
December 10, 2013

Snow Removal Update 12/10/13

An snow removal update this morning:
We drove thru Victor Gardens this morning and looked at the Townhomes and City sidewalks.  With the amount of traffic thru the Townhomes this light snow has just packed down.  The city sidewalk however has really drifted in over the past few days so we are going to send out a guy to get those cleared.

 - from Dan Steuernagel of Birch Lawn Maintenance

December 5, 2013

Snow removal update 12/5/13

Update from Birch Lawn: 

"Overnight and early this morning our crews are finishing up our plowing and shoveling.  This storm brought in quite a mixture of precipitation and steadily falling temperatures with it, and now some extreme wind and dangerous wind[chills]. 

With the very high moisture content of the snow, mixed in with sleet and rain and now the cold temps the snow packed down to form a compacted snow/ice layer.  No matter how we plowed the snow it still left a layer on top of the driveway, sidewalks, and street.  Please be aware that some icy conditions do exist and caution residents to be very careful.  If your property needs to be salted or sanded, please contact our office and we will get it scheduled to be treated."

Residents with questions or specific needs should contact: 
Jennifer Campbell - (763) 225-6462

December 4, 2013

Snow Removal Update 12/4/13

Winter is here!
Our new snow removal provider, Birch Lawn Maintenance, is on it.

Here's an update they sent to our Jennifer Campbell, our Community Manager:

"We have dispatched our crews to do open ups and will transition to full plowing and shoveling upon cessation of a majority  of the snowfall.  During open ups, our goal is to open up the roads and driveways to allow vehicles to access their garages with the intent to return and to complete the plowing."

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Campbell - (763) 225-6462 -

November 27, 2013

Family Evening Out at Flips Gymnastics

Do your kids need to burn off some energy after being cooped in the house with this cold weather?   Please join us for an afternoon of fun at Flips Gymnastics in White Bear Lake.

Sunday, Dec 29th from 3:30-5:00
It is FREE!!!  But you NEED to RSVP by Mon, Dec 9th!

There will be a bounce house, obstacle course, and all of the gymnastics equipment.  Coaches will be on-hand to help the kids and keep them safe.

Please RSVP to Lisa at: or 
call/ text 651-353-2619
RSVP no later than Dec 9th!  I need total number of kids and their ages.  
Sorry parents... you cannot go on the equipment.

Each child needs a waiver.  Waivers can be found at: under events.

November 21, 2013

Victor Gardens Adult Holiday Get Together

What: Victor Gardens Adult Holiday Get Together
When: December 6th at 7pm.  Blue Heron  - Bar Area. 
*Complimentary Appetizer
If possible please RSVP to Kelly at:
or call/ text 651-238-6660

November 19, 2013

SFV boulevard trees may be at risk

As winter approaches, the vendor hired by our Victor Gardens Community Association has expressed concern about low hanging limbs on many boulevard trees in front of our Single Family Village homes.  Snow removal equipment requires at least a 7 foot vertical clearance from the sidewalk.  Many SFV boulevard trees currently don't meet that clearance.  If the equipment doesn't have sufficient room to operate, your tree(s) are at risk of damage.  These low-clearance trees also pose a risk to the snow removal equipment and personnel.
Your boulevard tree(s) are your responsibility, not the association's or the city's.  If your tree is damaged or becomes diseased as a result of branch damage, you, as a homeowner are responsible to replace the tree:

According to Victor Garden's SFV Covenants 10.2.2:
The Owners or Occupants shall mow and otherwise maintain the boulevards adjacent to their Units, including but not limited to maintaining, trimming and replacing trees located in the boulevard adjacent to their respective Units. Any tree located in a Unit or in the boulevard adjacent to a Unit that dies or becomes diseased shall be replaced by the Owner of the Unit with a tree of the same species and of a reasonable size.

This concern is shared by the City of Hugo, and we've posted about this on our Victor Gardens News website and notified residents via email few times.  In fact, last year the City requested a higher clearance (12-15'), but was OK with residents limbing their trees up in a phased, yearly approach.  It's a subject discussed at length here:(see the previous posts)
For the coming winter season, please ensure that there's at least 7' clearance down to the sidewalk on your boulevard trees.  This type of pruning is easy do-it-yourself work requiring little knowledge or tools.  Of course, hiring a professional landscape maintenance company or certified arborist would be another good option.

