
December 29, 2009

Snow Removal Update

Victor Gardens Community (Master) Association Board of Directors and management company, Community Development Inc. is aware of recent snow removal problems. The Master Association is responsible for snow removal within common areas and areas including Victor Gardens Single Family Village. Julie Bixby and I contacted Casey about these problems a few days ago. Presumably Casey Groff, our Community Manager with Community Development Inc., also received reports from homeowners in the last few days. Although her office was closed for a holiday break , Casey spoke with Goetz Landscape by phone. Julie Bixby and I also received emails, phone calls, and a few comments were posted on the website.
Since I hadn't heard any updates, I phoned my contact at Goetz this afternoon. The following was the latest info from Goetz (as of today 12/28/09): Snow removal started in some areas after the storm stopped, but crews ran into heavier than expected snow. When the City plow came through the snow on the streets ended up on the sidewalks and froze solid. 4-wheelers fitted with blade-plows was not enough to move the snow. A bobcat was then used, but other problems arose. Subsequent freezing worsened more difficult removal conditions. Crews were able to dig out around mailboxes and other high-priority areas. At this point, Goetz needs suplemental rental equipment to continue the work (a blower attachment fitted to a bobcat). One is expected to be available to Goetz starting around noon on Tuesday, December 28. This equipment will be used, and is expected to handle the snow without difficulty.
The Board and our management company are aware of the problems. Hopefully the situation will be corrected within the next few days. The Board and our Community Manager will likely discuss the contractor's performance in the upcoming days in the context of our contract. When more information is available I will post it on our resident website

December 27, 2009

Gables Association Info Page Updated

The info page for the Gables Association at Victor Gardens has been updated. Gables residents should be aware of a few changes on the Board and upcoming meeting info. The association's management company has changed names from ARG to Genesis. Rick Pribyl continues in his role of Property Manager.
Please see the Gables Info page for all the details.

December 23, 2009

Christmas trash pickup schedule

Victor Gardens residents whose trash and recycling is usually picked up by Gene's on Friday mornings should be aware of a scheduling change. Trash and recycling will be picked up on Saturday, December 26. Thanks to Mike Bailey and our Assistant Community Manager, Brenda Flagegraff for the info.

December 18, 2009

Potential SFV Builder - Colfax Companies

Last night at the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board Meeting, Ron Mehl explained that his company, Neighborhood Development Partners, LLC is working cooperatively with a few builders to renew interest in the SFV's remaining lots. Colfax Companies is one of those builders.
Colfax has installed a sign on the corner of Victor Hugo Blvd. and Garden Way, near the Val Jean Park's tennis courts. The home pictured on the sign has not been submitted for Master ARC review. Any new home in Victor Gardens will need to be reviewed by the ARC. The hope is that the sign will provide contact information for potential buyers, and open the door towards new construction in the SFV.

December 16, 2009

VG Holiday Open House...Please Donate to the Hugo Foodshelves!

Below is a list of currents needs for the 2 Food Shelves in Hugo that serve our city residents in need. Even if you can't attend the party tonight, please at least stop by and drop off a donation.
pancake mix
pancake syrup
BBQ sauce
salad dressings
cake mixes
cake frosting
Toilet Paper
Paper towels
all canned soup (except tomato)
laundry soap
dish soap
canned fruit

December 15, 2009

Reminder: 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry!' on Wednesday, 12/16

Take a few minutes from your busy holiday schedules and toast your neighbors and friends up at Sertino's on Wednesday, December 16th from 5:30-8:00 PM.
Stop by for a few minutes and enjoy holiday crafts for the kids as well as hot chocolate and XMAS cookies. We will also have wine available to the adults (please note we have a limited budget so once the provided wine runs out, people will need to pay for any additional glasses...sorry!)
Let's also make this event about our other Hugo neighbors. Please plan to bring donations for both Hugo foodshelves. Please check back on later this week for a list of current food shelf needs!
Hope to see you there!!
Any questions, please email Julie Bixby @

December 11, 2009

Santa Visits Saturday, Dec. 12 for Hugo Fire Dept. Food & Toy Drive

On Saturday, December 12, watch for Santa to come through Hugo neighborhoods on a Fire Truck. He and his helpers will be collecting toys and food donations for the "Hugo Fire Dept. Food & Toy Drive 2009" program. Santa will be traveling through the City from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
Donations can also be dropped off at Hugo Fire Hall on December 12, from 10am-4pm.

