In an effort to share with everyone VG's officially recorded governing documents, I've posted links to these here on the Victor Gardens News website. You can find the Master Documents on the Associations Info > Master Association's Info Page and the SFV Documents on the Associations Info > Single Family Village Info Page.
December 6, 2017
Recorded Governing Documents
On October 25's Single Family Village Board Meeting, during a covenants/rules discussion, a homeowner shared with the board a covenant/rules related document he'd been given years ago. It was the first time the board members had seen the document. Following the meeting, we asked our Community Manager, Colleen Brown to check into it. As it turns out, the document had never been officially recorded, although it was passed out by VG's original developer to homeowners.
December 5, 2017
Oct. 25 SFV Board Meeting recap
At our last Victor Gardens Single Family Village (SFV) Board Meeting, we heard opinions from many homeowners and had a good discussion about the association, our covenants / bylaws/ rules, and overall communication about our neighborhood. A few of the key takeaways we’ve continued discussing as a board are below.
- Association Documentation - We’ve been working with Colleen to review the most recent versions of the covenants, bylaws and rules. We’re planning on making them all available to residents through this website - more updates to come when we reorganize the Association document pages.
- Rules & Violations - There are a few key points around our rules and violations. Everyone agreed to the covenants and rules when moving into Victor Gardens; the rules are in place to ensure the standards in our our neighborhood continue to be met. Everyone should adhere to the rules (but, as noted above, everyone needs to know what those rules and violation procedures actually are). We’re going to be posting more reminders and quick explanations of the overall rules to help everyone understand what the actual rules are.
- ARC Request & Approval Process - The SFV ARC approval process needs to be refined and streamlined. We’re actively talking about the process, and looking at other homeowner association websites / landscape change forms to make the process easier. The feedback will also be more descriptive regarding landscaping changes. Once we have updates to the process, we’ll post them to this website and update the applicable pages.
It was clear at our Board Meeting that there’s great passion for our neighborhood - to make it better, to improve our relationships as neighbors and build a community we’re proud of. Thanks, to everyone at the meeting who make their opinions known - the Board is excited to continue working with everyone.
- Written by JW, posted by MV
December 4, 2017
North Village Request
Important: Action Required
To all our fellow members of Victor Gardens,
if you have voted already THANK
YOU if you have not PLEASE VOTE. Your vote is critical.
If you do not have a ballot or
need more information please contact Dana Lincoln at or myself and
we will provide you with both.
Thank you in advance for voting.
Ted Erkenbrack
North Village at Victor Gardens
Condominium Association
Association President
4410 Rosemary Way #2
Hugo, MN 55038
Telephone 651-429-9340
Cell Phone 612-860-1478
November 15, 2017
Villas at Victor Gardens Construction Update
Villas at Victor Gardens Residents:
Below is an update on current construction work at Villas at Victor Gardens. Questions should be directed to Maureen Porter at 763-225-6488 or Thank you for your continued patience!
"We will be finishing up the last building of roofing this
week. Siding and gutter repairs have begun and will be following behind the
roofing. Scheduling of screen repairs and garage door replacement will begin in
the upcoming weeks. Notifications will be provided to each affected Homeowner."
Construction & Maintenance
November 14, 2017
Welcome Colleen Brown!
I started Victor Gardens News in 2007 in an unofficial effort to better communicate with residents. Over the years I've posted over a thousand blog messages relating to our community. Along the way, I've had the privelege of working with many dedicated volunteers.
Today I'm pleased to announce that Victor Gardens Community Association's first-rate Community Manager, Colleen Brown will become a guest author on this blog. She'll post information that's relevant to everyone, in all of Victor Gardens sub-associations.
Over the last few weeks, I've updated a number of Victor Gardens News' pages. I'll continue to do that in the weeks ahead to ensure the content provided is up-to-date and accurate.