Victor Gardens is a beautiful neighborhood with healthy boulevard trees.  Let's keep it that way. Now is a good time to prune your trees are heading into their winter dormancy. 

October 13, 2013

Attention SFV Residents!

The Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7:00pm at the existing Colfax model home across from the tennis courts/Val Jean Park. As always, SFV are encouraged to attend.  

October 7, 2013

Lawn Care - $50 Sprinkler Blow Out & Winterization

Shawn Herman, of Classic Lawnscape Inc., is again offering discounted services for VG residents.  Shawn offers a Victor Gardens resident discount to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of individual sprinkler systems. Shawn's offered this service for the last few years.

Shawn's price for blowing-out sprinklers is again $50.00 per home. He plans on performing the work on Saturday, October 19 and possibly Sunday, October 20.

If you'd like to sign-up for this service, please contact Shawn Herman directly at (612) 366-6088 or


October 2, 2013

Master Board Meeting Oct. 9

Victor Gardens Community Association's Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, Oct. 9, 6:00pm at Victor Garden's Neighborhood Activity Center.

September 26, 2013

Guys Golf Night

Thursday, Oct 3rd at Tanners Brook Golf Course in Forest Lake.  Tee-times starting around 4:45.  Drinks and dinner to follow if you wish.  Contact Steve at: 651-262-7813 or  RSVP needed by Sunday! 

September 21, 2013

Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service

Jeff Ambrose has offered his aeration services to Victor Gardens residents for a number of years and does a very professional job. He's offering a Victor Gardens discount rate of $40/per lawn regardless of size. That's less than what most others charge for this service. For do-it-yourselfers, this is a pretty good deal considering the cost of renting the machine, time and effort involved, plus the cost of gas. Jeff did a great job on our lawn over the last seven years, and I would recommend his service.
Core Aeration Promotes Healthy Grass

Call Jeff Ambrose directly at (651) 274-1535. He's currently coordinating a schedule of Victor Gardens appointments.

If you're unfamiliar with core aeration, the U of M Extension Service describes it pretty well, "Core aeration is the best method of dealing with the problem of compaction in the lawn. Aeration promotes moisture and air penetration into soils, resulting in deeper and healthier root systems on the grass plants. ... The best time of year to aerate the lawn is late August to early October. Aeration can be done in the spring but will lead to additional weed seeds being brought to the surface where they may germinate. In fall, weed seeds will also be brought to the surface, but they will not sprout."


September 8, 2013

"Brave" Fall Movie Night- Friday!

Friday, Sep 13th join us for an evening of fun at Valjean Park.

Come as early as you like to get a good spot on the lawn.  Stay for the playground, games, and perhaps a picnic dinner.  

Root beer floats will be served around 7:30.  The "Brave" the movie will start at dark (around 7:45 or 8:00).  Snacks will be served during the movie.  

Come enjoy this fun tradition!

Guys Golf Night

RSVP needed!  Thursday, Oct 3rd at Tanners Brook Golf Course in Forest Lake.  Tee-times starting around 4:45.  Drinks and dinner to follow if you wish.  Contact Steve at: 651-262-7813 or

September 1, 2013

Everton Bridge New Landscaping Project Completed:

The Everton Avenue Bridge, which connects parts of VG's Single Family Village and VG's Creek Side Villas, has newly completed landscaping on all four corners.  Turf grass has also been extended and irrigation lines run to all areas.

Neighborhood Structures Repainted

Most of Victor Gardens gazebos, arbors, structures and postal stations were repainted over the last few weeks.

Beaver Damage Update

Jennifer Campbell reports that the only recent activity found so far this season is otters.  VG's hired trapper is concerned he might catch an otter in the beaver trap so he is going to hold off on any trapping until the season starts in mid-late September since there has been no new beaver activity found.

To report any new beaver damage please contact Jennifer Campbell.

Pool Closes After Labor Day

The Victor Gardens Pool will close for the season after Labor Day. Look for the pool's reopening next Memorial Day weekend 2014.

August 22, 2013

Multi-Family Garage Sale

Friday Aug 23rd 8-6pm and Sat 8-2pm
Along Everton and Provence Way Hugo
Items include: toys, kids clothing, furniture

August 20, 2013

Root Beer Floats- Wed, Aug 21 - CANCELED!

Unfortunately we were unable to find volunteers for tonight's ice cream event so it has been canceled.