Volunteer Help needed for Welcome Packet

The Single Familly Board is looking for volunteer help. The Board would like to produce a welcome packet/folder/brochure for homeowners just moving to Victor Gardens Single Family Village.  In the early days of our neighborhood, the former developer CPDC, gave new homeowners an informational packet.  It included some basic facts about Hugo, the neighborhood, amenities, events, local resources, and info to help homeowners understand our covenants.  The Board thought since it had been a number of years since the last packet was sent, it would also be helpful for existing homeowners.  The information collected would also be a great addition to this website.  If you're interested in helping, please let me know.  Thanks!

Website & Calendar Improvements

Victor Gardens News has been updated and reformatted. Among the improvements, the new site can be expanded to accommodate wider screens, making reading the posts easier. Upcoming events and meetings are now posted within a much better Google-hosted Calendar of Events. Readers can view it in traditional calendar view, and in an "Upcoming Events at a Glance" list found on the right side of site's home page. Tech savvy residents can subscribe to new posts and import calendar events into Outlook, iCal, or other popular programs.
To make the information more searchable, many of the old site's pages have been reformatted into posts. Master and sub-association PDF documents, financials, minutes, ARC info, etc can be found by following the "Association Info" links on the home page's right side. Nearly three years of "old" content has been archived, and will be more searchable than ever before.
Inevitably, the upgrades will create some broken links. If you find any or notice any other problems, please report them. Suggestions for improvement are also welcomed.
As always, reader comments are encouraged in the posts. Many of the topics discussed in those comments have made their way into Board and ARC meetings. They have led to improvements at the pool, planting areas, parks and more.

December 10, 2009

Master Board Meeting - Thursday January 7 at 6:00PM

The Master Board has announced its quarterly meeting, set for Thursday, January 7, 2010, 6:00pm at Hugo's City Hall.  In addition to the election of officers, the board will discuss a variety of topics.

A few residents have already informed us of a few items that they would like to be placed in the agenda.  These include parking problems with the Fairview Clinic, re-starting the Landscape/Grounds Committee and noise complaints about the Blue Heron Grill.  It is important for residents affected by these issues to attend the meeting, and share their opinions with the Board.

Reminder: SFV Board Meeting - Thursday December 17 at 7:00PM

The Single Family Village Board is meeting on Thursday, December 17 at the Neighborhood Activity Center.  The meeting will start a little later than it has before at 7:00pm.  This and other future events are now posted on a new neighborhood calendar. The agenda is available here.  Residents are encouraged to attend, and address the Board with any concerns during the meetings Resident Forum.

The minutes for a few recent Master ARC, Master Board, and SFV Board Meetings have been posted with a redesigned resident website

December 9, 2009

New Builder Proposes to Build in Single Family Village

During the last Master ARC meeting, Minks Custom Homes proposed a new home design for Victor Gardens East 6th Addition. Homes in this area, east of Clearwater Creek, has up until now been built mostly by Ryland Homes. Although Ryland had been expected to buy and close on all the lots in the immediate area, it was reported at the last Master ARC meeting that their plans have changed. After construction is complete on Ryland's homes currently under construction, they are not expected to purchase any more lots in Victor Gardens. That's where Minks is expected to step in, and complete VG East 6th Addition.
Minks' first home will be a model with a different front elevation, but similar sides and back for which Ryland had been approved. The infusion of a custom home builder may offer additional architectural diversity. The Master ARC will also be involved with the color approval process and reduce the possibility of color scheme monotony. Minks hopes to complete the model home in time Spring 2010 Parade of Homes.

December 8, 2009

Victor Gardens 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry!' on Wednesday, 12/16

Eat, Drink and be Merry!

Take a few minutes from your busy holiday schedules and toast your neighbors and friends up at Sertino's on Wednesday, December 16th from 5:30-8:00 PM.

Stop by for a few minutes and enjoy holiday crafts for the kids as well as hot chocolate and XMAS cookies. We will also have wine available to the adults (please note we have a limited budget so once the provided wine runs out, people will need to pay for any additional glasses...sorry!)

Let's also make this event about our other Hugo neighbors. Please plan to bring donations for both Hugo foodshelves. Please check back on later this week for a list of current food shelf needs!

Hope to see you there!!

Any questions, please email Julie Bixby @

Snow Removal 2009-2010

It is that time of year again to begin thinking about snow. As you know, your Master Association assessments provide for snow removal services. The Board of Directors has put together this memo so Homeowners will have a clear understanding of the level of service that can be expected this year.

