by residents, I've made some improvements to our resident website .  Important documents, contact information, website links and financial statements are now categorized by association.  This new organization replaces the older Financial, Contact, and Documents pages.  Hopefully these improvements will help residents avoid confusion and find relevant information quickly.  Click on the new Associations links to see the new pages.

Single Family Village Board Meeting set for Thursday, Sept. 4

Victor Gardens Single Family Village's Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, Sept. 4
Neighborhood Activity Center

An agenda will be finalized and published in the next few days.  To view last meeting's minutes and recent SFV financial statements, follow the Single Family Village link via this website's new Associations page.

August 11, 2008

Master Board Meeting set for Thursday Aug. 28 - 6:00PM

The next meeting of Victor Gardens Community Association's Master Board is scheduled for August 28, 6:00PM at Hugo City Hall in the Oneka room.  Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.  A resident forum will be available for residents to address any concerns with the Master Board.  The meeting's agenda will likely be available in the days before the meeting.

August 10, 2008

Back to School Movie Night...Save the Date!

Friday, September 5th...please save the date for the next VG Movie Night in the Park. Details will be coming soon so check back here for updates!

August 8, 2008

Message About Recent Vandalism

A message to all residents from Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board of Directors:
Dear Victor Gardens Homeowner,
The Board of Directors would like to make you aware of recent vandalism to the community pool and bathhouse the night of July 31st. 
This is the 2nd time this season the pool has been vandalized.  As many of you are aware, earlier in the season, the pool had to be drained and closed due to vandalism.
Management believes the persons responsible are most likely children or adolescents, as it has been reported that kids have been hopping over the fence.
The Board of Directors recognizes that this is a problem and is asking all Homeowners to be on high alert.  If you notice any suspicious activity before, during, or after pool hours, please contact the Washington County Sherriff’s Department immediately.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Department is aware of this problem.  Since the incident on July 31st, they have been patrolling the neighborhood during late afternoon/evening shift as well as the early a.m. shift. 
Please direct any questions and or concerns to Casey Groff with Community Development, Inc. at 763-225-6498 or
Thank you,
Master Board of Directors
Victor Gardens Community Association 

August 7, 2008

Construction of Clinic Building Expected to Resume

The nearly completed, vacant commercial building located on near Victor Gardens main entrance may soon resume construction.  A Pharmacy may eventually take up some of the retail space within the building.  The tall weeds were trimmed on the property this week as reports of an agreement between Fairview and Northern Lights Pediatric Clinic were published in Hugo's The Citizen newspaper.  Click here to read Deb Barnes story.

August 6, 2008

A Great National Night Out

Thanks for all who planned and participated in this year's National Night Out in Arbre Park!  Shannon Bailey received the Chilli Champion's Apron and a laurel of chili peppers for her winning entry.  Thanks also to our special guest judges including Hugo's Fire Department, our Washington County Sheriff, William Hutton, and all the Washington County Sheriff's Deputies.

July 24, 2008

Reporting a Problem

Please report (non-emergency) pool related problems, broken sprinklers, and other landscaping issues directly to Victor Gardens Community Manager, Casey Groff.  (763)-225-6498 .  
After reporting to Casey, residents can "Post a Comment" to this message, letting everyone know that the problem was reported.  This will hopefully reduce confusion, and duplicate reports.

July 14, 2008

Annual VG Garage Sale

A group of us are trying to get a neighborhood yard sale organized for all of Victor Gardens (townhomes and single family residents).  People are encouraged to have it in their own garages and we'll all chip in for advertising and sign costs.  Depending on the number of entrants, most likely the cost will only be $5/person.  Advertising will be done in The Citizen, White Bear Press and St. Paul Pioneer Press.  Here are the dates/times we'll be having the sale.  Please note you do not have to be open during all of these dates/times.  Several families are just going to be open on Saturday. Thursday, July 31st 7:30-1:30 Friday, August 1st  7:30-1:00 Saturday, August 2nd 7:30-3:00 Please email Julie Bixby at if you are interested in participating in this sale.  Folks that help pay for advertising and sign costs will be included in the map that is handed out to attendees of the sale so people know which houses are participating.  Rain or shine...we will be having the sale on these dates and during these times.  Let's hope for sunshine and a great turnout, though!

July 13, 2008

SFV Board Meeting Reminder July 14, 2008 @ 7:00PM

Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board of Directors will be meeting Monday, July 14, 2008, at Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center - 7:00PM.  The SFV Board will review and discuss recent Master Association Board decisions, and how they impact SFV residents.  Other important topics will also be on the Agenda.  A draft Agenda is available to view and download by clicking here.

July 8, 2008

Casey Groff named new Community Manager

Casey Groff is Victor Gardens Community Association's (The Master Association) new Community Manager, replacing Gina Higgins.  Thank you to Gina for your service to our community.  

Casey's and other contact information can be found on our Contacts page.

Master Board Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, July 9 - 6:00PM

Victor Gardens Community Association (The Master Association) Board of Directors meeting is set for tomorrow night, Wednesday, July 9, 2008 6:00pm at the City of Hugo's Rice Creek Centre – 6900 137th St. , Hugo, MN.  Homeowners are welcome to attend and may address the Board during the Homeowner Forum portion of the meeting.  The Agenda appears below:

Meeting Agenda

1)     Call to Order

2)    Approve Agenda

3)    Review and Approve Minutes from Last Meeting (June 2, 2008)

4)    Homeowner Forum

5)     Management Financial Reports

a)     Balance Sheet

b)    Income Statement

c)     Accounts Payable

d)    Water Bill Reimbursement from Sub-Associations (Status)

6)    Communication and Committee Reports

a)     Presidents Report (Dan Sjoquist)

b)    ARC Report (Status Update)

c)     Website Committee (Mark Vlker)

i)      Master Board Approval

d)    Landscape Committee Report (Mike Bailey)

e)     Social Committee Report (Julie Bixby)

i)      Activity Center Reservations Procedure (Discussion)

7)     Management Report

a)     Homeowner List (Emailed Prior to Meeting)

b)    Work Order Report

c)     Poets Green Broken Fountain

d)    Mail Box Key Procedure

e)     Activity Center

i)      Cleaning Service

ii)    Initial Cleaning/Upholstery and Carpet/Paint

f)      Entrance Area

i)      Irrigation Issue

ii)    Proposal

iii)   Fountain

g)     Mulch Plan

h)    Tree Plan

i)      Management Agreement

8)    New Business

9)    Review of Action Items

10)  Set Date for Next Meeting

11)   Adjournment