Future events needing volunteers:
- Ice Cream Night: date TBD (you volunteer, you pick)
- Fall Movie in the park: Fri, Sep 13.
* 1 volunteer needed to start and clean-up charcoal grill for a neighborhood potluck.  Grill should be ready to cook on from about 6:00-7:30.
* 1 volunteer needed to coordinate electronics and screen.  TRAINING PROVIDED!!!

Do YOU have an idea for a future event?  Bowling.  Cookie decorating.  Skating Party.  Golf outing.  If you are willing to help organize an event let us know and we will help with funding and advertising.

Please contact Lisa at to volunteer or with suggestions.  Thank you!

August 14, 2013

Garage Sale

Neighborhood garage sale
Aug 23rd and Aug 24th from 9-5 pm each day.
Provence Way and Everton Ave - just south of Hwy 14 / Frenchman Road

August 6, 2013

National Night Out- THANK YOU!

THANK YOU!!!  Thank you to the volunteers who made the event run smoothly!  Thank you to the sponsors who helped make the event bigger and better!  Thank you to the businesses who showed us samples of what is available in Hugo.  Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and came out for a great party!  With the quick clean-up due to lightning the sign-up sheets were lost.  If you are willing to help with the ice cream night on Wed, Aug 21 or movie night on Fri, Sept 13 please e-mail Lisa at  Thank you neighbors!

July 30, 2013

National Night Out - Tues, Aug 6th

National Night Out is Tuesday, Aug 6th.  Our celebration will be held at Arbre Park from 6-8pm.

Come enjoy a wonderful evening of FREE activities including:
- Two bounce houses
- Glitter Tattoos
- Professional Face Painter
- Professional Crazy Hair
- Police and Fire Visits
- Local Business coming to advertise their products and services
- Lorenz Dance Studio Demo at 6:30pm
- Ultimate Martial Arts/ USA Karate Demo at 7pm
- Free cake, snacks, and beverages

Don't want to make dinner?  No problem!  Grundhofer Meats is coming with their grill to sell brats for only $2/ brat!  

A few local businesses will be on hand to promote their products/ businesses.  Learn what your community has to offer and consider supporting a local business.

We still need some volunteers (THANK YOU to everyone who has already volunteered).  Still needed:
3 people: Set-up.  Meet at Pool house at 5:00.
1 person: Glitter Tattoos 6-6:30
2 people Glitter Tattoos 6:30-7
1 person: Bounce House Monitor 7-7:30
1 person: Food Table 7:30-8
1 person: Bounce House Monitor 7:30-8
4 people: Clean-up at 8:00 until done.

Please consider giving a half hour of your evening to help with this wonderful neighborhood event! If you are free to volunteer please contact Kelly at: or call/ text 651-238-6660.

Goetz is collecting donations for the Hugo Food Shelf.  Please bring non-perishable food items and/ or monetary donations to the Goetz table to restock the Hugo Food Shelf.  Thank you!

Special Thank Yous!
Janine at KinderGardens for sponsoring one of our bounce houses
John Roehrich at Homes Mortgage for sponsoring our food
Julie Bixby at Edina Realty for sponsoring our glitter tattos
Goetz for collecting food donations for the Hugo Food Shelf
Living Waters Church for sponsoring bottled water.

July 26, 2013

Security Reminder

A resident asked that this message be sent along to their neighbors...  It's a good reminder.

In the summer months I know many of us leave our homes, cars and/or garage doors open, sometimes while we are away quickly.  Please make sure that you are putting your property in your garages and shutting them as well as locking your home’s doors and windows that are easily accessible.  There was a moped theft from a driveway in the Victor Gardens Neighborhood Monday July 22nd

July 22, 2013

Missing Hugo Man

On 07/21/13, at approximately 2149 hours, the Washington County Sheriffs Office responded to the 13000 block of Europa Tr. in Hugo to take a report of a missing 75 year old male. The male left his residence a little after 1900 hours to go for a walk and has not been seen since. The male is Radivoje Ray Novakovic and was last seen wearing a maroon shirt, khaki pants and a brown hat. Novakovic is approximately 5'6", 160 lbs and has grey/white hair. Novakovic has been diagnosed as being diabetic, mild Bi-Polar and has been known to get disoriented.

The Washington County Sheriffs Office and fire personnel from Hugo, Forest Lake, Centennial Lakes and White Bear Lake are currently searching for Nakaovic.