The Board has selected Goetz Lawn as the snow removal contractor for this year’s snow removal season. They were selected because the Board believes they will deliver superior customer service at a reasonable price.

Snow Removal Guidelines
Snow will be removed from the following locations:
• Sidewalks
• Activity Center
• Bus Stops
• Alleys
• Mailboxes (to the satisfaction of the Post Master)
• Fire Hydrants (within 24 hours)
• City Sidewalks (within 24 hours)

Snow Fall Parameters 
2”-4” – All snowfalls of 2” or more will be plowed. Snow removal will begin when substantial accumulation has ceased.

4”-9” – Single storms that are forecasted to produce accumulations of 4”-9” inches will be plowed. Trucks will be dispatched when accumulation reaches 3.5”-4.0” at the job site. A final plowing will be performed when substantial accumulation has ceased.

The Association, working with the Contractor, reserves the right to push/pile the snow anywhere on the common areas where it is most cost effective for the Association. This may mean that areas adjacent to individual units and/or yards may be used for the storage of plowed snow.

Accumulation Clause 
In the event of multiple snowfalls of less than 2”, which in turn accumulate to more than 2”over a period of time, snow removal will commence. Accumulated snowfall of more than 2”requires plowing. Accumulated snow as a result of wind is part of the snow removal contract and is plowed.

Dispatch and Service Times
The Association must recognize this is subject to the rate of snowfall and the time any given snow fall begins. Upon completion of the snow our contract requires that all snow removal operations be completed within twelve hours.

Emergency Contacts 
If a questions or concerns arise regarding snow removal please contact the Associations Community Manager, Casey Groff, at 763-225-6498 or via email at

Homeowner feedback is essential to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Your comments and feedback are much appreciated.

December 5, 2009

Local Business Profile & Offer to Residents - Goetz Landscape

Goetz Landscape is offering snowplowing services for residents in Victor Gardens for a discounted price. The cost to plow the driveway after a 2” or more snowfall will cost only $20.00 with an option of also shoveling the sidewalk for an additional $10.00. If interested please contact Goetz Landscape @ 651-426-2136.

December 1, 2009

City of Hugo Noise Ordinance

Sec. 46-3. Public nuisances affecting peace and safety.

(11) All unnecessary noises which tend to disturb the peace and repose of neighboring residents. In addition the following requirement for amplified sound from motor vehicles shall be met.

a. Amplified sound from motor vehicles. It shall be a violation of this section to play, operate or permit the playing, use or operation of any radio, tape player, disc player, loud speaker or other electronic device used for the amplification of sound, music, or other entertainment, which is located within a motor vehicle on a public street or alley, or in a commercial or residential parking facility, which is plainly audible by any person from a distance of 50 feet or more from the motor vehicle. When sound violating this section is produced or reproduced by any such device that is located in a motor vehicle, the motor vehicle's owner, if present when the violation occurs, is guilty of the violation. If the motor vehicle's owner is not present at the time of the violation, the person who has dominion, care or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation is guilty of the violation. In addition to an owner or a driver, any person who controls or assists with the production, reproduction, or amplification of sound in violation of this section is guilty of the violation.

i. Enforcement duties. The Sheriff's Department shall enforce the provisions of this section.

ii. Civil remedies. This section may be enforced by injunction, action for abatement, or other appropriate civil remedy.

iii. Criminal penalties. Every person who violates any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 or imprisonment for a term of not to exceed 90 days, or both plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. Each act of violation and each day a violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense.

Sec. 46-4. Enforcement--Responsibility and powers.

It shall be the duty of the council to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and the council may, by resolution, delegate to other officers or agencies the power to enforce particular provisions of this chapter, including the power to inspect private premises, and the officers charged with enforcement of this chapter shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the commission and maintenance of public nuisances.

(Prior Code, § 165-050)

Sec. 46-5. Same--Procedure.

(a) Complaint filed. Whenever in the judgment of the city council charged with enforcement, it is determined upon the preliminary investigation or complaint filed with the city clerk that a public nuisance may be maintained or exist within the city, the city clerk shall notify in writing the person committing or maintaining such public nuisance requiring him to appear before the city council at a specific time and place after service upon him to discuss and explain said public nuisance and its abatement or removal.

(b) Judgment by council. Upon the failure of said persons to appear or after said preliminary hearing if in the judgment of the city council it is determined by its investigation that a public nuisance is being maintained or exists within the city, the city clerk shall notify in writing the person committing or maintaining such public nuisance to remove such conditions or remedy such defects.