- Mark V
October 27, 2017
Snow Removal 2017-2018
If today's weather has you wondering who's handling your association's snow removal services this winter, please visit the Snow Removal page on Victor Gardens News.
Single Family Village Association Residents:
Clearing individual homeowner's driveways and sidewalks to the front door are the responsibility of individual homeowners. The City of Hugo plows city streets. Association-owned alleys/carraigeways and public sidewalk snow removal services are provided by Birch.
Condo Association Residents:
Single Family Village Association Residents:
Clearing individual homeowner's driveways and sidewalks to the front door are the responsibility of individual homeowners. The City of Hugo plows city streets. Association-owned alleys/carraigeways and public sidewalk snow removal services are provided by Birch.
Condo Association Residents:
If you have questions or concerns about snow removal, please contact your individual sub-association's Community Manager. They're listed on the Snow Removal page. The Community Manager is in the best position to understand what your sub association's snow removal contract provides, whether or not your contractor has communicated their action plans, etc.. They should be fully informed on what your snow removal contractors are doing. If there's a problem in your area, they can address it directly with the contractor. Keep in mind that the City of Hugo plows city streets, which can affect association plowing (and vice versa).
Please keep in mind that there are always challenges with large scale snow removal. As often happens, regardless of whether a contractor takes care of your snow for you or you shovel yourself- inevitably the City plow undoes your work and leaves a hard pile of snow at the end of the driveway and sidewalk.
With as much snow as we often see, it's never going to be perfect at any given time of day. A balance to find the right time to plow must be found. Plow sidewalks too early and the City plow will undo the work. Wait for the City plow, and anger folks who can't get out of their driveways in the morning.
With as much snow as we often see, it's never going to be perfect at any given time of day. A balance to find the right time to plow must be found. Plow sidewalks too early and the City plow will undo the work. Wait for the City plow, and anger folks who can't get out of their driveways in the morning.
October 20, 2017
Schedule for Irrigation Winterizations
I received the following message from Shawn Herman regarding sprinkler blow-out services this weekend. - MV
I am attaching the approximate schedule for this weekend. Saturday has grown to the point that I will have help for the day to get through the list in a relatively timely manner. The timeline may fluctuate a bit since this is the first time I will have two machines running on Saturday. Sunday appears to be more manageable with one machine.
In order to accommodate everyone in a relatively timely manner just a few reminders for everyone.
Please have the water supply to the irrigation system turned off before we arrive. Clear access to the controller. Payment ready when the winterization is finished for $50.00 cash or check made out to Shawn Herman.
If there are any changes, additions or deletions, email or text today. Call or text 612-366-6088 on Saturday / Sunday since I will not be monitoring email during the day.
Saturday, Oct. 21st
8:00 AM
Saturday, Oct. 21st
8:00 AM
Poets Green
14382 Poets Green
14348 Poets Green
14336 Poets Green
8:00 AM – 10:00AM
14348 Poets Green
14336 Poets Green
8:00 AM – 10:00AM
Garden Way South to Jardin
14322 Garden Way
14282 Garden Way
14262 Garden Way
14252 Garden Way
14246 Garden Way
14176 Garden Way
14322 Garden Way
14282 Garden Way
14262 Garden Way
14252 Garden Way
14246 Garden Way
14176 Garden Way
10:00 – 11:30
14160 Garden Way
14142 Jardin
14136 Jardin
14096 Jardin Ave.
14105 Jardin Ave.
14143 Jardin Ave.
11:30 – 1:00
Garden Way / Arbre
4391 Garden Way
14241 Arbre Lane
14251 Arbre Lane
4344 Arbre Lane
4362 Arbre Lane
4376 Arbre Lane
1:00 – 2:30
Garden Way North from Arbre to Victor Hugo Blvd.