At this time, there is no indication of foul play and the Washington County Sheriffs Office is not requesting volunteers to assist searching, but if you reside within walking distance from Novakovic's residence, we ask you to check your property for him. Call 911 if seen.

July 18, 2013

Root Beer Floats Tonight!

Root Beet Floats this Thursday, July 18th from 6:30-7:30 at the pool house. THANK YOU Darcy for volunteering!

July 17, 2013

Master Board Meeting Tonight, 6:00pm

Victor Gardens Community Association
3rd Quarter 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
July 17, 2013 6:00pm
Victor Gardens Activity Center
Meeting Agenda

1) Call to Order
2) Review and Approve Minutes from (4/10/13) Meeting (Secretary to sign)
3) Homeowner Forum
4) Consent Agenda
a) Semper Fi, Jardin Fountain pump replacement, Jardin Fountain monthly maintenance,
annuals for 2013, Lake Mgmt Victor Pond contract, Floating Fountain Victor Hugo pond
– Dulcet, Improvements at bridge near Creek Side-Goetz, appoint Al Kasper to the ARC,
tree replacements – Birch, clock tower replacement - Elements
5) Management Financial Reports
a) Balance Sheet
b) Income Statement
c) General Ledger
d) Accounts Payable
e) Investment Schedule
6) Management Report
a) Work Order Report
b) Shannon to provide report on findings of pond responsibility on north side
(interest in installing a fountain)
c) Follow up on beaver activity and progress with FTTH cable
d) Trim Painting Bid Analysis
e) Poets Green
i) Irrigation and mulch
ii) Fountain Inspection
f) Management of downed trees – discussion
g) Bid out current land/snow agreement – discussion
h) Request to change wording on number of guest rules at the pool
7) Committee Reports
a) ARC Committee
i) ARC Fining Policy?
b) Long-term Planning Committee
c) Social Committee
d) Landscape Committee
8) Review of Action Items & Time Frames for Completion
9) Set Date for Next Meeting (10/9/13)
10) Adjournment

Everton Bridge Landscaping Progress Report

Despite being approved by the Master Board in the Spring, a series of delays has postponed Goetz's installation of the bridge's landscaping.  At this point, irrigation pipes must be bored under the road before the other work can begin.

July 10, 2013

Model Home Furniture For Sale

The Nest is selling some furniture from its recently sold model home.  A few nice pieces are available.  

Prices and photos can be found on this Craigslist post:

Pool Access and Small Balances

Having trouble getting into the pool?  You might have a small owing balance to the Association and not know it.

It is important to keep your account current in order to avoid late fees and to maintain your access to the pool. The Governing Documents state that a late fee can be assessed and pool privileges revoked on any amount overdue.

Please understand that the Association depends upon receiving all assessments in full and on time for the continued smooth running of the community.

If you have any questions about your account do no hesitate to contact the Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell at 763.225.6462 or via email at

Jennifer Campbell
Senior Community Manager
Community Development, Inc. – An Associa® Company
7100 Madison Ave W, Golden Valley, MN 55427
O: 763.225.6462
F: 763.225.6463

After Hours Emergency Answering Service 651-229-3592

July 3, 2013

Upcoming Events

We hope you are enjoying your summer. There are a number of fun neighborhood events coming up and we would love it if you would be willing to volunteer an hour of your time. Mark your calendar for the events and please consider helping us out. We can't do it without you!

- Thursday, July 18th 6:30-7:30 Root Beer Float Night at Pool House ** 2 Volunteers needed** (Arrive about 10 minutes early to set-up, serve ice cream and enjoy talking to neighbors).

- Wednesday, Aug 21st 6:30 - 7:30 Root Beer Float Night at Pool House ** 2 Volunteers Needed**

- Friday, Sep 13th Dark - Movie Night in Valjean Park. ** 2-4 Volunteers needed. 1-2 volunteers to set-up/ serve snacks during movie. 1 volunteer to set-up projector, sound system, and screen (training provided!!!). Ideally 1 volunteer to man grill so we could do a potluck before the movie!

- Tues, Aug 6th 6:00-8:00 Arbre Park. ** MANY volunteers needed! Bounce houses, games, food, glitter tatoos, police/ fire visit and more. About 6 volunteers needed from 5-9 in half hour blocks. If we cannot get enough volunteers we will need to use part of our budget to hire someone to work the shifts.