(c) Notification to abate. Said preliminary and final written notice shall be served on the person committing or maintaining said nuisance in person or by certified return receipt requested mail. If the premises are not occupied and the address of the owner is unknown, service on the owner may be had by posting a copy of the preliminary or final notice on the premises, or both, to take reasonable steps within a reasonable time to be designated in said notice, but the maximum time for the removal of said nuisance after service of said notice may be proved by filing an affidavit of service in the office of the city clerk setting forth the manner and time thereof.

(d) Noncompliance. When an order so given is not complied with, such noncompliance shall be reported forthwith to the council for such action as may be necessary and deemed advisable in the name of the city to abate and enjoin further continuation of said nuisance.

(Prior Code, § 165-060)

Sec. 46-6. Abatement of nuisance by council.

If, after such service of notice, the person served fails to abate the nuisance or make the necessary repairs, alterations or changes in accordance with the direction of the council, the council may cause such nuisance to be abated at the expense of the city and recover such expenditure by civil action against the person served; or, if service, as herein defined, has been had upon the owner or occupant, by ordering the clerk to extend such sum as a special assessment against the property upon which the nuisance existed and to certify the same to the county auditor for collection in the same manner as taxes and special assessments are certified and collected.

(Prior Code, § 165-070)

Sec. 46-7. Penalties.

Any person who shall cause or create a nuisance, or permit any nuisance to be created or placed upon, or to remain upon, any premises owned or occupied by him, and any person who shall fail to comply with any order made under the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction thereof,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(Prior Code, § 165-080)

Master ARC Meeting Minutes Now Available

June Fulton has generously volunteered to record the minutes of recent Master ARC meetings. They have been posted on the Master Association Info page. Thanks June!

November 17, 2009

SFV Board Meeting Dec. 17, 7PM

The next Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, December 17 at 7:00pm. The location has not yet been determined. An agenda will be released prior to the meeting.

November 13, 2009

Builders Downsize the Dream - from the Wall Street Journal

Here's a interesting Wall Street Journal article describing a new approach in home building:

November 9, 2009

Your Opinion Requested

An agenda for the next Master Board meeting has not yet been set. As of today, the next quarterly Board meeting has not been scheduled either. I thought now might be a good time to ask if there were any items that residents would like to bring to the Board's attention. Of course, its usually better if residents bring up the questions themselves during the meeting's homeowner forum. Sometimes that isn't always practical though. Please feel free to add your constructive comments to this post. I'll ask that the comments be used to draft the upcoming Master Board meeting agenda. I'll start it off with a few questions I've been asked by residents since the last meeting. Thanks for your participation.
Please be aware that architectural and landscape issues in general will not be discussed much at the Master Board meetings. Those question are better addressed in writing to the Architectural Review Committee, who have decided to meet at separate monthly ARC meetings.

Master ARC Meeting Agenda Available

The Master Association's Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will be meeting tomorrow evening, November 10,6:00 PM at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center.
The meeting agenda is available (here).

October 29, 2009

Centex Drops Effort to Build in Victor Gardens

According to the City of Hugo, as reported to me by a resident yesterday, Centex is dropping plans to build new homes within Victor Gardens Single Family Village. The merger of Centex with "The Nation's Largest New Home Builder", Pulte Homes, was cited as the reason for Centex's change of plans. Further research confirmed that Victor Gardens was removed from Centex's website.

Regularly Scheduled Master ARC Meetings Planned

In an effort to improve the Master Architectural Review Committee's process of reviewing new home plans and new landscape applications, a number of meetings have been scheduled. The meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month. Other additional Master ARC meetings may be scheduled as needed.
The next ARC meetings will be:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 6PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center
Tuesday, December 8th, 2009, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room.
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room. Tuesday, February 9th, 2010, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room.
Sertino's Cafe doesn't have their 2010 calendar available yet. Julie Bixby work with them next month to schedule ARC's regular meetings further into 2010.