14303 Garden Way
14325 Garden Way
14351 Garden Way
14326 Cosette Way
14220 Val Jean
3:00 – 4:00
4545 Garden Way
14256 Cosette Lane
14292 Cosette Lane
3:00 – 4:00
14622 Grantaire Lane
14313 Grantaire Lane
4540 Val Jean
4:00 – 5:30
4503 Cosette Lane
4489 Cosette Lane
4477 Cosette Lane
4429 Cosette Lane
4:00 – 5:00
4464 Cosette Lane
14319 Victor Hugo Blvd.
14338 Cosette Way
Sunday Oct. 22nd
11:30 AM
4653 Val Jean
4685 Val Jean
12:30 PM – 1:30
Everton Ave
14415 Everton Ave N
14435 Everton
1:30 – 3:30
4704 Provence Way
4672 Provence Way
4636 Provence Way
4611 Provence Way
4667 Provence Way
4662 Val Jean
1:30 – 3:30
4704 Provence Way
4672 Provence Way
4636 Provence Way
4611 Provence Way
4667 Provence Way
4662 Val Jean
4377 Garden Way
4377 Garden Way
October 18, 2017
SFV Board Meeting set for Oct. 25
The next SFV Board meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 25 at Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center starting at 6:30pm. A homeowner’s forum will be held at the beginning of the meeting. Residents will be encouraged to share their opinions, ask questions, etc. during this portion of the meeting.
October 5, 2017
Another auto break-in
Today, we received a note from a resident whose car had been broken into last night and a purse stolen. Be vigilant against break-ins:
- Garage your car if possible.
- Lock your car, close windows
- Take your keys with you
- Never keep valuables inside.
- Stow phone charging cords, navigation, adapters and other items attractive to thieves.
- Leave your home's exterior lights on overnight.
October 4, 2017
Irrigation Winterizations
Fall is in the air and it's again time to winterize your irrigation system. Shawn Herman with Classic Lawnscape has been offering our neighborhood a group rate of $50/ lawn (cash or check payable to Shawn Herman). The group rate will be valid the weekend of October 21 and 22. THIS PRICE IS ONLY GOOD ON THIS WEEKEND.
Other times can be scheduled if this does not work for you but regular season rates will apply.
This is the tentative route he would use for the weekend based on last year numbers to help give residents a rough estimate of where they would be on the schedule.
On Sat. the 21st the route starts at about 8 AM on Poets Green then to Garden Way West side of street heading south. Around Jardin to Garden Way (usually mid morning), up Arbre, and around to catch the east side of Garden Way(usually early afternoon). Then head east around to Cosette Way and take Victor Hugo down to Garden Way. Go around the Park and back up the east side of Cosette Lane (mid to late afternoon) around to Victor Hugo. From there I will head east down Val Jean to the Bridge. Depending on response I will probably stop here due to darkness.
On the 22nd the start time will depend on number of participants. It probably would not be before 11 am. I would begin again on Val Jean from the bridge heading east to Everton. North on Everton, east side of street, to Provence. Around Provence back down west side of Everton to Val Jean. Then west down Val Jean to the Bridge.
As usual timing/scheduling will be totally dependent on the number participating and if there are any unforeseen problems encountered during the day.
Please contact Shawn directly with questions or to signup.
Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.
Cell/text – 612-366-6088.
September 22, 2017
Master Board meeting set for Oct. 11
The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Community Association (The Master Association) Board of Directors will be Wednesday, Oct. 11. The meeting will start at 6:00pm in VG's Neighborhood Activity Center. Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
September 16, 2017
SFV Board Meeting set for Sept. 22
Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association will meet Friday morning, September 22 at 7AM at the Activity Center. A proposal to increase the sub-association's level of professional management and associated costs will be discussed along with the budget.
September 8, 2017
Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service
![]() |
Core Aeration Promotes Healthy Grass |
Jeff has offered his aeration services to Victor Gardens residents for a number of years and does a very professional job. He's offering a Victor Gardens discount rate of $40/per lawn regardless of size. That's less than what most others charge for this service. For do-it-yourselfers, this is a pretty good deal considering the cost of renting the machine, time and effort involved, plus the cost of gas. Jeff's done a great job on our lawn over the years, and I would recommend his services to anyone.