** Two very special THANK YOUS for National Night Out!!! We have some awesome neighbors!

- Thank you to KinderGardens for sponsoring one of our bounce houses
- Thank you to John Roehrich at Homes Mortgage for sponsoring our food!
- Friday, Dec 6th evening. Adults night at Blue Heron Grill. ** No volunteers needed.

Other possible events
- Guys golf outing
- Family Holiday event: Santa Visit, cookie decorating, sleigh rides???
- Wine tasting

Please let us know if you are interested in organizing any of the above events. We will provide a budget and advertising.

Please contact:
Kelly at or 651-238-6660
or Lisa at 651-646-2658

If you are willing to volunteer or have ideas for future events.
We need your help to make these events happen!


Lisa and Kelly

June 28, 2013

Birch Lawn Maintenance Installing New Trees

Over the next few days, you may notice Birch Lawn's red trucks and crews replacing sick and damaged trees throughout the neighborhood.  This is part of the Board's ongoing maintenance of VG's public spaces.

Clock Tower Improvement

The broken clock in VG's clock tower has now been replaced with a new VG sign.  Now, what do we call a clock tower without a clock?

Application Package for New Home Construction Updated

Victor Gardens Community Association's Architectural Review Committee (The ARC) has improved it's forms for those interested in building a new home in Victor Gardens.

Those interested in building a new home should start on this website's ARC Page.  The updated, July 2013 version of the Application Package for New Home Construction is linked from there.

Changes to the previous document include:
  • A Concept Review requirement (not a suggestion).
  • Applications and supporting documentation are now required to be submitted as PDF digital files.  Builders are requested to combine as many documents as required into one or two PDF's. 
  • Clarification of the steps:  Concept Review first,  Architectural Application second, then followed by Color and Landscape Applications.

This Time... It's Really Fixed

This past week, our pool's electronic key fob system has seen a number of persistent difficulties.  Jennifer worked to solve these with a vendor who wasn't able keep up.  (Long story). She's now working with another vendor who understands the issues better and is more responsive.  The new company fixed the problems.

This time it's really fixed.  

So, to the non-neighborhood swimmers who've enjoyed free pool access through an open gate last week:  It was good while it lasted, but that can't continue.

Victor Gardens residents and their guests should resume only admitting themselves and their guests with their fobs.  Please don't allow anyone else through the pool's entry door.  The service gate will be locked again too.

If your fob doesn't work, there's a chance that something else is going on.  In those cases, please contact:
Jennifer Campbell, CMCA, AMS,
Victor Gardens Community Manager
Direct: (763) 225-6462

Note: Jennifer will be out of the office and unable to return emails or voicemails June 28th - July 8th.  If you require immediate assistance during this time please contact Katie Lynch at 763.225.6430 or via email at

Victor Gardens pool as it appears
on "Skynard Saturdays".

June 20, 2013

Pool Key Fobs - Update

Victor Gardens Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell has been in contact with the service provider that maintains the electronic key fob entry system.  The system reportedly is working as intended and is back to normal.

Individuals who are having difficulties with their key fobs should contact Jennifer directly:
Jennifer Campbell, CMCA, AMS,
Victor Gardens Community Manager
Direct: (763) 225-6462

Please remember:
  •  The Master Board revokes pool privileges and disables key fobs if owner's dues/assessment accounts aren't current.  
  • Do not open the pool door for anyone other than your family or up to four guests.
  • A date stamped video recording system and unique electronic key codes assist the Community Manager in determining who is using the pool at any given time.
  • Please be aware that in the past, the Master Board has revoked pool privileges for owners/families/guests who allow others into the pool area.  
  • Privileges are revoked for rules violations.
  • Please also remember one of the pool's rules that some aren't following: Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.

June 19, 2013

Pool Key Fobs Temporarily Not Working

A few minutes ago, a pool key problem was reported to our Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell.  She's already working with a vendor on a solution.  

Our Victor Gardens Community Manager the best person to report problems to:

Jennifer Campbell, CMCA, AMS,
Victor Gardens Community Manager
Direct: (763) 225-6462

June 18, 2013

Businesses wanted for Night to Unite- August 6th

Dear Local Business Owner,

I would like to invite you and your business to Victor Garden’s Night to Unite (National Night Out) celebration. Night to Unite is Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 from 6-8pm. Our celebration will be held at Arbre Park in Hugo. Our neighborhood social committee has been hosting a large neighborhood party during Night to Unite for more than five years. We typically have more than 300 people who enjoy visiting with neighbors, bounce houses, food, visits from police and fire, and more. Each year we strive to make it bigger and better. This year we would like to invite local businesses to advertise or sell their products during the event. If you are interested in setting up a table we are asking for a $25 donation to help offset the cost of the event. 