Master ARC Meeting Minutes - October 22

The Master ARC met on October 22. June Fulton generously volunteered to take the meeting's minutes. They can be found on the Master Association's page, along with other Master documents, financials, minutes, and contact information. You may also view/download the meeting's minutes by clicking on this link:

October 20, 2009

The Emphasis on Architecture

From the inception of this neighborhood, Victor Gardens' developer and builders often described the importance of historically styled homes, attractive landscaping, and a "Traditional Neighborhood" design approach. These all took a prominent role in Victor Gardens sales pitches, brochures, and websites.
In addition to the marketing approach, the developer, builders, homeowners, and the City of Hugo literally signed-on, and formalized this approach in the form of governing documents. As a result, all were required to comply with the same set of "rules" designed to complete the idea.
More recently, with the downturn of the housing market, homeowners became concerned about the Master ARC and Board's willingness to maintain the commitment to those documents and ideals. Some expressed concerns at Board Meetings and with City officials.
I thought it might be helpful for everyone to understand what the governing documents require, and which documents need more subjective judgement. The covenants, bylaws, disclosure statements, etc. are relatively straight-forward. Other documents, such as the Design Guidelines are not "black and white". They are, however, essential to clarify what's appropriate for this neighborhood.
For the benefit of all, and to keep some of these "rules" straight, we've developed a document that summarizes a lot of the architectural information found in the governing documents. As a reference point, I think it may be very helpful:
It's clear that a comprehensive "Traditional Neighborhood" approach does not appeal to everyone. It isn't meant to. The vast majority of most other suburban neighborhoods don't look like Victor Gardens- and that's perfectly appropriate. Some might think Victor Gardens' "rules" are too restrictive or rigid. Others understand that they're in place to preserve the character that began here years ago.
- Mark

October 16, 2009

SFV ARC/Board Meeting Minutes Posted

Minutes for the most recent SFV Board & ARC meetings are now available on our Single Family Village page.

Master ARC Meeting - October 22

The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Community (Master) Association Architectural Review Committee will be held at 6:00pm on Thursday, Oct. 22 at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center.
There currently are no pending applications for the ARC to review. The meeting is expected to be a workshop between Board/ARC members, and a time for the ARC to further develop an architecture and landscape checklist based on the Covenants, Landscape Requirements, and Architectural Design Guidelines.
At this point, it is unclear whether the Board/ARC will open the meeting to homeowners.

SFV Volunteers Needed for Resident Welcome Packet

The Single Family Village Board is looking for talented volunteers to help with a "Welcome Packet" for new (and existing) residents. Years ago, CPDC gave welcoming packets to new residents, and the Board was hoping to revive a good idea, and update it with new information.
Do you have writing, marketing, or publishing talent? Do you have ideas that would be helpful for residents old and new? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mark to volunteer. Thanks!

Mark Youngdahl's Opinion of Centex's Home Plans

For those who have asked to see it, I have shared my copy of the Centex plans for new homes in Victor Gardens' Single Family Village. A few weeks ago, after seeing my copy of Centex's second ARC submission, Josh Berger asked Mark Youngdahl to provide his opinion of the plans. Mr. Youngdahl's firm, Senn & Youngdahl, is one of the founding builders in Victor Gardens' Single Family Village.
During last night's SFV Board/ARC meeting, Josh provided copies of Mr. Youngdahl's written opinion report to the Board/ARC members. The document was placed into the meeting record.
You can view/download copies of the opinion letter by following this link: Youngdahl opinion letter

October 15, 2009

Goetz Landscape Contracted for Snow Removal

The master Board has agreed to hire Goetz Landscape of Centerville for snow removal this winter. The contract includes Victor Gardens sidewalks, postal stations, and bus stops.

October 6, 2009

Upcoming Master Board/ARC Meetings

For those interested, especially those homeowners who advocated greater transparency at last night's meeting, I will continue to announce the dates and times of future Master Board meetings. I will also begin to announce dates and times of future Master ARC meetings. Neither has meetings scheduled at this time, but when information becomes available, announcements will be posted on this website.

SFV Board Meeting Oct. 15, 7PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center

The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association Board and (SFV) Architectural Review Committee will be held on Thursday, October 15 at 7:00pm.
Residents who wish to address the Board are encouraged to do so during the meeting's homeowner forum.
Update: The meeting agenda is available for viewing/downloading at this link:

Master Board Meeting Notes

Notes from last night's Master Board meeting (not official minutes):
Victor Square pond problems:
The Board was presented a proposal to repair Victor Square pond problems. The Board was interested in obtaining the original engineering documentation as a starting point. Based upon that information the Board will take a few steps towards repairing the problem.
Questions about Board and ARC member's votes, proxies, openness of meetings, etc.:
The Board took steps to ask Pat Brinkman's (the attorney who wrote our Bylaws and Covenants) opinion about four items related to Board members eligibility to vote for more than one association, Board proxy voting, ARC meeting openness, and ARC voting proxies.
Election of a President:
The Board tabled the election of Board President. The Board will meet again in the near future, likely just prior to the next ARC meeting to elect a president when (hopefully) all the Directors are in attendance.
Homeowner Forum:
A large number of homeowners attended the meeting. Residents raised a few subjects for the Board to consider. One resident proposed hanging baskets from the arbor at VG's front entrance. The remainder of the residents spoke about their concern for the ARC process related to new building in the Single Family Village. Each of the Board's Directors answered a question, and offered their own perspective on a recent letter addressed to Centex. The letter had caused confusion among the Board/ARC and the City of Hugo. Regardless of the letter's wording, the Board/ARC members agreed that Centex was expected to submit to ARC another round of more detailed submissions, including site surveys, CAD drawings, etc.
Financial Reports:
Financials were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Mark submitted notes from a meeting with Scott Anderson, Hugo's public works director related to tree replacement, turf grass condition, and other City and Association maintenance responsibilities. Discussion was postponed in the interest of time.
Pool Committee: Discussion was postponed in the interest of time.
ARC Committee:
The Board discussed shortcomings of the ARC process flowchart in the absence of a Committee Chair/President. Mark pointed out that the ARC's members had voted by majority to approve an application without group discussion and without following the Landscape Requirements. Mark agreed to clarify the difference, in the form of a checklist, between requirements and guidelines. The checklists will contain non-subjective requirements (Covenants, Landscape Requirements) and items within the Victor Gardens Architectural Guidelines that can be viewed subjectively. The Board/ARC will review the checklists, review and edit as necessary and use them in upcoming reviews of architecture and landscaping applications. The Board advocated a special ARC meeting in the near future where this would be discussed. The Board hoped that this could be accomplished before the next Centex submission was received.
Management Report:
Goetz Landscape was unanimously approved to provide snow plowing service this winter.

October 5, 2009

Website Updated

Victor Gardens News website's Master Association page, Single Family Village page, and Villas page have been updated with meeting minutes, updated financials, and contact info.

The Master Association page now also includes minutes from a recent ARC meeting. Going forward, Master ARC minutes will be posted to the page in the future.

Victor Square, Arbre, and Val Jean Parks Maintenance Update

In early September I met with the City of Hugo's Public Works Director Scott Anderson to discuss the maintenance of the three city-owned Parks. The Master Association and the City share maintenance responsibilities with our parks.

You can view/download the notes from the meeting, including itemization of responsibilities by following this link. More parks information can also be found at the bottom of this site's Master Association page.

October 4, 2009

Villas Condo Association Hires Community Development Inc.

The Villas at Victor Gardens Condominium Association has hired Community Development, Inc. as its management company. Casey Groff will serve as the Villas' Community Manager.

Community Development Inc. also serves as the Master Association's management company, in addition to other Victor Gardens sub-associations.

September 30, 2009

Master Board Meeting Agenda Released

The agenda for upcoming Monday evening, October, 5 2009 Master Board Meeting is available for viewing and downloading. The meeting will begin at 6:00pm at the Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center. Please follow this link:
The meeting is open to all. Residents are encouraged to ask questions of the Board during the Resident Forum.

Website Updated - Association Pages, Contact Info changes.

The Association Details section of the website have been updated to include new contact information, and other information.

Master Board/ARC Approves Landscape Plan without Group Discusssion

The Master Board, sitting as the Master Architectural Review Committee has just voted by majority to approve a new landscaping plan submitted for one of the newest Single Family Homes. Two Single Family Village representatives on the Master Board/Master ARC shared their viewpoints and questions with the rest of the ARC committee via an emailed checklist, but did not vote to approve. It was hoped that the group could come together in some form and discuss the details of the application prior to voting.
Four other representatives on the Master Board/Master ARC did not discuss the application with all the other members of the committee either by email, phone or by meeting. No group discussion among the Board Members/ARC Members took place.
Len Pratt voted to approve as submitted.
Todd Stutz voted to approve as submitted. (He asserts that he has two votes)
LaVonne Fitzgerald voted to approve as submitted.
Jason Lanpher abstained.
Julie Bixby voted against approval.
Mark Vlker did not vote.

September 25, 2009

Master Association Board Meeting - October 5.