Call Jeff Ambrose directly at (651) 274-1535. He's currently coordinating a schedule of Victor Gardens appointments.
If you're unfamiliar with core aeration, the U of M Extension Service describes it pretty well, "Core aeration is the best method of dealing with the problem of compaction in the lawn. Aeration promotes moisture and air penetration into soils, resulting in deeper and healthier root systems on the grass plants. ... The best time of year to aerate the lawn is late August to early October. Aeration can be done in the spring but will lead to additional weed seeds being brought to the surface where they may germinate. In fall, weed seeds will also be brought to the surface, but they will not sprout."
August 25, 2017
Lawn advertising signs not allowed
The Victor Gardens Single Family Homeowners Association Board reminds owners that signs advertising contractors, roofing services, schools, etc. are not permitted. "For Sale" and signs are allowed. Please remove non-permitted signs to avoid violation letters and fines associated with Master Covenants Section 7.18.
7.18 Signs. No sign or comparable device of any kind shall be placed, erected or maintained on the Property except (i) one customary unlighted "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per Residential Unit or CIC Unit (except corner Units shall be permitted one such sign per side of the Unit that fronts on a street) of not more than eight square feet advertising the Unit for sale or rent, (ii) not more than two (2) unlighted "For Rent" signs per Apartment Village Unit of size and location approved by the A.R.C., (iii) within eight (8) weeks prior to an election date, two unlighted political signs of not more than eight square feet per sign, (iv) not more than twice per year, and limited to five days each time, not more than two signs per Residential Unit or CIC Unit, each of not more than eight square feet, advertising a yard sale, (v) signs placed by the Master Developer, a Village Declarant, a Village Developer or a builder to advertise the Property, Units or Dwellings during the construction and sales period, and (vi) the permanent entrance signs and monuments erected by the Master Developer, Apartment Village Owner, Village Developer, or Village Declarant to identify the Property.
August 21, 2017
SFV Board meeting tonight at 7pm.
Tonight’s Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner’s Association (SFV) Board meeting starts at 7:00pm at VG’s Neighborhood Activity Center. A portion of the beginning of the meeting will be set aside for a Homeowner Forum. Owners wishing to volunteer as board members, ARC committee members, etc. are requested to attend. Topics covered will include:
- Discussing costs, benefits, downsides with upgrading the SFV’s management contract with Associa MN to “full service”. SFV contract is currently “finance only”.
- Recent board actions taken regarding Master & SFV covenants and rules compliance issues.
- Additional actions the board is considering taking regarding rules and covenants compliance.
- Filling board member vacancy
August 9, 2017
August 2nd, 2017 VG Master Board Meeting Recap
The quarterly Master Board meeting was held at Hugo City Hall. The below recap details the points discussed and next steps the Master Board and / or sub-association boards are taking in the coming weeks.
Any and all Master Board and sub-association meetings are open for homeowners to join. Those meetings are listed on the calendar linked on this web page (
Homeowner Forum
Topics Raised
- SFV ARC change applications and approval processes
- Boulevard trees, both homeowner and master board maintained
- Violations to bylaws, rules & covenants and necessary actions
- Overall spend on maintenance, pool, landscaping related to master board maintained
- Fountain at Poet’s Green
New Builds at North Village
We heard details about a building (4 units) currently under construction in the North Village and next steps to amend the units into the master association. Those units are being added to the North Village sub association, but the steps to add into the master are more detailed (must have 66% approval from all homeowners in the VG association). Evan Leach will draft a new consent form including a cover with explanation that will be both e-mailed and USPS mailed to all homeowners.