Please let us know if you are interested in advertising your business at Night to Unite in Victor Gardens. 
If you are unable to attend, but would still like your business advertised, please let us know.
We are thankful to KinderGardens Child Development center for donating one of the bounce houses at the event this year! 
We are so thankful to have such great businesses within our community!

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Kelly Farrell
Co-Chair, Social Events Committee
Victor Gardens

Lisa Houchins
Co-Chair, Social Events Committee
Victor Gardens

June 16, 2013

Root Beer Float Night- Tuesday, June 18th

We need your help to make the root beer float night happen this Tuesday, June 18th from 6:30-7:30 at the Pool House!  We need a volunteer by Monday night in order for this event to run.  An easy and fun activity for the whole family... set-up a table, serve ice cream, keep food out of the pool area, visit with neighbors and clean-up.  Please contact Lisa at if you can help.  We also need volunteers for ice cream nights on Th, July 18 and Wed, Aug 21st.  Thanks for your help!

June 10, 2013

“What Do I Do When My Child…?”

“What Do I Do When My Child…?”
Presented by Jamie Waldvogel, MS, BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Owner, Behave Your Best, LLC
Our most important role as parents is to teach our children all about the world around them. Behave Your Best, LLC is committed to empowering parents to transform even the most challenging parenting moments into teachable moments. In this workshop, we will discuss reasons why children engage in unwanted behaviors, and how to respond so as not to strengthen the unwanted behavior. Parents will also learn how to teach their child more appropriate behaviors to replace the unwanted behaviors.

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013, 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
KinderGardens, 14665 Mercantile Drive N, Hugo MN 55038
Sign-Up sheet located at KinderGardens Front Desk
OR RSVP: 612-224-1051
$10 per person or $15 per family
Behave Your Best, LLC is on Facebook

June 6, 2013

Neighborhood Garage Sales

Thursday June 6- Saturday June 8th
8am - 5pm

**Address Participating (times open may vary slightly) ** 
14336 Poets Green N
14348 Poets Green N
4482 Rosemary Way #4
4478 Rosemary Way #1
4494 Rosemary Way #7
4577 Victor Path #8
14251 Arbre Ln N
14223 Arbre Ln N
14341 Garden Way N
4545 Garden Way N
14069 Jardin Ave N
4455 Cosette Ln N

Kids Clothes
Women's Clothing
Baby/Infant items 
Games/ Puzzles
Movies (VHS and DVD)
Household items
Sporting Goods/ Bikes
Furniture/ End-Side Tables/ Decorative Pillows
Pet items
Kitchen Items/ Dish Set
Yard/ Gardening Items
Much Much More!!!

May 24, 2013

Garage Sales Coming Soon!

June 6-8th will be the annual Victor Gardens Garage Sales.  Please contact Kasey at if you are interested in hosting a sale.  Check the website the week of the sale for a list of sales, a map, and times.  This weekend was chosen for sales because it is Hugo Good Neighbor Days and the Clearwater Creek Garage Sale.  Busy weekend in Hugo!  Mark your calendars.

Pool Opens Today!

Have fun.
Play nice.
Leave your beer bottles at home.
And please, don't open the door for others. 

Pool Opening Day
Victor Gardens, 1921

Victor Gardens Pool Rules
Updated 2012
  2. The swimming pool and water park are for the exclusive use of the members of Victor Gardens Community Association and their guests. The maximum number of guests per household is four.
  3. The Victor Gardens Community Association, its officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for injuries.
  4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
  5. People who cannot swim must wear lifejackets while in the pool.
  6. Diving, running, wrestling, horseplay and throwing objects are absolutely prohibited.
  7. Showers are required before entering the pool.
  8. Persons who have infections or communicable diseases must not enter the pool.
  9. Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
  10. Smoking is not allowed in or around the pool area along with the Activity Center.
  11. No Food or Glass bottles are allowed in the pool area.
  12. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area.
  13. Drunkenness is not allowed and any intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool area.
  14. In order to keep the pool area pleasant for everyone, radios, tape players, CD players and other audio devices must be played only with earphones. Loudspeakers are prohibited.
  15. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
  16. Pool hours are 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. (during pool season) Lap Swim: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, Open Swim: 10:00 am to 9:00pm
  17. All pool toys must be removed from the pool each night; toys left in the pool will damage the pool’s mechanical system. (No Inflatable flotation devices are allowed in the pool except water wings, life jackets or infant/small children flotation seats.)
  18. All access to the pool area must be through the Activity Center. The gate is to be used for emergency purposes only.
  19. Spitting, spouting water from the mouth, and blowing noses in the pool are prohibited.
  20. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke anyone’s pool privileges for not following these pool rules.
  21. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors may amend these pool rules at any time, without notice. You can contact Community Development for the most current and up-to-date rules.
To report unauthorized pool access, dangerous situations or vandalism, contact the Washington County Sheriff.
  • Emergency: Dial 911
  • Non-Emergency: Dial (651) 439-9381
Key fob and facility access questions should be directed to VG's Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell at (763) 225-6424 or