The next meeting of the Victor Gardens Community Association Board will be held at 6:00PM, Monday, October 5, 2009. An agenda will likely be released a few days prior to the meeting. The location for the meeting is the Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center.
Residents who wish to address the Board directly will have the opportunity during the Resident Forum.
9/30/09 Update: View/download agenda via this link:

September 16, 2009

SFV Board Meeting Reminder Thursday 9/17 @ 7PM

The agenda for Thursday night's Single Family Village Board Meeting is now available to view/download here.
Residents who wish to address the board are encouraged to attend and speak during the resident forum.
Single Family Village Board of Director's Meeting Thursday, Sept. 17 - 7:00PM Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center

September 15, 2009

Pool Closed for the Season

The Victor Gardens Pool is closed for the season. Thanks to volunteers on the Pool Committee, many of the problems we had last year were prevented. Look for the Pool's reopening next Memorial Day weekend 2010.

September 8, 2009

Centex Submits Second Set (Concepts) of Plans to Master ARC

Following an (Master) Architectural Review Committee meeting with Centex a few weeks ago, Centex altered some of the plans they originally submitted to the (Master) Architectural Review Committee. These are multiple variations on proposed plans for 23 Neighborhood Development Partners-owned lots in the Single Family Village. A second round of (apparent) concept drawings by Tim Whitten of Whitten Associates was sent to members of the ARC last week. ARC will meet with Centex, Neighborhood Development Partners, and Tim Whitten September 15 for the next round of review. To see the plans for yourself, please contact your neighborhood's representatives on the Master Board/Master ARC.

SFV Board Meeting Sept. 17, 7PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center

The next Board meeting of the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association will be held September 17, 2009 , 7:00PM at the Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center. An agenda will be released in the next few days. Please check back later for those details.

Pool Gate Lock- Some Keys Not Working

There were a handful of keys that residents reported as non-working as a result of recent maintenance on the Victor Gardens Pool gate lock. Our Community Manager, Casey Groff has sent out a few replacements already to residents that've experienced trouble with their keys.
Please contact Casey Groff if you've been having trouble with your pool gate key.

Casey Groff, Community Manager, Community Development, Inc.

7100 Madison Avenue West, Golden Valley, MN 55427

Office: (763) 225-6400, Direct: (763) 225-6498

Email: Website:

September 5, 2009

Victor Square Weed Control

The Master Board approved funding for weed removal and control around Victor Square pond to be performed by Goetz Landscape. Work should begin soon.

September 3, 2009

VG Social Committee Announces Back to School Movie Night...Sept 11th

Hugo's first day of school usually means it's our last Movie in the Park of the summer! Please bring popcorn or a snack to share and head over to Val Jean Park at 7:30PM on Friday, September 11th for a showing of Disney's 'Bolt'. Please check this site the day of the event for any updates in case of bad weather. Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs/blankets! Thanks in advance to Rita Groneberg and Cheryl Viker for organizing this event! Also, a big thank you to Erin Roberts for donating Sara Lee snacks. We appreciate all our volunteers and what they provide to our events and our neighborhood.

Lawn Care - $50 Sprinkler Blow-Out Winterization

Tony Schwab has volunteered to coordinate services with another lawncare professional, Shawn Herman from Classic Lawnscape. Shawn is offering again this year to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of resident's individual sprinkler systems. As many may remember, he offered this service last year also. In the past, he also worked with Tony planting perennials in the neighborhood.
Shawn's price for blowing-out sprinklers will be $50.00 per home. He plans on performing the work on Saturday, October 24th.
If you want this service performed, please Call Tony Schwab (651) 429-2000 (home) to sign up.

August 31, 2009

Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service

Tony Schwab has spoken to Jeff Abrose of Pro-Aire Lawn Service again this year about lawn core aeration services.
"Core aeration is the best method of dealing with the problem of compaction in the lawn. Aeration promotes moisture and air penetration into soils, resulting in deeper and healthier root systems on the grass plants. ... The best time of year to aerate the lawn is late August to early October. Aeration can be done in the spring but will lead to additional weed seeds being brought to the surface where they may germinate. In fall, weed seeds will also be brought to the surface, but they will not sprout." - University of Minnesota Extension Service website
Jeff is offering his aeration service to Victor Gardens Single Family Village residents again this year for a flat rate of $40/per lawn regardless of size. As many of us were his clients last year may know, this is a pretty good deal considering the rental of the equipment (not labor, transportation, or gas) would cost the average homeowner $40 for a day.
Jeff did a great job on our lawn last year, and I would recommend his services to anyone. He's asking interested residents call him directly at (651) 274-1535. He'll likely coordinate a schedule sometime between now (Sept. 1) and the third week of September.