Previous Board Decisions
The board reviewed previous decisions related to landscaping (removal of invasive species, dead trees, pruning in outlets). An outstanding claim for hail damage was also discussed, but Colleen is awaiting more details - all is moving forward properly.
We also discussed reaching out to the Rice Creek Watershed District to discuss invasive species on watershed managed property and how to prevent them spreading further into homeowner properties.
New Business
ARC Applications - We are in the process of reviewing how builders submit applications, the review process and potentially a new process that will validate and confirm plans were followed throughout the build / color / landscape process. The Master Board will continue to refine and communicate changes to new builders via the New Builder Packet and through the VG News website.
Website - The Victor Gardens News website is an accurate source of materials, maintained and authored by homeowners. Associa does manage other websites for associations like ours, and the Master Board voted to move forward evaluating Associa managing a new website for Victor Gardens. More details are to come; the goal is to increase and widen the communications of all boards to the entire association.
Next Steps
SFV Board Meeting - The next meeting is scheduled for 8/21 at 7pm. Topics to discuss are the covenants and rules compliance, process of reviewing Change Applications, a potential change of service with Associa to help the SFV Association with increased oversight and involvement, and upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Neighborhood Walkthroughs - The Board(s) are committed to continuing regular walkthroughs of the neighborhoods to evaluate any common grounds, violations that need action taken and to take note of any necessary repairs to maintain our neighborhood.
Next Master Board Meeting - Tentatively, the schedule puts the next board meeting around 10/11/17. Once finalized, the date will be posted to the website.
As a reminder, if anyone in the association has any questions about the Master Board, ARC boards, sub association boards, please reach out to the Master Board members listed in this recap, or directly to Colleen Brown (
Thanks, and let’s continue to work together to make Victor Gardens our home.
The Master Board
August 3, 2017
SFV Board Meeting set for Aug. 21
The Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors will meet on Monday, Aug. 21, 7:00pm at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center. The Board welcomes your input and participation in these meetings. There will be an opportunity for owners to ask questions and address the Board. Topics for discussion will include:
- Covenants and rules compliance.
- The process of reviewing Change Applications.
- Modifying level of service from Associa, our management company.
- Volunteer opportunities.
July 28, 2017
Happy Hour for Empty Nesters
Victor Gardens Empty Nesters Happy Hour
Monday, August 7th at 4:30
Tria Patio
Monday, August 7th at 4:30
Tria Patio
5959 Centerville Rd., North Oaks, MN
RSVP to Lynn Olson so Tria has enough tables set aside... olsonlynn12@gmail.comJuly 26, 2017
Victor Gardens Master Board Meeting Aug. 2, 2017
Here's a reminder that the Victor Gardens Community Association (the Master Association) Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 6pm. The location for the meeting has been changed to Hugo City Hall.
Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. At the beginning of the meeting, the Board welcomes your comments, concerns and questions during the Homeowner Forum.