May 20, 2013

Olive Branch Adult Night Out

Last day to RSVP for the Adult Night at Olive Branch!!!   The Olive Branch is an oil, spice, and vinegar shop. Come sample their products and enjoy an evening of appetizers and drinks visiting with neighbors. Th, May 23rd from 7-9pm.  RSVP to Laura at TODAY!!!

May 15, 2013

Teaching Your Child To Listen the First Time

“Teaching Your Child To Listen the First Time”
Presented by Jamie Waldvogel, MS, BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Owner, Behave Your Best, LLC

Our most important role as parents is to teach our children all about the world around them.
Behave Your Best, LLC is committed to empowering parents to transform even the most challenging
parenting moments into teachable moments. In this workshop, we will discuss reasons why children
don’t consistently listen, and how to break down the complex skill of listening into teachable
components. Each family in attendance will receive one complimentary 15-minute follow-up phone
consultation 1-2 weeks after the workshop.

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013, 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
KinderGardens, 14665 Mercantile Drive N, Hugo MN 55038
Sign-Up sheet located at KinderGardens Front Desk
OR RSVP: 612-224-1051
$10 per person or $15 per family

Missing Advertising Signs

Missing signs.  Does anyone have knowledge about one of our swinging advertising signs?  We have had two signs go missing from the end of Jardin Ave near Cedar in the past year.  We hope it is some kids playing a prank.  Please bring them back!!  Drop them off at Valjean Park or the pool house... no questions asked.  One of the signs was vandalized with green paint (on one side of the white part that gets the letters)... it should be easy to recognize.  Thank you for your help!

May 14, 2013

Victor Gardens "Preferred Styles" for New Home Construction

There are a number of “Preferred Styles” noted in Victor Gardens Residential Design Guidelines. Victor Gardens Application Package for New Home Construction instructs builders to "design [home plans] using modern floor plans with an architectural theme." Preferred home styles include "Colonial, Victorian, Federal, Farmhouse, Cape Cod, Tudor, Stick, Shingle, (early) Prairie School, and Arts & Crafts Bungalow."

Follow this link (also found on the ARC page) to a brief guide to the styles and a few visual references:

Craftsman / Arts & Crafts

Prairie Style



May 10, 2013

Where Did I Leave That Pool Key?

Don't wait until Memorial Day to look for your electronic pool key fob.  If you can't find yours, a replacement may be available through our Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell.  Be prepared to pay for it though...  they're not cheap to replace.

Victor Gardens Pool will be opening Memorial Day Weekend, May 24
Our Victor Gardens pool is restricted to residents and their guests only. Admission is by an issued electronic key fob. Residents must accompany their guests. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the pool opens for "lap" swimming at 6:00 am, "open" swimming at 10:00 am and closes every night at 9:00 pm. No lifeguard is on duty.