August 25, 2009

Pool Gate Lock

A few residents have told me about a problem they've been having with their pool gate key. The lock on the pool gate was replaced recently, and the new lock should work with everyone's old keys. Unfortunately a few are having trouble with the new key/lock. To troubleshoot the problem, I'd appreciate any reports of non-working keys. Please email me if your key doesn't work. Thanks!

August 18, 2009

Groundwater Issue Update - City of Hugo Will Help With Downscaled Solution

Yesterday, Tony Schwab and a small group of residents met, walked around some of their affected properties, and discussed the next steps for them. Afterward, Tony contacted the City of Hugo's Development Director Bryan Bear. The City of Hugo is interested in helping residents through this situation. Bryan has offered to meet again with the small group of interested residents in the hopes of modifying the formerly proposed Houston Engineering plan. When the meeting is scheduled, I will announce it via this website and the email subscription list.
For those who are still interested in solving groundwater in and around their homes, but have not attended recent meetings on the subject, please call Tony Schwab at (651) 429-2000.
Going forward, the solution to groundwater problems will likely be handled on a case-by-case basis. It will not be solved with a systemic neighborhood-wide approach. Now is the best time for residents with groundwater issues to involve themselves. Those who do not participate in this latest approach may be missing an opportunity of financial and/or engineering assistance from the City of Hugo and the Rice Creek Watershed District. For more information, please contact Tony Schwab.

August 16, 2009

Groundwater Issue - Next Meeting Scheduled for Monday, August 17, 7PM.

The last meeting about the Single-Family Village groundwater issue was cancelled due to bad weather. Tony Schwab has rescheduled the meeting for tomorrow, Monday evening, August 17th at 7PM. The meeting will begin at the ball-field bleacher seats in Arbre Park across Tony's home, near Garden Way and Arbre Ln.. From there the group will do a walk through of some of the affected areas. The meeting is for those homeowners interested in pursuing solutions of groundwater problems. The group will continue working towards a plan to present to the City of Hugo and the Rice Creek Watershed District. Homeowners interested in participating in a potential solution, but not able to attend the meeting should contact Tony Schwab at (651) 429-2000.

Landscaping Concerns & Grounds Maintenance Update

Many residents have expressed concerns about the condition of many of the planting areas in and around our Association-owned common areas and City-owned Parks. Last year, through the efforts of residents volunteers and the Landscape Committee, the group maintained as much as they could without any budget. In many cases, residents generously paid for improvements with their own money.
This year a limited landscaping budget was restored. The Master Board prioritized high-visibility areas that needed the most attention, and hired Goetz Landscape of Centerville to renovate and improve a few key areas. A large amount of the effort and the budget went to repairing numerous broken irrigation systems throughout Victor Gardens, re-purposing the old main entrance fountain, and installing perennial and annual planting beds at Victor Gardens entrances North and South of Frenchman Road, along Everton Avenue near Lake Area Bank, and renovation of landscaping around the Neighborhood Activity Center and Pool.
Many resident and Board Members realize there's more work to left to do. The Master Board is working towards a few important coordinated solutions.
1. The Board approved a bid to remove the weeds around the Victor Square fountain pond this season.
2. The Board will re-form a Landscape/Grounds/Garden Committee made up of resident volunteers.
3. With the help of a new Landscape Committee the Board will maintain, through volunteer and contract help, the areas that were most recently renovated and re-visit the other areas including the planters on the Victor Hugo Blvd. bridge, the Victor Square fountain pond beds, Victor Square planters, secondary entrances, Provence Way Green, Flora Way Green, and Jardin Fountain mini-parks, Postal Stations, Poet's Green, Val Jean Park, Arbre Parks, etc.
4. Mark Vlker and the City of Hugo's Public Works Director, Scott Anderson, will meet in the next few days to discuss the shared maintenance responsibilities of Victor Gardens Parks. A few years ago, the former developer , CPDC met with City officials at a meeting in which some of the responsibilities are clearly spelled out. (View the complete list, and Parks turnover meeting notes at this link). The two will also discuss, among other things, replacement and maintenance of Trees throughout Victor Gardens Parks including Victor Square Park, Val Jean Park, and Arbre Park.
I'd like to take this opportunity to ask concerned residents to review the responsibilities list, and post comments of other areas that might be missing from the list or might need extra attention of the Board and the future Landscape Committee. As always, your constructive comments are welcome. Please take a moment to let us know what we could be doing better.
Thanks, Mark