A number of topics will be covered over the course of the meeting. Today, the agenda was shared:
Victor Gardens Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 2, 2017 6pm
Hugo City Hall – Oneka Room14669 Fitzgerald Ave N, Hugo, MN 55038
6:00pm Regular Session/Call to Order
I. Homeowner Forum : Single Family Homeowners (30 minutes total)
II. Special Agenda Item – New Builds at North Village and Master Association
A. Evan Leach, Attorney
B. North Village Board Members, Ted Erckenbrack (President)
A. Evan Leach, Attorney
B. North Village Board Members, Ted Erckenbrack (President)
III. Approve Board Meeting Minutes
A. May 10, 2017 2-4
A. May 10, 2017 2-4
IV. Ratify Board Decisions
A. Approval of buckthorn eradication behind 14241 Arbre 5
B. Approval of additional treatment to Amur Maples 6-7
C. Approval of river birch removal and pruning in outlot 8
D. Approval to move forward with attorney Evan Leach for NV new builds 9
E. Approval to file claim from June 11 hail storm
i) Maureen Porter to facilitate
A. Approval of buckthorn eradication behind 14241 Arbre 5
B. Approval of additional treatment to Amur Maples 6-7
C. Approval of river birch removal and pruning in outlot 8
D. Approval to move forward with attorney Evan Leach for NV new builds 9
E. Approval to file claim from June 11 hail storm
i) Maureen Porter to facilitate
V. Treasurer’s Report
VI. Old Business
A. City versus private responsibilities
B. Activity Center refresh – homeowner input and plan
A. City versus private responsibilities
B. Activity Center refresh – homeowner input and plan
VII. New Business – none at this time
VIII.Management Report
A. Work Order Report
B. Discussion of 2018 goals and projects 13
C. Review of annual calendar
A. Work Order Report
B. Discussion of 2018 goals and projects 13
C. Review of annual calendar
IX. Adjournment – confirmation of next meeting date
A. October 11, 2017
A. October 11, 2017
7:00pm Executive Session/CTO
(Discussion and action on matters of delinquencies, violations, contract, personnel and legal matters)
June 16, 2017
Security problems reported
Along with summer comes the season of neighborhood thefts and vandalism. Over the years this activity has increased somewhat and residents are urged to take extra care. It's already started with at least two known recent driveway car break-ins.
- If you see something, say something. Dial 911 to report suspicious activity.
- Leave your exterior porch/deck/garage lights on overnight.
- Close your garage doors, even when you're home.
- Secure your car, garage it if possible. Never leave keys inside.
- Lock your home and set your security system.
- Secure gas grills. LP gas tanks are targets for thefts.
April 29, 2017
April 10, 2017
$40 Spring De-Thatching/Raking Service
Bud Schneider is offering discounted machine de-thatching/raking services again this spring. Tony Schwab has negotiated group rate pricing with Bud. The cost is the same this year as in previous years: $40 per yard.
Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for the last few years and he's done a great job. Sure beats raking by hand!
Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 334-8793. Please note there is a new phone number this year.
Many residents have been hiring Bud Schneider for the last few years and he's done a great job. Sure beats raking by hand!
Please contact Bud Schneider at (651) 334-8793. Please note there is a new phone number this year.
April 5, 2017
March 23, 2017
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Victor Gardens Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Petting Zoo will be held on Sat, April 8 at 4:00 in Arbre Park. Don't be late! The eggs go fast. Bring a basket or bag to collect your eggs. Petting Zoo will follow the egg hunt.
We need your help!!! There are over 1500 eggs to fill. Please join us on Tuesday, April 4 at 7:45 to fill eggs.
February 2, 2017
Valentine's crafts and treats
Saturday, Feb 11 from 10:00am - noon please join your neighbors at the activity center (pool house) for some Valentine's Day crafts and treats.
RSVP appreciated but not necessary. RSVP to Kasey at 763-300-5683 or
RSVP appreciated but not necessary. RSVP to Kasey at 763-300-5683 or
January 27, 2017
Adults Gathering, Friday Feb. 24
Now that the holiday season has passed, we hope you'll join us for our "Last Friday in February Adults only Gathering."
Friday, February 24
Blue Heron Grill
See you there!
January 16, 2017
Winter Coat Drive
Baby it's Cold Outside!! Tryg B., one of Victor Gardens' boys has a special request for you and your family. Tryg says, "I'm concerned about our homeless population in MN. They spend a significant time outdoors. I would like to ensure that they have warm outdoor gear to protect themselves from the weather." He's organizing a Winter Coat Drive, and is collecting new (or no longer needed) teen/adult sized coats, hats, mittens, and boots.
Tryg will be collecting your donated items. He'll then bring them to the Dorothy Day Center for distribution. You're welcome to drop off donations to Tryg's front porch ( 14318 Cosette Way N., Hugo, MN 55038 ) anytime between now and 4pm January 27, 2017.
Please look through your closet, ask around, and let's all help Tryg in his effort. Thanks!