Neighborhood Activity Center & Pool Rules – 
Updated 2012
  2. The swimming pool and water park are for the exclusive use of the members of Victor Gardens Community Association and their guests. The maximum number of guests per household is four.
  3. The Victor Gardens Community Association, its officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for injuries.
  4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
  5. People who cannot swim must wear lifejackets while in the pool.
  6. Diving, running, wrestling, horseplay and throwing objects are absolutely prohibited.
  7. Showers are required before entering the pool.
  8. Persons who have infections or communicable diseases must not enter the pool.
  9. Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
  10. Smoking is not allowed in or around the pool area along with the Activity Center.
  11. No Food or Glass bottles are allowed in the pool area.
  12. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area.
  13. Drunkenness is not allowed and any intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool area.
  14. In order to keep the pool area pleasant for everyone, radios, tape players, CD players and other audio devices must be played only with earphones. Loudspeakers are prohibited.
  15. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
  16. Pool hours are 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. (during pool season) Lap Swim: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, Open Swim: 10:00 am to 9:00pm
  17. All pool toys must be removed from the pool each night; toys left in the pool will damage the pool’s mechanical system. (No Inflatable flotation devices are allowed in the pool except water wings, life jackets or infant/small children flotation seats.)
  18. All access to the pool area must be through the Activity Center. The gate is to be used for emergency purposes only.
  19. Spitting, spouting water from the mouth, and blowing noses in the pool are prohibited.
  20. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke anyone’s pool privileges for not following these pool rules.
  21. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors may amend these pool rules at any time, without notice. You can contact Community Development for the most current and up-to-date rules.
To report unauthorized pool access, dangerous situations or vandalism, contact the Washington County Sheriff.
  • Emergency: Dial 911
  • Non-Emergency: Dial (651) 439-9381
Key fob and facility access questions should be directed to VG's Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell at (763) 225-6424 or

ARC Meeting on May 14

The Master ARC will be meeting with five different builders/owners on May 14.  The ARC will be holding a few Concept Review discussions, a few Architectural Applications, and one Change Application.  The meeting starts at 6:30 at Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center.  Homeowners are welcome to attend.

Utility Box Needs Repair

The sinking utility box near VG's Neighborhood Activity Center has been reported to Xcel Energy.  They're sending a crew out in the next 5-10 days to evaluate (and hopefully correct) the problem.

New Pool Heater - No More Chilly Swims

As many reported last season, the pool wasn't very warm.  The problem was identified and a new pool heater was installed and has tested well.  Jennifer Campbell will meet with the pool maintenance company on May 15, to ensure it's ready to go on opening day; May 24th.

Clock Tower - Broken Clock to be Replaced with VG Sign

The Master Board voted this week to accept a bid to remove the non-working clock in the tower and replace it with a "VG" logo sign.


Jennifer Campbell reports that the Beaver Wrangler Jeff started this week and will keep her apprised of any activity.

$40 Spring De-Thatching/Raking Service

Bud Schneider is offering discounted machine de-thatching/raking services again this spring.  Tony Schwab has negotiated group rate pricing with Bud.  The cost is the same this year as in previous years: $40 per yard. 

Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for the last few years and he's done a great job.  Sure beats raking by hand!

Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 429-6896.

Disclosure Statement

Quality Window Cleaning - Flat Rate Offer for Residents

Quality Window Cleaning is offering a special $175 flat-rate for Victor Gardens Single Family Village residents. This price includes cleaning all windows, screens and doors inside and outside. This is the same company Tony Schwab has recommended for a number of years, and reports of their work were very positive. Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519.

Similar flat-rate discounts were offered last year for Condo residents.  Last year's $100 Condo price included cleaning all windows, screens, and doors inside and outside.   This offer extended to the Villas, Gables, North & South Village, etc...  

Please contact Grant Dahl at (763) 656-8519 for more info.

May 9, 2013

Lawn Care - Irrigation Start-Up $60 - Local Business Profile

Again this spring, Shawn Herman, of Classic Lawnscape is offering residents group rates for irrigation start-up services.  

For $60 per yard*, Shawn will:
  • Start up your system
  • Check your irrigation controller
  • Check all sprinkler zones
  • Adjust sprinklker heads as necessary
* This flat-rate offer good for start-up of between 1 and 8 zones.  A few residents may have a few more zones, requiring more time.  Contact Shawn for pricing on those additional zones.

When you set up your appointment, make sure that Shawn has access to your irrigation controller to start-up the system.  The controller box may be in your garage or basement.

If he finds any problems requiring repairs, Shawn will inform you.  He charges $65/hr for repair work plus the cost of materials.  Of course, he'll OK all potential fixes with you first. 

Shawn is well known in the neighborhood for the quality work he does blowing-out and winterizing many of our sprinkler systems.  It's not unusual for Shawn to do this service for more than 30 of our neighbors.  He's top notch.  I've even called him in the dead of winter for advice- after a friend's sprinkler system filled with water and froze up.

Contact Shawn at (612) 366-6088 for details and scheduling.

Disclosure Statement